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Posts posted by Arcus

  1. I was very much "into" archery last year. I still have a wood recurve and a set of eclipse steel alloy arrows. Used a sight and stabilizer and all. Kinda gave up on it though, especially after I broke my finger :/.

    Ouch, yeah, that can happen. Recurves have some serious pull to them, which is why I usually have finger tabs on most of the time. Arcus' bow is actually nearly identical to my bow in real life, except for the fact that my recurve isn't a takedown. Sure wish it was, though, it would make it a lot more convenient to carry!
  2. My real name is probably just as unique as my online name. I have met no one IRL who has the same name as me. Ironically enough, while my online alias is meant to infer power and authority, the meaning of my real name has both qualities (my name means sun goddess and centre of all things). Huh. Not intended when I came up with my online name.

    My real life first and last names are the weirdest names I've come across so far.

    I have no idea if anybody, aside from relatives, has this name. It's ridiculously weird, but it apparently means "God of Friendship", in Hindu, a language spoken in places far, far away from where I live. And from what I've researched, my first name's stupidly rare, with my name being a corrupted version of it being even rarer. Around 6 other people with my first name. >.>

    One more thing.

    I have the same name as a brand of cooking oil.

    Yep. Names are weird.

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