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Status Updates posted by Tenkan

  1. Bashar makes me laugh. "It is not about what we hear. It is about what we can get through that box and that box will tell any president to stay or leave very simply," If only it was that simple. And why did this 'box' not exist in Syria for the past forty-years, dear?

  2. Watched Life of Pi. Brilliant movie. Great story and moral, and the effects were impressive! I think everyone should give it a watch. :)

  3. Came back from watching the Hobbit. Exceptionally awesome! :D

  4. Cousin watching MLP in Arabic on TV. Ugh...I don't know why Twilight sounds so weirdly squeaky in this. >_<

  5. Onwards to liberate Hama, gentlemen. God be with you!

  6. "There are many ways to die. But the most important way is to die free." Read that on a Syrian protesters sign. :'(

  7. Onwards to Damascus!

  8. Finally completed editing! Only 25% of the episode's actual audio is in this. ;)http://c0lt.co/9b

  9. IRockZ28's work makes me love Jazz. http://c0lt.co/95

  10. Well, guess it's time to get used to the new Youtube look.

  11. Finally, people are back on the Ponyville Minecraft server. :)

  12. Sitting in BrainedbySaucepans livestream! Come join. :Dhttp://derpy.me/X6EY5

  13. Sitting in BrainedbySaucepans livestream! Come join. :Dhttp://www.livestream.com/misterdunn

  14. Livestream podcast at 8:00 PM GMT. Be there, or be a square mare! http://derpy.me/dWmEC

  15. This next podcast is one of my favorites. All thanks to the ever British BrainedBySaucepans. xD

  16. House of Jan shall return!

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