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Everything posted by Rocky

  1. Not gonna lie, I'm pretty sure I did the same.
  2. Thanks, Rose. I might have to take a peek at a couple of those. However, now that I think about it, I do remember one anime that I thought was fantastic... Okay, in all seriousness, when I was little, I did watch Zoids. Anyone remember that?
  3. I can't seem to get into anime all that much. I mean, I have nothing against it. In fact, I really enjoyed 91 Days. Just never got into anime and don't really know what's good. To me, it all kinda looks the same (I know it's a stupid thing to think but, I kinda do). Finally, after 3 weeks, I think we're actually going to have a band practice this weekend. Wicked stoked.
  4. I get that but, I honestly don't enjoy slacking off. I can't just sit around. Taking a 6 month break from driving and working on cars is not too pleasant and is the primary reason for my beef with the season.
  5. There really isn't anything I despise more than winter. I have absolutely no winter activities. Everything I enjoy (outdoors) requires warm, snow-free weather.
  6. I want to have everyone sign a petition to ban winter.
  7. Snow showers. Everyone was sent home early from work. Yaaay.
  8. Eagles fans rioting in the streets after their team wins the Superbowl. Lighting stuff on fire and literally flipping cars over. Classic.
  9. It's going to be an interesting day at my work. On Friday, my coworkers were talking about how they wouldn't be in the best mood if the Pats lost. I was kinda rooting for both teams.
  10. Preeetty sure it's the ping pong championship.
  11. So, how about that Superbowl? I've never been much of a fan of soccer but, we always end up watching it.
  12. This is really the only meme that I have a soft spot for. Obviously for how it basically saved Stefán's life..
  13. It's only a matter of time before another stupid meme shows up lol.
  14. I swear, that Uganda Knuckles thing is so stupid. It's almost infuriating.
  15. Wait, are those made by Nickelodeon? Like, is it literally their brand? I just can see if there's another logo on the package..
  16. Varrick was undoubtedly the highlight of the whole series for me. "Zhu Li, will you do the thing for the rest of our lives?"
  17. It was good. I did like The Last Airbender series better but, this was very entertaining. Yeah, I got really hooked and just had to keep watching haha. Needless to say, I was caught a little off guard by the end and had to go to Google for some clarification..
  18. So, finally finished Legend of Korra. That ending.. Not what I was expecting at all. In no way ever in forever did I think that would be how they end it. Still trying to process it. Sorta changed my whole view of the series.
  19. I did go too fast. I thought it'd be an easy transition from Avatar to Korra but, the atmosphere is so different.. Kinda screwing with me but I'll make it.
  20. Yeah. I haven't really watched any episodes today but, I am up to episode 10.
  21. Now that I think about it, I agree that I may have jumped into Korra too soon. I am still trying to process Avatar. It's all still so fresh in my head and I keep thinking about it (especially while watching Korra). Maybe watching the whole third season in one day wasn't the best. I just got so hooked, I had to see what was next. Maybe I should slow down. Also, bloodbending is effed up.
  22. Yeah, I guess I shouldn't judge her character so early in the series. I know Aang wasn't the best when he started but, for some reason, I had a much easier time watching Aang mess up than Korra lol.
  23. Okay, I'm roughly 5 episodes in and I'm finding it... Hard to watch. Not that it's bad by any means, it's just a bit... Like, the characters do silly things. I am finding myself cringing a little at some of the things the lead characters are saying and doing. A lot of the time, I'm able to predict how scenes will turn out before they happen. Korra seems overly confident, which is fine but... She just gets herself into situations that are way over her head, and does things without totally thinking them through first. It's a little aggravating to watch, constantly thinking to myself "Uuugghhh no, don't do that. Why would she do that?" or "Stop talking, stop talking, stop talking". I'm also finding this show to be a little more intense than The Last Airbender. Not that there's more fighting, per se but, the whole atmosphere seems darker. Maybe it's the era and location... I dunno. The Last Airbender seemed a little more innocent than LOK is turning out. I'm going to try to watch a little more but, it is stressing me out a little hehe.. Edit: Watching episode 8. Korra's doing something stupid and, in turn, I let out one of my most annoyed groans of my life.
  24. I heard the movie was pretty bad. Obviously I haven't seen it but, they really must have had to condense the story a lot (granted it actually follows the tv show story) to fit it all into the movie. Honestly, I'd just like more episodes of the original show. Maybe life after the nations get back together and all that? Basically whatever happened between the original show and LOK. Would've liked to see more of the original characters doing stuff together. Man, it's only been about 4 hours since I finished the series and I already miss it. I actually literally just finished the first episode of LOK and it seems pretty good so far. To be honest, it was a little sad. Just for the fact of Katara being the last (I mean, from what gather so far) of the original characters still living. I'll probably continue to watch. Also, @SymphonicFire, I finally found out where you signature gif comes from. When the scene came on I was like "no way!" lol.
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