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RP Certified
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Status Updates posted by Skye

  1. Mamakitty says, 'I has a sunbeam!' http://t.co/FyDtx206

  2. Woop, power flickering at work. Stormy!

  3. Zomg, my mum found my wind up toy bunny from when I was a baby. Still works!

  4. Got my flu shot yesterday. Ironic? I'm actually feeling better today even though I know it's a vaccine and not a medication.

  5. *scratches his buttcheek and belches* 'Mornin, Twitter

  6. I learnd today that Buddha sat on his booty under a Bodhi. *nod*

  7. One of my customer service surveys back with the verbatim from the customer 'Free Bacon'. I got good ratings as well, but hey! Free Bacon!

  8. Is it a bad thing when you pass gas and for a fleeting moment you actually think it doesn't smell half bad?

  9. Buying a cellphone is like buying a car; just because you want the latest and greatest doesn't mean you can just decide...

  10. 'cuz I'd love to have bought my car and never have to pay for gas or repairs ever again.

  11. I am amazed at how childish some people will get when they think they should be entitled to things they're not entitled to.

  12. Huzzah, system down! Scripting calls ahoy.

  13. I be slightly pickled before 5pm

  14. Haven't used Twitter in forever..

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