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Everything posted by Nasty

  1. Cathy the second image has YOUR name; why are you making fun of yoruself?
  2. guys real talk for a second could you imagine if the cat won
  3. You have to kill a bit to stop war, Davroth.
  4. WHILE MY VICTORY MIGHT NOT HAVE TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECHNICALLY BEEN THE FIRST, i would say it is still the first of this exact caliber of importance! important given such a...turbulent political landscape. I admit, my recent attempt at a coup ended disastrously--embarrassingly, in fact. Utterly outplayed, in just about every facet. Tricked, fooled, made an example of. Nothing short of what should be delivered via the cruel justice of chaos, and its tendency to pick poopy favorites. But, it's worth noting, if it weren't for the Grand Maestro, I wouldn't even be here. Let it be no secret that competition is what Fawkes craves--chaos makes way for it, and through competition, we are forced to push ourselves to our very best. Trouble is, my very best is getting better and better. Soon we shall all be bound through a chain of culture and devotion to the state of the Mad Wood! No more terrible posts! No more lack of activity! No more cat! (I'M KIDDING)
  5. This is a very important day in LPW history. I do believe this is the first defeat our beloved Fawkesquus has faced?
  6. Nasty vs. Thala LORE FIGHT WE're gonna tally our wins and whoever wins the most doesn't have to acknowledge the ronald mcdonald/cathy
  8. your crummy plan would've worked had I been a lamo and went uptown for some booze. BUT I AM CURRENTLY ONLY DRINKING COKE.
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