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Posts posted by Nasty

  1. whoa kids hows your lives' going? Cool beans news on the new Star Wars, and sorry you had such a long and sweaty walk there Cat, but the good news is the exercise is cool and if you do it enoguh it won't suck as hard and then you'll be ripped and then you can kick ass (I don't even know).



    whoa I did a song cover guys what the heck this isn't some gross avi? gimmie like two days I'll ahve another crying baby or whatever but in the meantime listen to me attempt to do a really good song justice 

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  2. Hey guys what's uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup I'm twenty and I still hate my parents like a fifteen-year-old but the good news is that my friends are rad so yeah I'm holding my ego and aspirations and emotional state together through uni trying to become EDIT: NOT maladjusted, as if I were holding a BUNCH OF UNWIELDY DODGEBALLS + A FINICKY UMBRELLA. 


    In spite of that, though, it's going well. THANK YOU FRIENDS.



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  3. 5 hours ago, Rosewind said:

    NastyMann '16.


    Guys, let's make this happen.

    While I'm utterly flattered to have you under my banner, I'm afraid if I were elected democratically that'd be pretty degenerate and very unlike a good, cultured state. Instead, let's make it

    NastyMann, Forever and Always,

    (Death be thy Only Release)

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  4. 9 hours ago, MicroChip said:

    Yet NastyMann keeps his. Hmmmm....


    9 hours ago, Davroth said:

    NastyMann has seen true horror. 


    8 hours ago, MicroChip said:

    And shared it, too.

    It's pretty much my life goal to vent out the absolute depravity of my id into somewhat-socially acceptable ways, and it turns out a pony board is just the place. Mind you, you won't have to fear reading anymore poorly-written erotica I found online, even though that was practically a masterpiece worthy of being gilded. 


    Instead, I will do everything in my power to sneak past every and all rules so you can experience frailty of your egos, as I insidiously rot them from the inside-out.


    Fear me, Bad Boy Number One AKA "Fluffernutter Pickle Snot"


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  5. i feel that tbh 


    we were always sort of spiritually related penumbra. I'm more...organic, visceral, in my darkness, while you're much more looming, terrifying, and ethereal. YOU WERE THE PERFECT CANDIDATE TO BE THE EMPEROR'S FIST AND IT WAS RUINED! Lowkey if fawkes doesn't recognize my cultural practice of drinking coffee and I rebel (PSST! DON'T TELL FAWKES!) wanna fight under my banner? C'mon! We have Noeeeeediiiiiig!

  6. *dashes a splash of black sludgy coffee into his cup of tea* So Fawkes, do you think you could like pass an un-law to make coffee a recognized cultural drink? I realize tea is pretty integral to our aesthetic but sometimes I sit down for a while and realize I'm not sixty-eight and want to get something out of what I drink


    do you think like I would be allowed to tote a dark roast black coffee now and then? For the good my soul, Fawkes!

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