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Everything posted by Rocky

  1. For one thing... I don't go to school.. I'm homeschooled and nearly never do any school.
  2. Ah, thanks! I wasn't sure where to post this! Wow, that is a handful! It took me a while to learn how to do some good improvisations on keyboard and piano... but it's really fun when you get to that stage.
  3. How do you already have over 950 posts, Angie!!?? Why is this all happening to me!!?? I can't even keep up with you all!! Free time? Somepony say something about that?
  4. Why hello... Heh, I just checked your profile, and aparently you make around 57 posts a day! How can you manage that many? I believe I joined before you aswell! All of my friends (Or people I see here) are passing me on post count (Not that it is a big deal)!
  5. Sorry... I keep forgetting how to spell it. Take it easy...
  6. When I first joined, Daveroth told me I had a great taste in music. Nothing can beat music from 1925-1985. I must be among the top 3 here. Good that you already have Audacity. (B
  7. Hmmm.. I cannot think of any song at the moment... However, I do know a system that is quite efficiant for "cutting" up audio. Yes, it is free. It is called "Audacity". Here's a link: http://www.sonicdownloads.net/download/Audio/Audacity/?f=O2RraF5kS&a=6591&adid=9533935880
  8. Greatest song ever in my opinion. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9O5OEPYn50M
  9. Love that song! This one too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97Wwhe9Hx_w&NR=1
  10. Play a musical instrument? Post it here! (As far as I know there is no thread like this here yet...) Give as much detail as you want! I play drums (Specialize in swing jazz) and (Self taught) rock, boogie woogie, and blues piano (as many people here know already). I tried to learn saxaphone, but failed less than a year into it. So, what do you all play?
  11. Oh, like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lE-maxEOc4Q
  12. Little blues-ish song from the greatest band ever. Not one of their famous ones... Now this is one of their biggest. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNigNUD8CKo
  13. Nah nah, this is way more epic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-wgIht3roA
  14. Same here. Jazz, rock, boogie woogie, and blues are my favorites. EDIT: My mom just rented Cars 2, and I am watching it for the first time... Hopefully I will come out alive...
  15. Welcome! Hopefully see you around the boards!
  16. UGH. I can't believe you would ruin the combo by posting that!
  17. You are a shining insperation to all of us, Fawkes.
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