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Everything posted by Rocky

  1. Might I add I felt sick the whole night after I read "Cupcakes".
  2. Welp, I hope not! Let me give it another try in the RP section sometime in the near future, and I'll let you know if I feel like you're assistance is needed!
  3. Eh, none taken. Happens all the time.. I mean, it's not like I'm actually trying to win.
  4. Thanks! However, I do still get a little nervous even on a 1-1. Would be something you would put in the RP section, or PM?
  5. Alright! I will! Thanks for the offer! I did make one post in the RP section. It was quite sketchy, and I felt I gave Pinstripe (My character) too much credit.
  6. I'm not really the best at putting words together... Seeing the grammar that everypony on the RP section uses, mine is mediocre to an extent... I don't know... Something is always holding me back.
  7. Thanks, but I'm not sure if you can help much. I just feel a bit nervous of getting into the conversation/story... It may be linked to a pride issue with me, but I just feel nervous that my post will make me look like an idiot...
  8. No, he said you would be beside him while you watch all of us die.
  9. Very nice work! Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy look great! Everything else looks great too!
  10. I do believe that is his point... You truly are lucky, Conor.
  11. =) Why do I feel SOOO nervous to make a post in the RP section??? I really don't understand myself sometimes...
  12. Jealousy is not needed... Why would we... Wait... I've never been to an airport in my life Good work, Conor!
  13. I think it also had something to do with a Pegasus...
  14. An aimlessly flying Pegasus caused the tubulence, thus giving you free time!
  15. You are at a clock shop, and they are having a day where everything is "free"! I AM GOOD!!! WHHHOOOOO!
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