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Posts posted by DantonDamnark

  1. I got fairly wrapped up in writing the end story, it ended up quite long. So I put it in Spoiler Tags.

    Name: Lilly (A.K.A. Lilly the Filly)

    Sex: Female

    Age: Filly

    Species: Unicorn

    Pelt Color: Pale Pinkish Purple; Hex: be83a1

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Identical to Berry Pinch, but darker; Hex Codes:

    Darker - 903965, Lighter - 9d5c7d.

    Eye Color: Pale Green

    Cutie Mark: N/A

    Physique: Normal (for her age)

    Origin: Born a Street Urchin in Fillydelphia

    Roleplay Type: Mane

    Occupation: None; Assistant(See Character Summary)

    Motivation: Get her Cutie Mark

    Likes: Flowers and Plants in general, most little bugs, meddows

    Dislikes: "The City"

    Character Summary:

    Lilly is a sweet, kindhearted filly who would never hurt a fly. She is not a social butterfly but she also isn't a loner. She is also very loyal, to the point that she would do anything short of murder to help her friends.

    Lilly never knew her parents. Her eariliest memories were of living in an old cardboard box in a cold, dark alley of Fillydelphia. This wasn't to say she was alone. She "lived" with a group of other Street Foals that called themselves a family. Lilly was told that she, like many others of the "family", was found abandoned on the streets and they took her in.

    Lilly's "Box-mate" was Frilly. Frilly was a blue Pegasus who loved cloths. She had a nack for making nice cloths from even a simple cloth. She mostly made them for others so they would not be cold. Blankets, coats, etc. And it did not take long for Frilly and Lilly to become friends. To stay alive as a street urchin in Filldelphia, every member of the family had to chip in. From stealing food to looking for the cops, everypony had to do something to stay in the family. Lilly's job was simple: she was to distract the adult ponies while the others took the food.

    Name Story

    Lilly was not always "Lilly". Not knowing here parents, she never had an offical name. Other street ponies gave her nicknames like "Pinkly" or "Berry", however Maximilian, the current Head of the Family, made it perfectly clear that "only the foal themself can declare their name". Lilly was uncertain what to call herself, until one day on a walk around the block she was knocked into the street by a Pegasus who was in a hurry.

    She fell into a puddle near a storm drain. When she got up she noticed something in the stormdrain. Getting a better look she noticed it was a single flower growing out of a tiny patch of dirt. Before now, Lilly had never seen a flower in person. Later, she told her story to the others and one of them mentioned a few names of flowers. Tulip, rose, daisy, lilly. Lilly loved the sound of lilly and on of the others replied "Why don't ya name yahself that?" And so she did.

    Since then, Lilly loved flowers and collected as many as she could. The cardboard box she lived in had a vase with her favorites while she put others all around the ally to make the place look nicer. And, as you can imagine, Lilly was happier since she discovered flowers.

    Everything was looking up for the family, until one day Maximilian didn't get out of bed. Worried, everyone went to see what was the matter. Long story short, Maximilian was very sick and no one knew what to do. The kids stole anything they thought would help, from food to medicine but nothing seemed to do the trick. But one day...

    Event(s) Leading to Now

    Some of the foals showed up with an unusual backpack.

    "Where'd you guys get that?" asked Lilly.

    "We took it from some Unicorn while he was checking his map" said one of the colts.

    "He looked like the 'Docta'(Doctor) type" said another.

    Opening it up, they found several bottles with what looked like potions inside. A few colts started rummaging threw the potions looking for one they thought might help.

    "Give 'em this one" said one of the fillies.

    A colt wasted no time and tried to give it to Maximilian, but it didn't seem to work.

    "Why won't anything work?!" exclaimed one of the colts.

    "Because that's not the cure..." said a voice deeper than what everyone was used to hearing.

    Turning around, everyone saw a dark grey Unicorn Stallion standing not too far behind them.

    "Uh oh" said Frilly.

    "What, Frilly? Who's that?" asked Lilly.

    "That's the pony we stole the bag from" responded Frilly.

    The Stallion walked toward his bag.

    "Get back!" growled one of the colts, "We need these for Maxy!"

    "I can see that, but let me help you out" replied the Stallion as he ruffled through his bag.

    The Stallion pulled out a purpleish potion and studied it. After which he walked over to Maximilian and looked him over.

    "Oh dear..." said the stallion.

    "What? What is it?" asked Frilly.

    "He's been bitten by a snake. And a poisonous one at that" answered the Stallion.

    "I have the Base Potion, but not the main ingredient and it looks like he won't survive the night"

    "What do you need?" asked a pony from the crowd.

    "At this stage of the poisoning, I'd need a Blue Tulip. One of the rarest flowers in Equestria"

    "I have one!" said Lilly, "I'll go get it"

    Lilly went into her box and came out with a Blur Tulip and gave it to the Stallion.

    "You just saved this foal's life" said the Stalion with a smile.

    The Stallion crushed down the Tulip with a pestle and mixed it with his base. He then procided to give it to Maximilian. After a few moments, Maximilian let out a groan.

    "He'll be fine now" said the Stallion, "Just give him his rest"

    The whole family was overjoyed. After many thanks for saving Maximilian and several "Sorrys" for stealing his bag, the Stallion told them he had to leave.

    "Where are you going?" asked Frilly.

    "Home. I live outside Ponyville" replied the Stallion.

    "Thanks again..." said Maximilian with a weak voice.

    "Take care now" said the Stallion as he walked away.

    After the Stallion disappeared around the corner, Lilly ran after him, with Frilly not far behind.

    "Wait!" yelled Lilly.

    The Stallion stopped and turned around.

    "Can we come with you?" asked Lilly.

    "What about your Street Family?" asked the Stallion.

    "'We all have to leave sometime' is what Maxy always says" answered Frilly.

    "Well," started the Stallion, "Alright you can come, if you'll help me with things on occasion"

    "Deal!" replied both the fillies.

    They started off together.

    "By the way," started Lilly, "What's your name?"

    "You can call me Danton"

    Now Lilly and Frilly lives with Danton in the Everfree Forest. The Fillies see Danton like a Big Brother, and Danton sees them like his Little Sisters. Danton also walks them to and from school everyday as he fears they may get lost.

    Lilly's current goal(which is also Frilly's goal) is to get her Cutie Mark. She has several ideas on ways to find her talent, but has not had the opportunity to attempt them(until now). Not going to school in Ponyville until just recently, she has not heard of the Cutie Mark Crusaders nor of it's members. She and Frilly are currently working together in an effort to get their Cutie Marks. But unlike the CMC, they think out their plans a little more before attempting them.

    Lilly and Frilly also are having difficulties adjusting to the "new lives". That being, they tend to forget to pay for things like food and often get caught because they are not in the "coordinated teamwork" state of mind. Because of this they have a negative reputation among most adults around town. Fortunately, this is not extended the the foals of Ponyville who instead see them as "troublemakers" than petty, young criminals.

  2. I was thinks: "Would it be a good idea to have NPCs in Pony RPs?"

    It got me to thinking of how they would work and what their basics would be and I think I've got some.

    RP NPC Attributes

    • Used as minor/comic roles
      • Example: Character gives RPers a quest/is the one who "starts" the RP

      [*]For use by (almost) anypony

      • By "almost", I mean the creator can allow for anypony to use them or require them to ask permission.

      [*]Character is (mostly) open ended, allowing for adaption for others.

    I've also got a slightly modified version of the RP Application to possibly be used as an NPC Application Template.

    [b]Pelt Color:[/b]
    [b]Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style:[/b]
    [b]Eye Color:[/b]
    [b]Cutie Mark:[/b]
    [b]NPC Type:[/b] - Types: FiM Character, OC
    [b]Occupation:[/b] (optional)
    [b]Description of Character:[/b] - A very short version of Character Summary. Very simple, no story.
    [b]Permission Type:[/b] - Types: FfA(Free for All), PM(PM the creator)

    This is very basic right now, I'm hoping to get more input before adding anything else.

  3. I'm not sure what you mean by shadows. From their name, it sounds like she might be interested though.

    Well after reading Arcana's Character summary, I reminded me of an aspect I forgot to add about Danton. His love for shadows and the Darkness, but not in an evil way.

    What I was asking was something like: "Does/Can she draw power from the dark?" or "Does she feel better in the dark than in the light?"

  4. I think she is a very interesting Pony, I just a few questions.

    Where is she now/Where does she live?

    Has she made any progress on her goal?

    How does she feel about "shadows"?(You can ask what I mean if you don't understand)

    And "Danton" would like to say that "She sounds interesting."

  5. Hi there! I would like to say that this character seems very interesting and a cool character to RP. Just one real issue I see. The invisibility portion of his spell book seems a little, out of place. Invisibility is a powerful skill that would require massive amounts of both training and magical prowess. I struggled with this as well on a character that I created a while back. Sable here has the ability to use a "perception filter" that allows him to blend in with crowds but not become invisible. Invisibility, even for a short time, seems just a wee bit too powerful for a pony not to specialize only in that area of magic. Just my take on it though. Other than that the character seems interesting, especially with the old alchemy bordering on old chemistry, that is a very neat field! I can't wait to see where this character goes!

    ~Sage AkA Freddie Freewings

    I agree that Invisability is a little too powerful. I was debating on whether add it or not and now I also see there is no true practical purpose for Danton to need it. I have removed it, and also clearified that Danton uses his minor Flame Control for Alchemy.

  6. I'd like to add that the Topic name should Match the Character's name, and not the User/Submitter. Just as well, I think you should try to be more concise when it comes to everything that isn't the Character Summary, which I think you need to make a little more detailed.

    • Like 1
  7. I might be able to voice act, it depends on the Part/what I need to sound like.

    Also I could be part of the writing/storyboard team.

    One more thing, what kind of "animation" exactly? Flash? Traditional? Because for Flash I might be able to create object the animators can uses. I also could ask the Vector Community to provide PSD/SVGs of actual Characters and Props from the show.

  8. I love it already I can see this developing into a very good and funny series of events.

    I only found 1 spelling mistake in the second chapter second paragraph first line:

    "Sorry I'm late, Yulin" apologized Danton, "My house a bit of walk from here"

    it's just missing an 'is'

    But other than that it seems to be really good I love it

    it is kinda short though but that may also be a plus because it is a quick read and not War and Peace

    Thank you! I decided to release them by chapter because I know, personally, that people hate to read long Internet text. But what I am really thankful for is people, like you, pointing out grammatical, spelling, punctuation and other errors. This is the price you pay for using Notepad over Microsoft Word.

    I prefer the basic/infancy display of Notepad as well as it's quick startup, saving, identifying and comparability. As apposed to Word's start-up time(on my Laptop) as well as the evil squiggles that change the focus of my attention to spelling and such rather than writing(Typing) my story.

    In more regards to "release by chapter", I've found that when I type "books" I may change my mind about one thing- "Ooo! That would be cool to add!" - and then end up having to change everything only to have to Re-Rewrite it.

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