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Status Updates posted by Tenkan

  1. Reading stories out loud is pretty fun! Very good practice for voice acting.

  2. Got any spare change? No? Good. I was joking anyway.

  3. That awesome moment when you realize you're a brony...

  4. New episode might be one of my favorites!

  5. New episode might be one of my favorites!

  6. If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.

  7. Learn to say yes more often. It's got a nice ring to it.

  8. I never thought I'd have RD and Fluttershy's song stuck in my head so quickly!

  9. More Canterlot updates! Woot woot!

  10. Derpy's become a fun little East Egg! :D

  11. WATCHED THE LATEST EPISODE OF.........Clone Wars. Ooops.

  12. Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods.

  13. I feel slightly childish saying this but...I WANT A PONY SONG IN THE NEXT EP!!1BLALBLABLABLABLAAAAAA!!1!

  14. I wish I was a Pegasus or Unicorn. I'd finish my garden chores a lot quicker.

  15. Watched the Fourth Kind. Thriller movies were never my favorite...

  16. We never know the love of the parent till we become parents ourselves.

  17. Heading to bed early. Don't wanna miss out on Sun time.

  18. Finally finished editing my latest music video! Seriously...I'm exhausted.

  19. These headphones are the best ones I've ever bought IN MY LIFE!!!!!!11!1!11

  20. Finished watching the latest MLP episode. Top notch, like always. :D

  21. Just finished watching Lion King. A classic. Mufasa's death almost gets me crying. CURSE YOU, SCAR!

  22. Doing garden chores! I ain't complaining 'cause the weather is AWESOME!

  23. Wohoo! Eid vacation! One week off of uni. :D


  25. Finished my Physics test. No worries, only ponies!

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