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Posts posted by Skye

  1. Ah, hrm... two things here. Firstly, Tinfoil requires a lot of work to make that isn't something that is going to be done with this level of technology, not in such amounts that could be made into a hat. Secondly, there's no suggestion of 'aliens' of in Friendship is Magic. These two things would need to be modified or changed for this character. However, having him be eccentric is quite possible, just need to figure a better way for it.

  2. I have the impression that you're using levitation magic to say that he was floating himself up in the air to paint. I'm not keen on that, but he could be using levitation magic to levitate the paintbrush and paint to do that. Thus far, the only unicorns we have seen using levitation is Twilight during a point where she was using the Elements of Harmony, and Pumpkin Cake during the period where she's capable of extremely powerful bursts of magic, which means that Levitation isn't supposed to be something that just any unicorn can do except during the most extreme of times (Otherwise Twilight would certainly have been able to save herself from falling off the cliff, for example).

  3. When I first joined Canterlot, I made a joke about an RP map and had a pretty sour run-in with the powers-that-be. I just assumed that bringing up a topic suggesting a change in the RP system would get a negative response as well, since the people here take pride in it, and take it very seriously. I wasn't wanting to step on any hooves by sticking my nose into it, yanno? I know I've more than done that at this point -- probably more than I have a right to since I don't participate in the game myself.

    If I remember correctly, you were making a joke about the quality of the maps and basically ribbing the person that had done them, which was what got you in hot water. A joke was fine, but the ribbing at the person who did them was something we took seriously, since it was not very nice to take a dig at someone who had worked so very hard to produce what we -do- have.

    However, we -do- take suggestions, and we take them seriously, and we will respond to them if they seem like a good idea or even if they seem like a bad idea, as long as they're suggestions and not demands. Ask us for a change, provide some suggestions on how they could work, and we can see if they can be integrated. Demand that something be changed and then don't offer any insight on how it could be implemented and we'll pretty much ignore it. We thrive on innovation and shaping, and that's how the site works.

    However, in regards to the Game A and Game B thing, I really don't think that'll work or is even necessary. One thing that I would like to encourage peoiple to be doing is to be making use of the 'Logs' section. Take a look at some of the logs in there, see how people are using them. Particularily my own, if you can dig them out. The reason for this, is that if people start keeping track of the roleplays they're in and what state they're in, it will help them keep thing straight, and should a new system be implemented, it will also shunt the work of keeping track of that stuff onto you guys where it belongs, instead of forcing us to have to chase things down. Especially if we need to find your roleplays for whatever reason. The system I have in mind in the future will most definitely take advantage of this.

  4. The components about her parents should probably be taken out. Reason being is that when it comes to cast, inventing 'OC' parents for cast characters presents a slew of problems. While it may be unlikely that her parents will actually be shown in the show, the possibility that they could show up must be taken into consideration. Though you can make some suppositions, their names and species are probably best left out.

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