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Posts posted by Skye

  1. As close as you guys are to these, there's just one more minor point that needs to be corrected. It's Flim (Without the Mustache) that's the fast-talker and Flam (With the Mustache) That's the Mechanical genius. Whichever one you and Boss Hoss wish to play, then that's the associated character you should have with it. Remember that Flim is the one that does the most talking in the song, and Flam is the one that actually pushes the button on the machine to make it work faster. You guys have the names and the pictures right, now just gotta get them associated with the right character. :)

  2. My only real issue with this character is the miniature steam engine. That's not really practical or even necessarily possible for use in this manner. However, a pressurized cylinders of say, hydrogen peroxide or something of that nature that might give her a bit of a short boost might be possible. As a pegasus, she really doesn't need assistance to help her fly, unless she needs a boost to speed she can't otherwise accomplish on her own, or needs some longevity for longer flights as a matter of endurance either of which a small jetpack of something like that might be feasible. Other than that, the rest of her doesn't really present much of an issue that I can see.

  3. Unfortunately, as interesting as Gauteau is, he unfortunately isn't suitable for Mane RP. It's beyond the apparent level of possible technology in Equestria and appears to even be the first of what I think you're suggesting are self-aware and autonomous androids in Equestria. That's way too out there for what we're going for in this RP. Autonomous self-aware machines are not going to be in the forseeable future in the Mane RP. For crossover, this would be okay, but as it stands only simple machines that you'd might have found in the mid to late 1800's are possible in Equestria. There's nothing wrong with him being an inventor and dabbler in mechanical magical hybrids, but they should be of machines that would be of typical practical use to ponies, such as the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 which was at its heart a Cider Machine that was also self-propelled and controlled by unicorns who happened to ride along with it. That's about as complex and outlandish as it gets. Anything else that didn't have a special purpose would have to have an extremely good justification for its existence other than just at the whim of an inventor, and this is unfortunately also part of why Gauteau can't be allowed in the mane RP as it stands.

    However, if 'Gauteau' is a name for a type of engine (steam, magic, or hybrid) he builds that fills more of a niche than the standard steam engines currently in use, that could work as well. Perhaps it's a sort of machine controlled by unicorns that helps work fields, or maybe used as a crane, or even can be a sort of multipurpose machine based on a singular design (Such as a machine with a crank that can have different attachments to it to serve those purposes), as long as it has a somewhat whimsical origin and use this could be allowed.

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