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Status Updates posted by Skye

  1. What the voters really want, eh? Didn't we vote NOT to do this and successfully got it struck down? http://t.co/NkhYtMKT

  2. Furry or no, being mindful of our behavior in public, con or not, is crucial to public image. #FurBQ

  3. http://t.co/NbFmuEdl Seriously, Adidas? Sure, make it mainstream and 'cool' to look like you're incarcerated. Then everyone'll be used to it

  4. Nintendo: We noticed people being Alone Together! So we invented the Wii U, so you can continue to be Alone Together and take over the Wii!

  5. I hate when people drive-stalk me in the parking garage, but I feel a perverse pleasure disappointing them.

  6. I won't be going to AC this year either, but maybe next year, we'll have to see.

  7. Too much supply and too little demand, so OPEC was cutting production. Now we have $80+ barrel and almost $4gal prices. Coincidence?

  8. I have learned a new word today. Tingo: to borrow objects one by one from a neighbor's house until there's nothing left in it.

  9. How many times have I wanted to go "Thank you for calling $Company. Sup."Far too many.

  10. Dude, watching Supernaturals, just saw a mistake, during S1E17 when they're in the basement, you can see another camera dude.

  11. I think I'm gonna get me one of these: http://t.co/hXvSyOAr

  12. Twittering from my 3ds, dunno why that is lol.

  13. It's really hard not to stare at your co-worker's boobs when she's wearing a low cut top, bending down and talking to you.

  14. Well, I got my new 3DS today. However, appears that all my friend codes are gone. Poop.

  15. This about covers the anti-union idiocy. http://t.co/qKWfhmuU

  16. My ballot only had four people on it. I wonder how many people used the Write-In section.

  17. RIP Ray Bradbury. Your vision will never be forgotten.

  18. I call shenanigans on this recall election if Walker truly won. #wirecall

  19. Voted, no problems.

  20. And that there's no need for a union because 'nobody would ever dare take advantage of the working people'.

  21. #wirecall We will not just become a "Red State" simply on the whims of a politician and his high-paying donors. Honesty and Integrity first!

  22. Also, people need to understand a request for status does not mean 'Tell me right this second'. You'll get it when your status is available.

  23. Saddest things in the world: A fresh-baked cupcake fallen on the floor, and a pretty girl all alone without a date at a restaurant.

  24. Also, some dude at the mall wearing a 'I <3 boobies' shirt.

  25. When having trouble and you call support, it is not helpful when you get pissy and won't tell support what you've done to get where you are.

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