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Everything posted by Rocky

  1. Well, Conor, this is for you: (Lol just found this!!)
  2. Nothing else to do... Don't take it personal, I'm rubbing it in everypony's face lol!
  3. That is an old one... This is new(er) {{Totally messed up Beetle}}
  4. I can draw well. I just... I can't... Draw... Uh.. Ponies...
  5. Ah, fine. Can't think of what to do today... Lazy Sunday FTW.
  6. Welcome to the Canterlot community! See you around!
  7. My eyes have seen you.

  8. So, yep... Oh, and I apologize for last nights display of insanity be me...
  9. I see. Oh, Conor, by the way, it was my computer that saw my avatar all messed up. Now that I'm off the laptop, and on the PC, it looks fine. Just sayin'.
  10. Back here again! If Conor gets this... Did throney blow up?
  11. I'm off to bed! G'night everypony! Oh, I'm just tired... That's why I act this way sometimes! I'm sorry if I hurt anypony, and I'll see you all in the morning!!
  12. Hey, Conor, you know I'm just messing around, right? I mean, why would I become gulli- ... *Ahem* I'm sorry...
  14. I would probably hit Conor. He seem to be the most gullible of all of us.
  15. Rocky

    Hi =)

    Welcome to Canterlot! Hope you enjoy!
  16. How do you guys all have sooo many posts??? Why me? Why do you all do this to me!?? I'm always behind every other pony I see here! I mean, look at Conor! Just yesterday he became a "Broney", and now he has reached 800 posts! I don't know... Maybe I need to calm down before I hurt Conor.
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