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Posts posted by holypony20

  1. Knightly smiled. "I agree getting some food would be good. I will pay for peoples stuff if its fine." He looked over to Bluebelle. "If I go with you too Appleoosa I can help you set up stuff at your house Bluebelle if that's fine with your cousin." He looks over to Bramble Rose. "Is it fine with you your cousin will be under my protection. I just want to get your consent because she is your cousin and you care about her more then any other pony here does."

  2. Lol you dont need to be shy in here there are many nice ponies that would love to help you out and everything. *hugs and Kisses you*

    -blushes and huggles-

    But I just siomply dont wanty to make a bad impression. ><;

    And Im glad you commented on here XD

    no problem :D

    and I told you the ponies here are nice and awesome ponies

  3. Tobias bowed to the mare for her saying that she was honored to have him as her first guest. "Thank you that your honored to have me that's very nice of you. And I dont need a nap right now my wing is actually feeling a lot better because of you. I can stay down here and keep you company it seems there's not a lot of activitie here." He enjoyed the company of this mare she was very kind and fun to be around.

  4. I would love to see my new Pegasus in your style it is adorable.

    http://www.ponyisland.net/image.php?typ ... wg&jwg-gen

    He has a scar on his left wing from an accident that's his reason for retiring. If you could put that on there it would be great.

    And I'm not sure what his cutie mark is going to be yet hes going to be a character that's one of the retired Wonderbolts. So if anyone has a suggestion that would be very helpful.

    I might change my request depending if my application goes through so please if you haven't started on mine can you put it on hold?

    I now have my new pegasus character Tobias and If you dont mind I would like you to draw him. Here is the link to the profile and the reference link is still the same.

    Tobias Salil

  5. Knightly sat next to bramble as he unstrapped the sword on his back and leaned it up against the table gently. He always kept it well taken care of. He heard Bluebelle talking about Appleloosa and he was thinking that would be a great place to go to next. "I heard Appleloosa is a great place for travelers I was thinking of going there myself. I dont know if I can join in the train to go there though. I would like to see the place I have been in Ponyville for awhile." He really thought even though he liked Ponyville a lot he should start moving again. He was a traveler and he couldn't stay in one place for a long time.

  6. Your picture of Firefly and Ember is so cute. do you think I can make a request for both of my characters together in a picture I dont care what you make them doing be creative with it. Heres sir knightly theres reference pictures of him in his profile here it is Sir Knightly. Then I have a picture of Tobias Salil my other pegasus caracter but it doesn't have the cutie mark but the cutie mark is explained in the profile which is here Tobias Salil. And then here is his reference picture without the cutie markTobias Pic. If you dont catch it in the profile of Tobias part of his left wing is missing. If you did this for me I would appreciate it very much.

  7. Hmm, this is kinda tough. Lesse...

    Zelda (Ocarina is my favorite, but they're all fun)

    Mass Effect (Pure epic space opera goodness)

    Super Smash Brothers

    Fallout (1 will always be best)

    The Elder Scrolls (Especially Morrowind)

    Warcraft (Grudgingly. I hate WoW, but I keep going back, and I certainly sunk enough time into each Warcraft RTS when they came out.)

    You Tempest, have pretty great taste, it's hard finding people these days who like Warcraft over WoW. *high hoof to that* :3

    Im with you there I like the warcraft games myself. Now for the other franchises I like.


    of course Mass Effect my top favorite of all time

    Legend of Zelda series (playing a link to the past right now)

    Pokemon(hopefully getting black with the NDS light I'm getting for my birthday on the 18th)

    Smash Brothers

    The Elder Scrolls (cant wait for skyrim)


    Diablo games (cant wait for 2)

    Never Winter Nights

    and of course the Warcraft games (played 1,2, and 3 with 3s expansion pack)

  8. "Well it all started with me wanting to get into the Wonderbolts when I was in Junior Flight School. I graduated from the School and I was going to have my tryouts to get noticed for the Wonderbolts the next day. I was flying in the Everfree forest practicing my moves for the tryouts and I heard a pony screaming. I went to check it out and I noticed it was one of my good friends from the Junior Flight School. I told him to run while I distracted the Hydra that was chasing him. That was probably my biggest mistake because the Hydra bit off the part of my wing that is missing now. Well when the Hydra didn't want anything to do with me anymore it walked off. After it walked off I walked to somewhere safe while holding my wing because of the blood that was coming out and the pain. I then fell down and started to cry because of the whole part of my life that was just shattered in mere moments. When I got back to Ponyville the nurse stitched me up and then got the proud mentality that I have now. As long as I have my four hooves I can still go traveling the world. And that my story." He was a little sad of the memories but he didn't let it get him down still.

  9. Well I still think they could get them in this episode and then just have them as a more prominent character with more developed stories as what they do as friends. Them getting there cutie marks doesn't mean they cant still be Cutie Mark Crusaders. I can see what you mean though they where a lot better characters if they still didn't have them and they where still finding ways to get them. I think if they do find them they will find them together because they have always had fun finding them together and that would just be a really awesome way to find them for the three.

  10. So, fun story. My USB ports have pretty much stopped functioning, which means no tablet fun for me, and no drawing until I figure out what's going on. I absolutely will get these drawings done, as soon as I get that nonsense under control, so don't worry if you're on the list, just be patient!

    Until I get the issue resolved I wont be accepting any more requests, since I don't know how long this is going to take to figure out. Also, if anyone has any damned idea why the usb ports would just stop recognizing devices (but not stop supplying power, also my usb mouse works just fine but my tablet, headphones, and ipod/iphone aren't recognized) and how I can resolve that nonsense, please feel free to share your insight.

    I'm sorry I have to tell you all to wait even longer, I know these requests have been sitting around for a week now, and I feel bad for not getting any done, but I will! I promise. Thank you for being patient<3

    That really stinks I'm fine with it dont worry. I have a suggestion not sure if it will help but here it goes. First I would go in and see if the drivers are working properly or if there up to date and also you could try going into the device manager to see if the slots are working properly again not sure if these will work since you said that other stuff work in them but its worth a try. if not there's always somebody that's had the problem and you can check online its always helped me in the past.

  11. He noticed she examined his wing. "Ya I do now and again. Its a beautiful area I love the lake its a great lake. And the people around here can be a great bunch." He smiled as he watched her open windows. "I noticed you where examining my wing I don't mind telling you what happened. It reminds me of stuff I dont like to remember but I don't let it get me down anymore."

  12. I would like to make a request for my new Pegasus character Tobias Salil. I have a reference for him but the reference doesn't have a cutie mark so I would like a picture of him with his cutie mark. maybe also if the person wants to have him doing something in the picture. It doesn't mater what hes doing just be creative. Now here's the reference picture.


    And his cutie mark is a sword pointing down in front of a pair of wings. If you want to look at the application I put out for him here's a link for it.

    Tobias Salil

  13. Knightly clapped at the great musical number that Pinkie pulled off. "That was great Pinkie you are a good singer." He looked over to the strange pony that was talking with Pinkie about Gibberkin's. He whispered to the pony. "Its a good idea that you didn't tell her about Gibberkin's there nasty little creature's." He thought that the pony probably would be surprised that he knew about them but Knightly traveled enough that he has had encounters with them.

  14. "Well the thing is I was looking for a fun and good Inn. to settle down at for awhile so I might be staying for awhile. My name is Tobias and I'm a traveler. I saw your Inn from the road when my wing started hurting more then usual. I thought it looked like a great place to stay." He smiled holding the ice pack on his wing it feeling a lot better right now. He looked like he was a lot more relaxed and happy.

  15. Tobias could see the caring of this pony that she helped him into the Inn. and onto a chair. He also noticed that he was the first one there and could only have the assumption that she was the owner of this establishment. "Thank you but an ice pack would be fine. This is an old wound its just been acting up more then normal lately. Please dont concern yourself to much I don't want to be to much trouble." He really didn't want to be trouble and he didn't want to be the center of attention.

  16. Tobias' wing was hurting a little today for some reason. He wasn't to worried because it would do that every now and then but it was hurting pretty bad now. He saw an Inn. nearby he started going towards it he was holding his left wing a little to try and ease the pain. He saw a Pegasus on the porch in front of the Inn. was probably the owner of the place. Tobias walked up to the stairs. "Excuse me but would you mind helping me into the Inn. please." He was still holding his wing in pain.

  17. these are so amazing Zeph thanks for showing the to me I have so many ponies on my desktop now. I had a situation where the trixie without the costume was face to face with twilight and twilight turned and walked away then trixie turned around and had the sad eyes it was so cute. >.

  18. "Then I will make sure to be myself around her and show her the kindness a knight shows to everyone. I have had a bad past myself I know how that is like. I grew up in Roughrider Ridge and it was no pushover there." He didn't want to go into it to much it would bring back all the memories that he doesn't want to come back.

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