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Blog Entries posted by Skye

  1. Skye
    <iframe width="400" height="225" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/S2VhC1QF7ww?wmode=transparent&autohide=1&egm=0&hd=1&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&showinfo=0&showsearch=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe><br/><br/><p><a class="tumblr_blog" href="http://ask-thecrusaders.tumblr.com/post/57329536179/buttons-adventures-pilot-is-out-enjoy">ask-thecrusaders</a>:</p>
    <p>Button’s Adventures Pilot is out! Enjoy!</p>
    <p>This is entirely too frigging cute! I love it!</p>
  2. Skye

    IVE REACHED 800 FOLLOWERS WHEEEEE how did i get that many where did you all come from. 
    anyways yeah!!! i’ve never done a giveaway before but I figured I could do something for my 800 cause it’s a p big milestone! I chose doing pixel art for the prizes cause it’s relatively easy and enjoyable for me to do still, so I shouldn’t put it off.
    Here are the prizes:First Place: A full-coloured pixel sprite, non animated and transparent, of a character of your choice. 
    Second Place: Two (2) small pixel meenies, non animated and transparent, of 2 characters of your choice.

    AND here are DA RULEZ (they’re slightly strict but I don’t want this to get out of hand please be respectful)You MUST be following me - I will check when I pull the numbers for the winners, if you are not following me I will discard your number and draw again.
    ONE REBLOG ONLY - no likes or multiple reblogs please, I want to keep this simple and sweet.

    Closing date for this is July 22nd, 2013 at midnight, EST. Only a week, cause I don’t want it to get outta hand, yaknow?
    Okeedoke, I hope this works well! Please be respectful and follow da rules and stuff, thank ye uwu
    Kooda Art is awesome and totally worth checking out!
  3. Skye

    This is why its annoying when people say its sooooooo much more expensive to eat healthy.
    or vegetarian
    nah, **** this privileged bull****. **** this entire infographic.
    where the **** are they buying their groceries from-
    Idk about you guys but it ain’t that cheap in NYC…
    **** you it’s 2 dollars for a bunch of bananas here and 3 for a thing of strawberries 
    furthermore Ive never seen any kind of meat going for less than a dollar… this post is such a load of horse**** I can’t even-
    Whoever did this clearly has not lived in a big city of any kind…
    Seriously. Let me break a thing down. Healthy food is expensive. Organic food is even more expensive. Brand name vegetarian products like MorningStar are INCREDIBLY. ****ING. EXPENSIVE.
    LIES.  One pack of strawberries was $6 at the food market the other day!!  Granted, they were NJ grown and not from the supermarkets, and were actually the normal size one might find in the wild, but STILL.
    Also I see something like Lean Cuisine in the “healthy" category?  I hate to tell you, but while that **** might be less than 300 or whatever calories, it’s LOADED WITH SALT.  Salt makes you retain water, so what’s the point of eating less calories when you put on ten pounds of water?
    I’m legit crying with laughter at those prices. Are they from that heavenly supermarket in the Land of Oz?
    What planet are these people from and what does an apartment run, because I’m moving there. Now. Tomorrow.
    edit: TWO LBS OF CHICKEN BREASTS FOR $1.98?! WHAT? And let me just give you the secret to life: STORE BOUGHT MEAT IS NOT VERY GOOD FOR YOU. Unless you’re buying certified organic, your **** is injected with so many hormones and dyes to make it look fresh that you are going to **** a chem lab later. Especially chicken and pork. Those are the dirtiest meats and you don’t know where the **** they came from. What the **** has walmart done to them? Holy Jesus.
    buy from the butcher. buy from the butcher. buy from the butcher.
    It’s cute that they think we’re still in the 90’s and milk only costs $2. Tho I would happily take the latter stuff LOL
    News: Normal people can’t buy these things at their wholesale prices. That’s the only way I can explain these prices…
  4. Skye
    Dear Princess Celestia,
    Tonight I’ve begun my journey from Ponyville into parts unknown. I’m on the road heading away from Ponyville through the Whitetail Wood. Already I have passed Canterlot Castle (If only I had known it was there all these years, I might have visited sooner!) and am some distance into the night. When you bring the sun up, it will be over a sky I have yet to have seen and from there, new adventures await me.
    As I promised, I have more to say about Twilight Sparkle’s friends. Though I do not know them all quite as well as I would have liked, nevertheless my opinions remain those of a peryton who has done his best to learn what he needs through distant observation. So these following reviews will be done in order of greatest to least I know them, and as I’ve said previously, I hope they provide you more insight into your protoge.
    Applejack, as the Element of Honesty, has proven herself time and time again to be quite a versatile pony. While not a lady by any stretch of the imagination, she still contains the poise and elegance of one when she chooses, and displays the more tomboyish side on other days. Primarily a working pony, she gives herself wholly to the citizens of Ponyville by providing them food and a steadfast friendship to any pony who needs her help. She has come to town to divert a dangerous stampede, she’s organized a workforce to clear the fields after winter, and she’s shown up to one of your dreadful Galas dressed to the nines.
    Even during the Discord incident, she proved herself to be still a loyal and dependable pony, even if her mouth was saying things she didn’t truly mean. One could interpret what she had to say if one simply remembered that she wasn’t telling the truth then. She stayed with Twilight through the maze (From what I could see of it, anyway, Canterlot isn’t exactly an easy place to approach from any angle!) and was the first pony to be released when Twilight realized how important her friendships truly were. This makes Applejack one of the more prominent figures of Ponyville and a true blue friend to Twilight Sparkle, and one who I feel will continue to be a great influence on her through the rest of her life as long as she makes her home in Ponyville.
    In closing, I would like to say that of any of the ponies that I would have truly felt comfortable showing myself to, it would have been Applejack. I think she would have truly accepted me for what I was, just as she does any pony who she encounters for the first time. It is this strength of character that truly makes her one of the strongest Elements of Harmony.
    Your Faithful Servant,
  5. Skye
    EMBEDDED TUMBLR BROWSER PONIES! I totally love it. Not sure if I want to keep S2 Princess Luna on it, but I definitely want Derpy. I should see about making a Skye one sometime. That’d be kinda keen.
  6. Skye
    Kudalyn's Pony Pics: Hey Guys. Question. Read Please?:

    Okay, so what I’m gonna ask some of my followers may not like - it involves asking about nsfw stuff. If you don’t wanna read it, don’t! I made it a separate link just for that purpose.
    Here: http://i1109.photobucket.com/albums/h439/Kudalyn/NewCanvas-9.png
    Also people PLEASE PLEASE REBLOG …
    Kuda needs help with a question! Please take a moment and answer honestly!
  7. Skye
    Dear Princess Celestia,
    It has been quite some time since I was able to send you a letter. During the stewardship of the Whitetail Wood you empowered me with, I have had little to no opportunity to send you a letter before, but recently I have found a pegasus pony who has agreed to help me relay these from here on in. Since the arrival of your student, Twilight Sparkle in Ponyville, there has been little to no need for me to continue watching the road through the wood for troubles. As she has since aquired the power of the Elements of Harmony and Discord is no longer a threat, my stewardship has come to an end. As such, I feel that I can still best serve you in capacity with the years remaining to my life by exploring as much of Equestria as I am able. My pegasus pony friend will ensure that my letters arrive to you as quickly as possible throughout my travels.
    Before I leave, however, I will be glad to share with you my thoughts and impressions on your student and her friends, as a parting gift for the years of service I have been able to provide you previously. May they provide you with the insight and inspiration these ponies have given me throughout my life.
    Included in this letter is my evaluation of the unicorn, Twilight Sparkle.
    Twilight Sparkle’s arrival in Ponyville was unexpected and not an easy thing for a young unicorn such as herself to bear. Her years of direct study beneath you prepared her for the knowledge and techniques necessary to explore her new position and tasks in Ponyville, but her social interaction still left much to be desired. I have had only occasional interaction directly with this young mare, but my impressions of her have been found pleasant and encouraging. Twilight Sparkle’s future in Ponyville is certainly assured as a prominent member of the community. Her demonstration of skill in handling both the perils and rewards of a burgeoning friendship with new ponies have shown that she will not be soon forgotten. It has been clear in her handling of Nightmare Moon and dealing with Discord that she is resourceful and steadfast, even when her own heart seems to question her ability.
    When you asked me to watch over the Whitetail Wood and Ponyville, I had no idea that events would have lead up to current, and I am glad to say that they have worked out surprisingly well considering. The zebra, Zecora, agrees with me that Ponyville may have once been a town that was somewhat xenophobic in the past but has been no longer since Twilight Sparkle’s arrival. Whenever she previously came to town, she often found that the windows were shuttered and the doors were locked, and the marketplace was mysteriously closed. Before Twilight Sparkle’s arrival, as you know, I would assist Zecora in gathering her ingredients but you will be proud to know that this is no longer necessary. Zecora has been welcomed in town as a member of the community due to the efforts of your student.
    This young unicorn’s continued studies of the Magic of Friendship will certainly lead her into many dark places, but together with her friends it is my opinion that she will shine. Her handling of each day to day pitfall that she encounters only further reinforces my opinion that she will do well in her new home. Her manifestly subtle sense of humor and adorable geekiness shows that within that businesslike and studious exterior lies a sweet and caring young lady who will someday take her place in society as a figure of greatness. I only hope that I will still be around then to witness it for myself.
    My review of your student is not completely full of praise, however, as it is my opinion that she still is lacking in a few social graces. Her dedication to you may be admirable, but I can see that someday this will serve to her detriment as she makes future life choices. Her disinterest in romance, for example, may come to a head if she feels that she must choose between a stallion of interest and yourself. I’m sure you would agree with me that this aspect of her future cannot be ignored. In addition, her obsession with her books may also mark her as a know-it-all when it comes to how the world really works and someday may backfire and cost her some ‘cool points’ (as her friend Rainbow Dash would be inclined to say) and could affect how others percieve her. Surely you remember how the unicorn Trixie appeared when she arrived in Ponyville. I hope that my fears are merely figments, however, and we will see what the future will bring.
    This concludes my evaluation of Twilight Sparkle and this letter. Should it please you, responses can either return by this pegasus or by dragon in the usual manner and I will recieve them.
    Always your servant,
    (Yes, time and inspiration permitted, I hope I can continue these as a portion of my Tumblr. )
  8. Skye
    I’m glad you like my blog! Obsessed? Dear me, that sounds dangerous. I hope you don’t mean like ‘I plan to turn you into caramel’ sort of obsessed. That would be weird. Where is Crushmatches(Dot)Com? It sounds foreign! Somewhere out in the far lands of Unyari perhaps? I’ve never been there. Never been out of Equestria proper, in fact. Matter of fact, I’ve never been any farther than the Everfree Forest! I held still for a few moments for body pictures once, but all I got was a bowl of fruit! I love free things, but what’s a C C?
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