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Posts posted by Kneazle

  1. Dead Rising was the game I really wanted to love but couldn't! The first false start was buying it when i only had an old school CRT so I couldn't see any of the text. I actually sold it without making much progress and repurchased it a bit later on and got turned off by the save system. Dying in the hallway back to a safe zone after a satisfying and creative hour or so of zombie slaying... not so fun. Guess I'm not hardcore enough :(. I've read that this new Dead Rising: Off The Record thingy has some checkpoint saves as well which might make it worth a look.

  2. Hahah if you want to save some cash you could always grab a kindle edition and read it on your computer or whatever mobile device you own! I think that'll set you back about $13. I'm going for the Kindle edition myself - hard covers in Australia all cost upwards of $30, ugh. I'd love to see another Lipwig title as well. Do you have a least favorite book in the series? The one I got the least enjoyment out of had to be Unseen Academicals.

  3. I see from your dA-page that you are a fellow Terry Pratchett fan. What's your favorite cycle (as in City Watch-cycle, or Death-cycle, or Rincewind-cycle)?

    Oh City Watch without a doubt! Followed by the Witches. What about you?

    Yeah, you totally seem like a Fluttershy~ :3

    Just don't go using the Stare on anypony... UNLESS THEY'RE ASKING FOR IT >:3

    Pleasure ta meetcha and welcome to the royal city!~

    I think I'm a Fluttershy/Twilight hybrid! Thanks for the welcome :).

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  4. Hey Tales! Let me start by saying that my inner Fluttershy is in full squeal mode because of the cuteness that is your av. Luna dressed as a bunny? Too much adorable to handle!

    How did you hear about Canterlot?

    I didn't so much hear about your forum as type the address in wrong while trying to journey to the other Canterlot forum.

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  5. Ahem... hey there!

    I'm Kneazle, an Australian based pony fan and aspiring cryptozoologist. Okay... that last bit was a lie but it sounds a lot more interesting than admin/IT person doesn't it! Anywell, I've decided to join this lovely forum to talk about ponies and perhaps have a go at the whole role playing thing once I've had a good look at the rules and guidelines!

    Hmm.. what else... what else. I'm scootloops on deviantart and erm... :-(.. yeah that's all I can think of right now.

    * awkward pause*

    Welp.. hope to see you guys around!

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