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Status Updates posted by Tenkan

  1. New host, new podcast, new look: http://derpy.me/eB2k-

  2. Yes! The Omar series is finally in English sub!

  3. Yes! The Omar series is finally in English sub!

  4. Every Friday. If only my Uncle could see this. http://youtu.be/I3vnWX16830

  5. New Canterlot Podcast episode! http://c0lt.co/87

  6. Go mining, they said. It'll be fun, they said! http://derpy.me/-a5-c

  7. New CV podcast! And logo...oooh~ http://derpy.me/q6knr

  8. Finished editing the podcast and...I made a friggin' typo! Nooooooo! D:

  9. Pirated software's for losers! *Raises hoofs in defense*

  10. Signed into the Ponyville Minecraft server. Ain't nopony around! D:

  11. “By judging others we blind ourselves to our own evil and to the grace which others are just as entitled to as we are.”

  12. My Little Miner Pt. 4 - Plasma Attack! http://youtu.be/9Zls1lDXNbY

  13. Some natives have the weirdest names. Someone's surname is actually 'Strange'.

  14. Send in all your tanks, Duck boy. They're good recycling material!

  15. New MLM gameplay!...aaaand we're stuck.

  16. Can somepony pass the ketchup?

  17. Just watched the Dark Knight Rises for a third time. Absolutely brilliance, I say! Very symbolic, and can be interpreted in many ways. Pure art.

  18. "When your regime is ashes, you have our permission to die." - Revolutionists to Bashar.

  19. Just watched the Dark Knight Rsies. Acceptionally acceptional! :D

  20. Canterlot Voice episode is up! http://derpy.me/s3PLx

  21. Sweet, sweet, SWEET victory.

  22. Awesome speech from the new Egyptian president. God bless that guy.

  23. Taking a big fat break.

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