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Posts posted by Rocky

  1. Playing bass and acoustic guitar over here. I used to play trumpet once upon a time, but I'm more of a rocker than a jazzman these days.

    ...now I wanna post a Soundcloud of me playing something on bass XD

    My younger brother is a swing-jazz bass player. Of course he can play rock aswell.

    Edit: Oh, he used to play Cornet (I believe it is spelled like this) aswell. He dropped it, and now loves the bass.


    Play nearly every saxophone from soprano to baritone but sadly have never played a tenor. Strange when you think about it, I mainly specialise in Jazz or classical can do some rock but I always try to swing it. Guess I'm a jazz man at heart and always will be. I love listening to Big Band music

    My older brother is a classical/jazz clarinetist.

    Big band music is great! Real good stuff.

  2. Classical music here.

    Professionally trained for about 13 years. Decided not to pursue a music career and stopped practicing for about 4 years unfortunately =( I one day started to miss my music and I'm currently trying to regain my former technique.

    Here's a quick sample :)


    I'm not a classical fan, but I must say, very nicely played!

    I should some vids of my piano stuff sometime!

  3. Yeah I did have trouble with the cutie mark on my one, I don't know how I fixed it, I just refreshed I think.

    And I saved two pictures, one with the blue background and one with an actual background, and there's an option there somewhere to do that.

    Heh, I tried to refresh it (like it suggested), and I had to restart the whole project...

  4. Hullo there! Welcome!

    Nice to see another red-color-liking-pony in town!

    I like Sonic the Hedgehog aswell! Tails was and still is my favorite.

    It took me up to the 4th episode ("The point of no return" as a friend of mine called it) to become an almost complete brony.

    I see you love rock. Same here! All of the older stuff!

    It seems we have a lot in common... Aside from the fact I like Twilight the most. I'm keepin' an eye on you. :D

    Hopefully see you around the community! :)

  5. I hardly beleive you can appear like an idiot in any fashion, Irockz. I am sure you will be fine.

    What is it exactly that is worrying you?

    I'm not really the best at putting words together... Seeing the grammar that everypony on the RP section uses, mine is mediocre to an extent... I don't know... Something is always holding me back.

  6. Aw, don't worry guys. I'll use my powers to stop you from sinking!

    You know, Irockz. If you have any RP, problems then I am more than happy to help.

    I role played for seven years, I am no master but perhaps I can at least assist you.

    Thanks, but I'm not sure if you can help much. I just feel a bit nervous of getting into the conversation/story... It may be linked to a pride issue with me, but I just feel nervous that my post will make me look like an idiot...

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