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Status Updates posted by Skye

  1. I'm not sure what I'd do with #bindersfullofwomen. That'd make a very awkward filing cabinet.

  2. Huzzah, system down! Scripting calls ahoy.

  3. I am amazed at how childish some people will get when they think they should be entitled to things they're not entitled to.

  4. 'cuz I'd love to have bought my car and never have to pay for gas or repairs ever again.

  5. *scratches his buttcheek and belches* 'Mornin, Twitter

  6. Got my flu shot yesterday. Ironic? I'm actually feeling better today even though I know it's a vaccine and not a medication.

  7. Zomg, my mum found my wind up toy bunny from when I was a baby. Still works!

  8. Woop, power flickering at work. Stormy!

  9. Mamakitty says, 'I has a sunbeam!' http://t.co/FyDtx206

  10. Got Android-x86 working on my Netbook. Way to breathe life back into it!

  11. That's $1.18 a litre. Cheapest gas in town in KW right now! http://t.co/IWCkiFPX

  12. I've set my email sig on my Galaxy SII to 'Sent from my sPhone'. If Apple users can be pretentious, so can I!

  13. Remember, Ultra Conservatives, 'WE THE PEOPLE' is a socialist mantra. Get over yourselves.

  14. Oh wow, sorry to hear about those of you that had your Twitter accts hacked. O.o

  15. Remember, don't pass gas. Nobody wants to be there to catch it!

  16. but we can do it virtually live AND watch it live through the Internet.

  17. The US once had bills > $500 to $100,000 until 1969. But they weren't meant for us, only for intra-gov't and lining Mitt Romney's crib.

  18. Just watched the Vincent Price version of House on Haunted Hill. Good, but I like the more recent one better. #FB

  19. that the rest of the world is looking into and going 'Hey, fish!'

  20. Why is it so frigging hard to find the 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony online. C'mon, get with the times already.

  21. Taking the bunnies to HAWS today, hopefully. It's just hard to do.

  22. Finally figured out how to get Cyanogen installed on my phone. Now it's installed the way I want it. #FB

  23. Why is it that when people see animals mating, they're amazed like they've just discovered the most amazing thing ever?

  24. Hypocrasy: Voting for Voter ID, but voting against the DISCLOSE act. Voting for identity while voting against it. #FB

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