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Posts posted by Derpy

  1. I used to be really addicted to WoW. I was a Protection/Holy Paladin and did Heroic ICC 11/12 10/25m every week. Then towards the end of WotLK they completely screwed over the tanking build for Prot Paladins with the patch (trees implemented before skills) and I just stopped raiding. I eventually quit since I didn't really like the class changes for Cataclysm.

    Recently I started playing WoW again to see the starter quests for Goblin and Worgen while playing with some friends. I had pre-ordered Cataclysm before quitting WoW, so it seemed wasteful not to check it out. I haven't touched my Paladin, but I'd like to get into tanking again. I just don't know what server to transfer to that has a good raiding environment. I wouldn't want to stay on mine since all my friends are gone and it has a huge disparity between Alliance/Horde.

    Anyways, here's my old armory for her. She's in her Holy gear though. D=

    http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/w ... h/advanced

  2. I used to visit Drouhard's blog every day. She's a phenomenal artist, and this book looks amazing.

    I love her blog! She posts so much amazing artwork there. The TLU fanart that she posted recently was gorgeous! I wish I could order prints of them somehow (it is my favorite fantasy novel/cartoon from when I was little). :x

  3. Hey girls (and bronies)!


    I received my pre-order of Brianne Drouhard's "Billie the Unicorn" today and wanted to share it with my fellow MLP fans on the two pony boards I frequent.


    Drouhard is one of Lauren Faust's cartoonist friends and Billie is her latest published work. The intended audience for the book is children, of course; but like MLP, children at heart will find it just as enjoyable (and adorable). =)


    Billie and her unicorn cousins are Drouhard's own unique creation. They each have their own unique talents that suit their personalities, but Billie is a bit more ambitious than the rest of her family and sets out on her own -- encountering a Queen and even robots (how awesome is that?)! The unique character designs and endearing personalities of all the characters would warm anyone's heart, and I think that many MLP fans would be able to appreciate the characters, story, and artwork.


    Drouhard's whimsical art style is the primary reason I purchased the book (which is saying a lot, since it is a book about unicorns, and that should be enough of a reason). *L* Every page is bursting with vibrant color and lush detail. My pictures don't do her art justice -- it really can't be appreciate until you see it in book form! The world that she created for Billie is a mish-mash of fantasy and science fiction, and my hope is that the book will sell well enough to encourage her into making it a series so that we can see more of it.


    These were included as bonuses for pre-ordering. I thought the little pen and makrer doodle was a nice personalized touch. =) It makes me feel like my copy is really special.


    Thanks for reading~

  4. While a pony's identity is tied to her Cutie Mark, she isn't necessarily defined by her Cutie Mark. The Cutie Mark is just a symbol of a skill or hobby that the pony first discovered they were very talented with or passionate about.

    For example...

    Pinkie Pie:

    Cutie Mark - Balloons (talented at throwing parties)

    Hobby: Baking cupcakes and other sweet things.


    Cutie Mark - Jewels (talented at finding gems with her jewel-finding spell)

    Hobby: Sewing and making clothing.

    Twilight Sparkle:

    Cutie Mark - Magic (talented at learning and applying magic)

    Hobby: Reading and studying.

    Etc., Etc.

    That being said...

    The OP's argument is that because Twilight's magical abilities are tied to her knowledge of spells, she is no more "special" than any other Unicorn who takes a similar interest in magic (like Trixie). While it is possible that Trixie matched Twilight in magical ability, one lesson we learned from the same episode was that Trixie's abilities were no replacement for Twilight's knowledge (about the Ursa) and critical thinking skills. It was Twilight's study of the Ursa that enabled her to analyze the situation and make the best use of her magic to resolve it. Twilight's strength in magic may be limited by her knowledge of spells, but it is her passion for reading and learning that sets her apart and makes her special.

  5. Got my first ponies today! I bought the hot air balloon and a small Rarity, and let my sister have everything except for Spike and Rarity themselves. I've started to fix her hair up, but obviously not done...


    I think the first curl looks perfect! May I ask what method you used to get the curl? Did you use the straw method, or an actual curler (and if so, what size)? The next pony I plan to style once I get her is Rarity.

    Also, I like how you have Spike with your Rarity. =) I plan on doing the same. *L* I just wish there was a standing version of him.

  6. I don't really watch Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network these days because... well... I feel that most of their programming is trash. D= I'm sorry! I hope that doesn't offend anyone. I know that a lot of people my own age watch both channels, and I will admit that there are a few quality shows (like Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends).

    If FiM is brought to Cartoon Network though, I hope that it airs alongside normal network programming and isn't brought on as a part of Adult Swim specifically. As someone else mentioned, some of the shows in the Adult Swim lineup are somewhat vulgar. I'd rather not see MLP sharing a lineup with shows like that, because it could actually damage the image of the show. I'm an adult and I'm happy that other adults enjoy the humor and writing behind the show as much as I do. But the intended audience is still children, and any network picking up the rights for the show shouldn't cut out that demographic or put the show in a lineup that could expose them to adult programming. The spirit of the show (it being feel-good children's programming) is part of what makes it endearing, too.

    I'm actually crossing my fingers that this deal between Hasbro and Turner just relates to Transformers Prime.

  7. A colored band on the hand would be the most aesthetic option, but I don't think that would be noticeable enough in TF2 (at least not for me anyways). =) The suggestion of a colored had sounds good. I hope that if the model eventually turns up on FPS Banana it will have some feature for distinguishing between teams.

  8. Hey girls (and bronies)! I wanted to show off my new Twilight Sparkle Twinkling Balloon. I think it is the most darling of all the playsets right now -- it lights up, plays music, and even has a little handlebar (which you can use to carry it around, but I use it to hang it up). My only complaint is that the nite-lite mode doesn't last very long, and there is no way to mute the sound (it will always play a short song clip no matter what mode you have it in).



    I didn't like how the stock Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash looked out of the box, so I cut/styled their hair in an attempt to make them look a little more like their cartoon counterparts. What do you think? If I am still feeling this adventurous when I get my Rarity, I'm going to try curling her hair with the soda straw method.


    I know that quite a few girls here collect or refurbish, so if you have any styling tips I'd really appreciate them!

    Well girls (and bronies?), I finally got all my McDonald's ponies!

    I don't have them setup on my desk, but I do have them setup on my bureau. =B

    Dat set up is all of my want.

    I only have Apple Jack and Princess Celestia on my desktop.

    I want the rest, but I don't have 30 dollars to spend on them, ebay.

    I must have gone to Mcdonalds 20 times and only been successful in getting ponies twice.

    I've never hated that place more.

    I so sorry that you couldn't get the rest before the event was over. =( They were probably the most affordable ponies to get, too. At least Hasbro is finally offering a larger selection of FiM ponies, so you can always look for the normal ones at Toys R' Us and Target. They might even be more affordable to purchase than the McD sets on eBay at this stage.

    If there is ever another FiM promotion with a fast food place, I'd recommend asking them directly if they will just sell you the ponies. That is what my Mom and I did since I try to avoid fast food and couldn't bring myself to eat a Happy Meal every week. Sometimes they will have more than one type of pony in stock, so you can actually collect them faster that way.

  9. I saw this video on YouTube and immediately came here to see if anyone had a link to download it. Does anyone know where we can get the model? I've looked on FPS Banana and I can't find anything.

    My only complaint I have with this is that there is no way to distinguish between Red and Blu teams. They should give her a shirt.

  10. Well girls (and bronies?), I finally got all my McDonald's ponies!

    I don't have them setup on my desk, but I do have them setup on my bureau. =B




    I'm expecting to get Twilight's Twinkling Balloon in the mail soon, and that will have the honor of going on my desk in nite-lite-brite mode (very picky about what shares space with my PC hehe).

    Out of curiosity, has anyone gotten their hands on the giant plush of Twilight Sparkle that is a Toys R' Us exclusive? I've looked online and at my local Toys R' Us, but I can't find her anywhere! =( Help locating her online for order would be super duper appreciated.

  11. I love all of the characters! But there are those moments that just make you go ARGgrgFGfgfGHfH at a character.

    Fluttershy in Dragonshy - I was so annoyed with how unwilling she was to help the other ponies, even after they got to the cave entrance.

    Pinkie Pie in Swarm of the Century - Would it have hurt her to just tell somepony what was going on and why she needed the instruments?

    Twilight Sparkle in Griffin the Brush Off - I felt sooo bad for Pinkie Pie when Twilight lectured her about how she was just being "jealous", after the horrible way Gilda treated her!

    Look Before You Sleep - I really felt that Rarity came off the worst in this episode out of the two.

    But if they hadn't acted that way in the episodes, it would have made the episodes way less fun. :)

  12. This was a bit of a scary experience for me last night/today because I was actually talking with one of my friends when the quake happened. He said "oh, there's an earthquake..." and then things started falling off his desk and his LiveStream/Internet cut out. I tried calling him immediately afterward on his cell and landline, but they were both busy. Then I turned on the news and it was reporting that there was an 8.9 magnitude quake -- Japan's biggest in the last 180 years. He's in Tokyo and I knew that I shouldn't try calling again, since it is a national emergency there, but I was so worried. The quake happened at around 11:00 PM and I didn't receive word that he was okay until 4:00 AM my time. I'm so happy that he is alright, but I'm heartbroken to see all of this devastation on the news knowing that others must be experiencing far more panic right now waiting to hear from family and loved ones. This is so tragic and my heart really goes out to Japan.

    If anyone here is in the same situation I was in: http://goo.gl/rlR07

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