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Status Updates posted by Tenkan

  1. My grandmother just taught me how to fix plugs. She' is now an awesome grandmother. o_o


  3. Watching the new episode. Pretty awesome.

  4. I don't always curse at someone in Arabic, but when I do, it's "Poo on You!":

  5. Decided not to go to the F1 race in Bahrain. Why, you ask? Because nope.

  6. Back to editing videos...it's been too long...I've forgotten so much! D:

  7. When will I ever finish this game?! http://youtu.be/6cVO7KWO1bg

  8. They don't call me abnoxious for nothing! And don't you forget it, youngsters.

  9. And then I said, that's not a cockroach that I just swatted, that's my wife!

  10. Billy Elliot. Brilliant movie. Really motivational. ;)

  11. Zero Hour. Coming Soon. @_@

  12. Just watched the Hunger Games. Duuuuuuuuuude.

  13. "Destruction replaced by creation. Too much dark or light will be the undoing of the universe as you understand it!"

  14. Finally got my hands on a bicycle!

  15. Just chillin', you know? Word.

  16. I really love you Canterlot, you know that?

  17. Weekend! Need I say more?

  18. *Blocks ears* Oh, the noise, noise, NOISE, NOOISSE! D:

  19. Looking for part time. I need the chashio, yo! :o

  20. So proud of my big bro after he attended the Syria demonstratinos in London. :')

  21. That's it...Clone Wars Season 4 is over. But why so soon?! @_@

  22. For the age of aggression is just about done~!

  23. Two more days till the anniversary! :D

  24. You suffer a lot more hiding something than if you face up to it.

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