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Everything posted by Rocky

  1. The most wonderful thing happened about an hour ago. Coming home through town.... I was...
  2. It's approximately 11:57pm at the time of typing this and I have work early tomorrow. I don't know why I keep doing this to myself.
  3. Done and done. Edit: She says thanks to everyone.
  4. So, we recently got a new family suv (Ford Expedition, for those who are strangely wondering) and I got my first ride in it today. There were some ups and downs about the trip. The downside is that I get car sick very quickly in it. I very rarely get car sick but, for some reason it kicked in fast and didn't go away until I was in the driver's seat. Don't think I'll be taking too many rides in it from now on. The newest vehicle I own is 29 years old, so I guess I'm just not used to "good" suspension lol. Upside to the trip was we went to a thrift store. I fed my Hotwheels addiction just a little. Didn't expect to be spending this much money today but, hey, they threw in the basket for free.
  5. My mood just plummeted. One of my favorite bands announced they were coming to Boston (2 hour drive for me) this July a couple days ago. THE TICKETS ARE ALREADY SOLD OUT ARE YOU KIDDING ME EDIT: Okay so I called my dad and he checked it out and apparently he can get tickets. I don't know why I couldn't with the computer here but, I'm feeling a bit better now. FALSE ALARM.
  6. So the exhaust on my truck kinda broke and was hanging like 3 inches above the ground. Spent the freezing early morning with dad helping me fix it. Oh, and I was late for work. (: Upside is I'm home and done for the weekend. Party time. Yay.
  7. New possible medical development for me. I'm hoping it's just a pulled muscle near an 'important' (ahem) spot but, there's a chance I have a hernia. It would be a little surprising since I don't do much heavy lifting at work at all... Regardless, just the idea of any kind of surgery freaks me out. I know I'll hear the "you won't feel a thing and it'll be over before you know it!" but, yeeeaaah, heart attack. I don't even know what it is yet and I need to remind myself to take deep breaths... I think I'll faint now.
  8. I can say I'm officially hooked lol. How often do new chapters come out?
  9. I'm up to date with the Made in Abyss manga. So yeah, that whole 1 1/2 hours just happened.
  10. I will think on it. Like I said, I really want to.. ugghhh, It's gonna kill me if I don't read it. Hopefully, it won't kill me if I DO..
  11. Saying "If you think that was terrible, keep reading" doesn't really help lol. I already can barely handle watching these characters go through what they're going through... I want so badly to read it but, I dunno. I can't stomach this stuff too well.
  12. Uuurrgh now the temptation to continue is there... Brave enough? Uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh... Probably not, I don't know.. EDIT: It took me a good 5 minutes to realize it goes right to left lol.
  13. It gets way darker?? Ugh, I don't know if I could handle that, honestly.. The anime (especially the last 2 or 3 episodes) was really pushing it with me to the point where I was actually squinting and slightly turning away during a couple of the more gruesome scenes.. I did happen to Google the anime just to see the reviews and apparently there's a sequel confirmed? I may check out the manga... Though, at the same time, I don't want to overwork my tear ducts lol.
  14. UPDATE: I've finished Made in Abyss. Well, actually I finished it about an hour ago but, who's counting? Man, the last few episodes really got the tears flowing... Also, hi there @ThatOneGirl!
  15. I am already 7 episodes in and about to start the 8th so HA!
  16. Aaaand I've finished all of Hyouka. Was a pretty good series. Wish it was a little longer, as the romantic tension was left on such a cliff hanger. I'm actually rather infuriated by it lol.
  17. I believe it was @SymphonicFire who recommended Hyouka. I was looking for something to watch and checked out the anime lists you and Rosey put together. I've watched a couple episodes of this and so far I do like it. Thanks for suggesting it! I do wonder why the intros to these animes are so long. They're like, an entire 2 minute pop song. At least, that's how 91 Days and this one are.
  18. First Valentines Day in 3 years I haven't been able to say "Hey, it's that heart day" to someone close to me. A mean, to me, that is the extent of it. Just acknowledging the day. My ex wanted to do big date stuff and I just felt it was a normal weekday. I think it's a rather silly holiday, really. A big commercial for overpriced chocolate, flowers and other pink stuff. EDIT: Also, wow, never thought I'd make it to the 800 post mark. Wooooooooooooooooooo... .. hoo.
  19. So a friend of mine found the car on eBay (somehow I missed it). Smashed that 'buy it now' button.
  20. Childhood stuff? Hotwheels cars (and Matchbox sometimes). Still collect them to this day. I recall having a Matchbox Dodge Viper as a kid and it was my favorite. I lost it one day and looked for it for what felt like years. I never found it. I think I used to have dreams about finding it one day haha. I still kinda remember the paint job and I have checked eBay a few times if one popped up for sale. I would buy it in a heartbeat. In fact, I think I'll take a look right now. One of my fondest memories when I was younger was us only having two cassette tapes to play in the car. Chicago 16 and, my favorite at the time, The Beach Boys (I think it was some greatest hits album or something). I think I knew every Beach Boys song by heart by the time I was 11 or 12. Update: OMG I ACTUALLY FOUND A PICTURE OF THE VIPER ON GOOGLE AHHH THE MEMORIES
  21. Just went to the movies with the fam and saw Peter Rabbit . I haven't laughed aloud at a movie so much in a long time. Great characters and entertaining story. Highly recommend seeing it!
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