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Status Updates posted by Lyipheoryia

  1. On and off site today, sorry.

  2. To be or not to be, that is (not really) a question.

  3. I totally not being creepy by looking at the online list. Eyup! I'm great. You're great! We're all geeereat!

  4. I'm just doin' my thing...helpin' people...like always :)

  5. I feel like a nice, warm mug of hot chocolate.

  6. I should make myself a prank avatar. Huh...I really should...

  7. The changes have started...and it's still December 31. For me.

  8. I see double icons :)! *resisting very strong urge to post a new topic*

  9. *sigh* time difference...New Year's is still many hours away...

  10. Happy Black Friday-mon amis Canadiens!

  11. Ask me! Ask Cerali! We made an ask me thread!

  12. Been on here too much. PC running out of battery :(. See y'all soon...

  13. Just feel like it. Posting. A lot.

  14. Feliz Navidad, meine freunde!

  15. No replies from me for a little bit-wifi's a bit wonkie.

  16. Rp replies will come tomorrow. I promise.

  17. Ponies! Ponies! Everywhere!

  18. I feel like I forgot to reply to an rp...if I did, could whomever was in that rp pm me please?

  19. Signed up for Ponytheaters-good for trying possible OC's before apping them.

  20. When you return after a hiatus from the site and spend almost every spare moment catching up on it.

  21. Wanna rp? Senda mp (or, pm)!

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