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Posts posted by Skye

  1. I have a few parts of this app that need to be adjusted before this app can be approved finally.

    Firstly, the spell list. The way this RP is designed to be run is a collaborative story effort. Having a spell list with limitations built in like this, in this manner, is impossible to regulate and keep from edging into the world of Mary-Sue. It's better to just include what he can do as part of the summary, and keep it simple and basic. You can roleplay his limitations as necessary to the story, but there's no need to include anything that will force other players to have to keep track of your character to ensure that you aren't breaking your own rules.

    for example 'From a foal, he has always had the ability to coax insects into companionship and always found them strangely easy to train, and as he grew he eventually learned how to teleport them to his side from a distance (And there's no real need to specify a distance in footage, just keep it basic and simple) to aid him. This came in useful during one incident as a foal when he was exploring the forest with his friends. They encountered a cockatrice, and thanks to his quick-thinking, managed to drive it off before any of them were petrified with a small swarm of bees. From that moment, his cutie mark appeared, showing his talent of communicating with insects.' After all, we know that only Fluttershy has been able to successfully stare down a Cockatrice, and it was only due to her 'Stare' that she was able to even force the Cockatrice to reverse what it had done. This isn't something that just any pony can do.

    Secondly, the slitting of the eyes is not something we see in ponies. It's been shown that unicorns are capable of generating light at the ends of their horns like a magic flashlight, so there is no need to have a spell that enhances the vision. If it were possible, it would likely be an incredibly complex spell, as modifying the eyes is very dangerous and difficult to do and not something that I would imagine any pony, even Twilight, would be likely to do for any reason when there were much safer alternatives available. So this needs to come out.

    If you can make those changes, we should be good to go!

  2. In order for this to be considered a cast character, it needs to reference which specific buffalo with a picture or something of that nature. Because the only buffalo that actually have names are Thunderhooves and Little Strongheart, we have no real way otherwise to know which Buffalo this is. In addition, unlike background ponies that have cutie marks and colors that specifically distinguish themselves from other ponies, none of the buffalo particularily have anything special about them worthy of note because of the singular nature of the epsiode.

    As such, I have no problem with him being an OC, but he will have to change the nature of his position in the herd to something much less prominent and have his application have no references to other cast members -save- for possibly being in Chief Thunderhooves's tribe. He can't be Thunderhooves's second hand buffalo or something that nature if he's going to be an OC.

    This is a little more difficult to work with -because- he's such a possibly obscure character.

  3. hello everypony, i need to make another 2 intro posts so here is one,

    i would like to know any good fan ficton writers that wouldn't mind writing a fan-fic about my idea, i have tried doing one before, i am aware that i have 1 tracker and 2-3 followers! yay!

    Actually, you only need to make ONE intro post, and then at least two other responses in someone else's intro post or a reply to your own. :) I'm going to go ahead and merge your intro posts into one.

    Welcome to Canterlot! Be sure to stop by Getting Started for a whole saddlebag full of goodies and useful information, including free avatars and templates! We hope you enjoy your stay and have a great time!

    We've got many different things to do here, from the random chitchat and chattertalk, to out and out Roleplay! We do encourage you to explore and settle in, find your own little place here. Perhaps you draw? We have a section for art! We also have a Gallery! Do you write? We'd love to see your fanfics, stories and lore! There's a section for that! And if you're into the Roleplay, well, then you came to the right place! Compose music? We'd love to hear it!

    Welcome to Canterlot! Be sure to stop by Getting Started for a whole saddlebag full of goodies and useful information, including free avatars and templates! We hope you enjoy your stay and have a great time!

    We've got many different things to do here, from the random chitchat and chattertalk, to out and out Roleplay! We do encourage you to explore and settle in, find your own little place here. Perhaps you draw? We have a section for art! We also have a Gallery! Do you write? We'd love to see your fanfics, stories and lore! There's a section for that! And if you're into the Roleplay, well, then you came to the right place! Compose music? We'd love to hear it!

  4. The chat is always up, but there may be a number of factors that can result in you being unable to reach it. If you can't reach the chat directly through the plugin on the website, try going to http://chat.mibbit.com and connecting to irc.esper.net:5555. If that doesn't work, try a dedicated IRC Application for your computer (See: Using the Chat for more information on possible 3rd party IRC clients) connecting with the same information. All you need to know about the chat is in the link I provided above.

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