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Everything posted by Rocky

  1. Wasps are just evil. They hover in your face and contemplate stinging you for no reason.
  2. I see what you mean. Like I said, I haven't met a girl I wanted to get to know in years so, this is basically a whole new experience for me.. Once/if I've mustered up the nerve to go back and talk to her, I'll take what you've said into consideration. Thanks. (: So there was a wasp just casually chilling on the window in the bathroom. So I just casually drowned it in hairspray.
  3. I see what you mean. I'm sure she would let on early if she was already in a relationship. I am pretty good at hiding emotions... I mean, that changes sometimes when a girl I am into is involved. One thing I think of is what if she does reply with "My boyfriend and I blank blank"? I mean, it might get really awkward since she'll obviously know I am interested and she'll have basically just said no. I don't know if I'd know how to react to that..
  4. This is what I would expect from you, Symph..
  5. Nose bleeds? You really are perverted...
  6. Well, you might be waiting a while for an update if there will even be one.. Actually, you might be needing that box of tissues for when I tell you there isn't any more to the story.. Edit: Wow I really sound like a downer today hehe...
  7. Sheesh what. I don't know how I feel about any of this haha. Wait, you're the complete opposite? So you're a non-perverted young girl who isn't blushing? Of course. Baby steps, if I do take any steps at all with this..
  8. I think it might come off as seriously unstable.. Heh @SymphonicFire you're really into this, aren't you? I won't be able to get myself to talk to her again. I'm scared I'll seem like I'm trying too hard or something... I mean, I don't want to just start showing up there all creepy like and stuff.. I don't want to eat Mexican food all the time and if I don't order something then it'll be really creepy and obvious. I know I could just order a drink but she doesn't work the bar. Then what if she's already with someone? If not, I'm sure so many guys are trying to get with her and it's just uuuggghhhh I want to forget I even went to the restaurant last night. x.x
  9. That's gone through my head quite a bit.. No, getting myself arrested won't do.. Eeergh this sucks... I don't like having feelings..
  10. I guess at that moment it's long and awkward but, if it means falling in love... Isn't it kinda worth it?
  11. Haha, I was going to say, from the anime I've watched... Yeah, I'm not taking any tips from it. Sheesh, only 8 seconds? I wish that was the case...
  12. Heh, yeah, I dunno if I'd expect something like that from me... I'm horrible at romantic things. This is actually a little scary.. I haven't had the hots for someone in forever (my feelings for my ex girlfriend sorta faded midway through our time together so, it has been a while) and I don't know how to deal with it haha. It's especially scary since my ex asked ME out, and not the other way around as it probably should've been... So I've never asked anyone out before in my life. Never felt rejection.. Yeah, scary.
  13. I'd like to... Just don't want to come off creepy or anything. I mean, it's been 3 years since I've even had my eye out for a girl...
  14. Pfffttttttt... I'm not brave. I don't know if the story continues from there..
  15. So there's this really cute girl working at the Mexican restaurant in my town... She was super nice and funny and pretty and I'm just like
  16. Absolutely! I always make sure I'm not buying a hunk of junk. Yep, everything worked out. If I had taken my usual route home, I would've been stranded where there are no gas stations remotely close by. So yay for that or something.
  17. I collect vintage everything; Cars, motorcycles, clothing, music stuff, etc... It's just kinda my thing, you know? I mean, riding a modern bike would be more convenient and perhaps a bit more reliable but, I can't really see myself riding one. Money's not the issue, it's personal preference. Especially when it comes down to styling. I love the retro 70s colors and designs. As far as mechanical, I mean, it goes both ways: Older bike, you're more likely to be on the side of the road but usually have the ability to diagnose and fix it on the spot (granted you've got the tools); newer bike, you're much less likely to be on the side of the road but, if you are, you're most likely screwed. Especially with the fuel-injection systems and modern electrical.. Nope, it's vintage carburetors for me! Oh yeah, 90% of everything I buy is off Craigslist haha. Second-hand for life!
  18. ABRIDGED STORY TIME Took my motorcycle to work today (25 minute drive). Just as I arrived, the bike started acting a bit funny. I didn't think much of it and went into work. Keep in mind, this bike is from the 70s. Being as such, it doesn't have a lot of the gauges modern bikes have (like a fuel gauge, temperature gauge, etc..). When I got out of work, things got interesting. I decided to check the oil and, of course, it's super low. A coworker gave me some oil and [BEGIN ABRIDGED VERSION] I overfilled the engine because I'm stupid and it took me an hour to drain it to the correct amount and I was a mess from the oil so then I left work and went about 4 miles and (remember I said the bike was acting funny) then ran out of gas because there's no gas gauge and I keep forgetting to look inside the tank like seriously just my luck so then some super nice older guy walking his dog saw me on the side of the road and gave me some gas since he lived really close and I made it to a gas station and now I'm home. Apparently abridged version means run-on sentence. So yeah, overfilled oil because I'm stupid and then ran out of gas because I'm stupid.
  19. I used to really like dinosaurs as a kid. Velociraptors are cool. I would like one as a pet but I'd also not want to be dead.
  20. Mmmmhhmmm. Just binged every episode over a couple days. One of my favorites for sure. and yeah taiga is super cute and yeah maybe not in the gif I just posted
  21. Back from our short little vacation! Back to the daily grind and all that.
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