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Posts posted by Skye

  1. I think one thing I love the most, is Rarity's voice. She's got such life and bounce, even when she's whining that just makes her so much fun to listen to. Though poor thing, all the abuse she has to go through...I didn't like the rolling over and giving in the diamond dogs did just to shut her up, but I guess they couldn't have been -too- mean... or even all bad! Maybe they'll turn out to have hearts of gold later elsewhere and help the ponies out with something. After all, how incredibly useful their talent of digging could come in handy!

  2. Thanks! They really are all great, it's hard to totally settle on any one in particular! I haven't roleplayed in so long, but I've been itching to possibly try out collaborations of some kind, maybe this will be the place where I find that niche. I've already submitted a character application, perhaps it'll be suitable! I totally feel Equestria is the place where all manners of mythical creatures and ponies work together, it's a great big world and only Celestia knows its boundaries!

  3. It's sure nice to meetcha all!

    Been a fan of MLP since way back when, and most recently of the FiM series since day one!

    I'm a 32 year old broni, but I usually prefer not to talk too much about myself unless I've gotten to really know you fairly well. But my talents include doggerel poetry, occasional fanfics, and description writing!

    I've been watching FiM since the original air episode back when and instantly fell in love with the series. It's well written, the artwork is gorgeous, and it just tickles me and makes me smile. Fluttershy's a sweetie, but I'd have to say I like Pinkie Pie and Applejack the best.

    My character is a Peryton, and have been originally a mucker for quite some time, more recently on Second Life, and now here as well! I was surprised to see Perytons on the official RP list, maybe I'll have to take a gander at that sometime and see how it goes, though I don't always have the ability or time to dig too deep into that. But like Skye, I'm always willing to offer advice and I'm friendly, and contrary to what you might have heard of the species, I don't bite. :)

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