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Posts posted by Rocky

  1. Moved to Music Showcase, where I'm sure you can find lots of other ponies with a love for music :)

    Ah, thanks! I wasn't sure where to post this!

    I love music. I really don't know what I'd do without it. And I play several things, some better than others, lol.

    I'm the best at Bass Guitar, which I've played for a little more than two years now. My friends say I'm pretty good, but I've still need to learn some other techniques, such as slapping. The reason I say I'm the best at it is because I'm really connected to it. I've reached a point, where I don't need the music or tabs in front of me. I can play with feeling and the sound comes out well, not only other music, but jamming as well.

    Next would be singing. I think I've got pretty good pitch and range, but I'm still lacking a little bit in intonation and finding what really suits me. I can imitate just about anyone, but I'll have to try a few times to find a range for something original.

    I did play drums for a while, where I mostly learned latin stuff, mainly ska and latin rock. Drums were so energetic, they pumped me up so much! That's why I really want to learn other styles and have more parts to work with. I guess I need to start with getting a set first, lol.

    Keyboard/piano is what I'm also trying to master. This will definitely by a challenge since everything just seems so precise. I'm almost to the point where I can sight read, but nowhere near where I want to be, which is improvisation. But the reason I'm learning it, is because it's a classic instrument, which means that there are a lot of good songs on it, and it goes with pretty much anything.

    When I was into orchestra, I learned to play Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Bassoon, and Alto Saxophone. I have not really practised these much over the past few years, but it's all still there. It comes down to my music preferences, really.

    Apart from Clarinet, I've taught myself how to play everything. Lessons are expensive! lol

    I really want to learn violin though. It's also a classic instrument, but more than that, it would really fit a lot of the emotions that I'm always trying to convey.

    Wow, that is a handful! It took me a while to learn how to do some good improvisations on keyboard and piano... but it's really fun when you get to that stage.

  2. Ah. Welcome back, Irockz. Its always nice to see you around!

    Why hello... Heh, I just checked your profile, and aparently you make around 57 posts a day!

    How can you manage that many?

    I believe I joined before you aswell! All of my friends (Or people I see here) are passing me on post count (Not that it is a big deal)!

  3. I just listen to anything that I enjoy. no specific genre and by no specific artist. it just so happens that most of the music is fan-remixes of songs.

    I listen to some old stuff, but not a lot because I know that I'll probably hear somebody else playing whatever retro song is stuck in my head within the next week. I've never met anybody who doesn't listen to classic (not to be confused with classical) music.

    Ah, I see your point.

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