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Everything posted by Nasty

  1. OMG! It's the second volume to Gargery's Grand Adventure!
  2. I'm thinking about making a character for RPing if I ever get wireless and manage to stay on here for a decent amount of time.
  3. Ah, I got it. I did it in notepad and pasted it into my signature which made it work. Thank you for helping me.
  4. I'm not quite sure what you mean, do you mean type up the thing in like notepad and paste it in?
  5. Fantastic. I was going for random. As far as stories go for me, I suppose I'll mostly be working on that considering 'The Brony' is finished and dying.
  6. I haz a question. I'm trying to create one of those clickable links that are words rather than the link on its own. ie my siggie. I have forgotten.
  8. Howdy Heru. Nothing new for me except working on Volume Two of Gargery's Grand Adventure... Why is making horrible MSPaint comics so fun? I'll be sure to read your chapter soonz
  9. Lol, we do? I just threw that in writing for the lulz. If you don't know who Gargery is, ask Conor.
  10. Aww But I like how the horribly made MSPaint comic seems to have gotten better attention than my actual story. I guess my story just sucks XD. What's funny is I noticed it was a Hot Topic... Because of me. *Gargery rests his hand onto NastyMann's shoulder "Perk up lad, I guess I'm just too enthralling."
  11. To make Gargery shut up, I agreed to make Volume 2 to his grand adventure.
  12. Nasty must depart. Come, Gargery. "Farewell, gentlemen!"
  13. Try to remember, Angie. We all wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you. ...and tell Gargery to stop eyeing Conor oddly.
  14. *Gargery notices Colton slyly nibble on the crumpt "Nasty, my good man, there is a thief among us!"
  15. "You forget? M'lady, does your tummy not grumble?"
  16. You really shouldn't not not eat for long periods of time. We wouldn't want you to get sick *Gargery raised his bitten chicken finger in the air "I agree with the young gentleman!"
  17. "Mmm, this chicken finger is simply smashing!"
  18. lolnooneknowswhoGargeryis Well, I think Conor might know. Speaking of Conor, when are you uploading your next chapter?
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