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Posts posted by Tenkan

  1. Hater?

    Tenkans robot mind is not programmed for that word

    "This does not compute" *explodes*

    You know, I once RP-ed for almost two years as an assassination robot? I kid you not. :razz:

    But those robot days are over, Browneh, I assure you! I'm a real boy!

    • Like 1
  2. Conor Colton made my day in this podcast with his voice impressions.

    16:45 for Liam Neeson from Taken, and I'm still laughing at it now! :lol:

    Would anybody care to say when the whole spoon debate begins? I'm on a bit of a time restraint here, and I REALLY wanna hear this...

    About 20:15.

    Brained simply exaggerates. Why am I expected to care about spoons? :P

  3. What's up, Canterlot?

    Another podcast day comes, and just before Season 3, too. We're all ready for it, but the question is, are you?

    Join Brained, Conor, and I as we tread through Canterlot before the epic season begins!

    [colour=#000000]Show Notes[/colour]



    [colour=#000000]Featured Artist[/colour]

    [colour=#000000] [/colour][colour=#1155cc]Dunes[/colour]


    [colour=#000000]Creative Threads[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Interview Included[/colour]


    • [colour=#000000]Conor Colton’s first year anniversary[/colour]
    • A big thank you from Conor

    [colour=#000000]Music Credit:[/colour]



    [colour=#000000][colour=#000000]Intro Song:[/colour][colour=#1155cc] ‘Pony Should Pony Pony’ by alllevelsatonce[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]2nd Intro Song[/colour][colour=#000000]: ‘[/colour][colour=#1155cc]Epiphany’ by the Verdilac[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Creative Works Music: ‘[/colour][colour=#1155cc]Space Congos’ by Artax[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Interview Music: ‘[/colour][colour=#1155cc]Break or Be Broken’ by DannyMirage[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Shoutouts Music: [/colour][colour=#1155cc]’Structure’ by DannyMirage[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Outro Song:[/colour][colour=#000000] [/colour][colour=#1155cc]Winter Wrap Up Metalized’ by Bronyfied[/colour][/colour]



    Thanks for watching, everypony. Your feedback is always appreciated!

    Who's ready for Season 3?! :D

    • Like 6
  4. Let me get this straight...you want to own a sun for yourself?

    No matter what you're intentions, I feel obliged to welcome you to the great city, nonetheless. :D

    Welcome to Canterlot, Solaire of Astora. That's quite a title, I gotta say. ;)

  5. For a first time fanimation project, this is very, very good (concerning animation). Perhaps they built up the hype too much to get such a negative response, but I wasn't really aware this thing was in the making anyway and maybe that's why my judgement of it is a little different compared to many that have thumbed down the video.

    Doing such a big project takes guts, and they deserve respect for that at least.

    On the other hand, I think this team should have brought the proper manager to sort out voice acting and sound effects.

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