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Posts posted by Nasty

  1. 3 hours ago, Solaria said:

    You try to change, stay fresh, enjoy the fact that you can endlessly edit your display name...


    But then everyone, including the admin and a Fawkesequus, keeps shackling you to your past self. Although maybe that's one essence of madness, now that I think on it. Were I truly insensitive, I could mention something on how I never though this would be a thing again. That maybe it shouldn't be... but then I think people in the right places decided that maybe a little of the wrong thing in the right place is the right thing to have, even if it's wrong. Which would make me more untruly insensitive than anything.


    And thus I am. Solaria returns, in the textual flesh. Greetings, old friends.

    You should feel pleased; literally this thread stayed alive off of each of our singular, self-involved desires to be a human (HORSE IF YOU'RE DEGENERATE) meme. Looks like you've job fostering an unbreakable identity yourself

  2. Silverswirl, as Bad Boy Number 1 here at LPW, under the semi-authority of Fawkes and also the whims of chaos, I need to spray you with my squirt gun. 


    *squeezes the trigger a good four times, satisfyingly slpashing silverswirl's signature*


    Like dude like realtalk that is the most obnoxious signature I've ever seen in my life. One of your posts would take up like six of angie's. If I weren't ousted I'd be S E I Z I N G  you right now; like this would be a penalty in and of itself--it's just that I don't think anyone could have forseen something so ridiculous. Like I don't even mean that in a mean way; you're like one of the LPW Lads and that goes a long way in my book and the books of everyone here; like we love you buddeh but DUUUUDE THAT SIGNATURE


    how is it not breaking like the website's rules? XD like my man silverswirl also long time no see dude like how've you been? BUT THAT SIGNATURE



    • Like 1
  3. My heart is an innermost desire to constantly feel shame and degrade my self-esteem into absolute nothingness, so I repress it and overcompensate by outwardly appearing to be utterly confident and with super high self esteem and try really hard to be like "yeah man all I need is you, me." and stuff


    So if I can repress that part of me, you can repress being Team Instinct. You might even be well-adjusted like me but i'd recommend therapy to deal with that situation of yours dude 

    • Like 1
  4. Thala, let me walk you through why team Mystic is the best:


    Team instinct: Trust your feels dude xDDD (bonus points though for having nobody in it so it's at least better than Valor i guess)


    Team Valor: Tryhard team that sucks and is also garbage; fun fact the man who tried to kidnap me was team valor I think because he was luring kids to the only gym in town by placing low levels in the gym so kids would rush to it to try to take it and feel good about themselves (myself included (as in i took that cp19 growlithe bait hook, line, and sinker))


    Team Mystic: "Being smart is key to victory" like how is this not objectively the best one? "Understand the game and stay level-headed" like all the others are "purposefully be irrational and dumb" they're literally only the choices for those who want to roleplay being Ash Ketchum (and thus eat dirt like ash ketchum too) or literal degenerates

  5. 13 hours ago, Fawkes said:



    "And as such I name thee and knight thee Count Commandant of the Faceless Forces of the Forest! Archduke of the Royal Family of the Crying Sunflower! And Real Bad Boy Number One!"

    Nasty quivers still from the aftershocks of his seizure, the decree still taking a moment to sink in after what felt like an age of constant darkness deep within the bowels of Fawkes' hat.






  6. 21 hours ago, Fawkes said:


    Nasty, drenched in DUMB TEA, wiped the sweat from his brow. He readjusted the doodle artifact (slightly metallic one, suprisingly) Fawkes placed on his head. Nasty hoped he could just wear this dumb doodle-tub out of some ironic gesture due to his utter desperation at somehow one-upping Fawkes' brilliant display. But how on earth could he? Incorporating what could only be described as a Huitzilopotchli-tier-blood-sacrifice-god version of Fawkes into this gorgeous doodle (THAT WAS SO ANNOYINGLY HEAVY FOR NO REASON WHY IS IT HEAVY) is unbeatable. 


    Plus, Nasty counted the points. They won, utterly, fair and square.




    "Complete and utter ownage on the part of our great leader, Fawkes! My DUDE! You came back, posted genuinely fantastic posts (all within the guidelines!), and won! See? My plan worked the whole time! This was the first page since forever that wasn't filled to the brim with absolute degeneracy, am I right?! Tell me you don't love this. This great big funny memejoke right? C'mon it was a good idea! Definitely! Plus, things are all back to normal! And would we have it any other way without you in charge? Like dude I'm practically already dead from the adrenaline-related stress on my arteries from drinking all of this stupid tea and you like pretty much poised to kill me but i mean whatev. So, yeah man. You're leader now. I'm finna step down. You get to take the reign, buddy!"


    Nasty flashes an evil, desperate grin, as he raises his left arm: "Except you like, don't! Because I've still got three bullets left big boy!--and considering the fact that points aren't tallied until after all of my actions are taken into account..." Nasty preens, moving his frazzled bangs out of his eyes and readjusting his goofy sunglasses, dropping his left arm down, pointed directly at Fawkes.


    "Penumbra, FIRE!" 


    Once again, Penumbra emanates a gorgeous, sultry purple hue akin to what could only be described as  G E N G A R  F A R T S. Before any sort of projectiles could fire, however, the hallowed artifacts Fawkes awarded to all of the posters who posted during The Burning of the Forest began to glow that very same purple. 


    Suddenly, a jolt of epileptic electricity coursed out from the glowing Penumbra's eyes, connecting with each and every item in a chain lightning effect. Finally, the final bolt connected with NastyMann's head--the very same head whereupon Fawkes placed his ingeniously-cloaked  l i g h t n i n g  r o d. 


    Nasty was  S E I Z E D,  meaning no longer could his actions influence the point total!


    Conjoined posting coup by Fawkes and Angie = like a bajillion points

    new point total: More than enough to win!!!




    Nasty has been ousted!


    Fawkes has returned as leader! 


    • Like 1
  7. *VOMITS


    Absolutely disgusting. Absolutely, absolutely disgusting. We've got doubleposts, tripleposts, degeneracy posts, and even God herself visited to make a bona fide D E G E N E R A C Y  post. You people NEED me. 


    You're lucky Angus brought me back from my pokemon go-filled stupor to actually check up on you, so it looks like she gets some social mobility! She is now known as our second best artist (our best being MicroChip for his countless contributions).


    Given the state of the previous posts, I don't much feel like awarding points. Given the amount of disgusting double posts and wild cards and degeneracy, I'm just gonna go ahead and reset the points to 10 points because it's what you lot deserve. This is me being NICE. 


    *eats a CUTE, ADORABLE KITTEN whole*


    And that's me being merciful.




    *gulps nervously and pops a jolly rancher to ease nerves, pulling from his mouth the kitten he skillfully shoved into the recesses of his esophagus before near-dying on kitty hairs*

    • Like 1
  8. 8 hours ago, Wildtalon said:


    It was fine when I first sent it...

    Huh! It still won't work... Well, he sent one of his friends in his place:



    This kitten will save us!

    *Kills it*


    7 hours ago, Davroth said:



    With the power vested in me, I do proclaim your new name to be Davorth The Indignant

    3 hours ago, Wildtalon said:

    This is why we need cute vicious kittens to save u--


    Oh hey look! The kitten picture isn't broke anymore, so we have 2 of them to save us from Nasty :D



    Two Wildtalon posts = Wild Card x2! PLUS TWENTY POINTS!!!

    Davorth The Indignant post = plus one point

    previous points were at 13


    New point total is now 37 points



  9. 7 hours ago, Angie Cakes said:

    the worst thing to happen to this site is getting rid of autoplay flash files what a bad and not good choice that was


    7 hours ago, Angie Cakes said:



    a tragedy 

    a lost era 

    what good is there left in this world


    7 hours ago, Angie Cakes said:


    Angie, you were the last person I expected of committing this high offense! Not to mention the fact that you are currently losing in terms of artist points to MicroChip, who now has TWO nasty pictures to his name! 


    Although something interesting to come out of this is the fact that I only ever had rules regarding doubeposts specifically. It would make sense then to just have it be -3 points right? 


    No. No... I DOUBLE the doublepost penalty for each consecutive post after the original double. 


    4 hours ago, Penumbra said:

    Doves are a sign of peace, so they have no place being in this thread. 



    Nonsense. True peace and stability will arise once the state is given complete and utter control. I'm going to need you to SEIZE Angie now. I don't have the heart to myself, plus, I can't issue a five hour degeneracy for an image so funny. Also, just a heads up: I have no idea what will happen to your body now that you are my weapon and are particularly NOT THAT PRETENDISH in nature. Let me know the details of your bodily-contours so that I could potentially address the issue.

    *a purple hue appears to be emanating from Penumbra*



    4 hours ago, Angie Cakes said:


    forgive me :( 

    Angie is now seized and unable to accrue points for the next...twelve hours???


    Point total is now HALVED! 22/2=11


    There are three bullets left inside Penumbra

    This is a disgustingly shocking revealation! It appears that whatever gross shadow substance Penumbra is infested with has powered up my utterly pretend bullets and made them more on the INSIDIOUSLY REAL side. Given this unjust development, any posts reacting to the seizure of any member (the first one for each member is all that counts) will be doubled! This includes Fawkes, the leader who has forsaken all of you. (Note: nasty pictures count too!)

    4 hours ago, Wildtalon said:


    The last kitten will save us all from Nasty :P

    I find it hilarious that it's that kitten that has its image broken.


    Meaning nobody will be saving you from me. Except myself. Or maybe Fawkes


    Angie Triple Post = -4 points

    Penumbra post = 1 point

    angie post = 1 point

    Wildtalon post = Wild Card! = four points

    previous point total was at 11


    new point total is at 13 points

    • Like 1
  10. 19 hours ago, MicroChip said:

    I thought things were crazy. Then I leave for a few days. Then I come back.



    The nature of things happening right now.


    Death. Destruction. Hands from beyond. NastyMann...just being NastyMann.



    There are no words.

    There is only one way to express what's happening.


    With a bad MSPaint picture.



    What a fantastic example you have set, MicroChip. Contributing so generously to the culture of the thread? And with a nasty picture, no less! Absolutely exemplary. Loyalty and devotion to the culture of LPW is rewarded with some of that  J U I C Y  social mobility! Do I smell a rank up there,  MicroChip?

    16 hours ago, Davroth said:

    That's nasty


    13 hours ago, Wildtalon said:

    I never said they were my thumbs anyway. Look at the hands and arms again; do you even see female hands? NO! They are man hands.


    I was gonna say something else before that, but I forgot...


    Better a reason for it to be degenerate! You have summoned what are probably hostile hands from some other hostile dimension into our sacred wood

    4 hours ago, MicroChip said:


    Then I have succeeded.

    As the cat puts it:

    4 hours ago, Wildtalon said:

    Succeed you shall young knight Micro


    Nasty picture! = five points

    davorth post = one point

    two wildtalon posts = two points

    another micro post = one point

    previous points were 13 points


    new total is 22 points

  11. On 7/15/2016 at 10:04 AM, Wildtalon said:



    Oh hey look! You almost got 100 posts

    I had to make a big announcement with a funny phrase so you kids knew I meant business. Yes, I may have botched it, and yes, this may have gotten extremely out of control, but it's all for the greater good


    On 7/15/2016 at 0:30 PM, Davroth said:

    The forest might be on fire, but it can never really be consumed by the flames. We wouldn't be here if it could.

    Don't be lazy! The trees are sacred to our culture! If it were a Schizophrenic Mountain or Maniacal Marsh it'd be completely different. The aesthetic of a lush, shadowy, maddened forest is pretty integral to our culture of general peace and secluded derangement. A burning forest does not speak nicely to those cultural claims.

    On 7/15/2016 at 1:12 PM, Angie Cakes said:

    oh davrooothhhhh *flutters eyelashes in the right way* would you be a dear and roll over the fires in my path?

    Angie gets a plus one loyalty point. That doesn't affect the points to oust me, but that certainly gives you some  S O C I A L  M O B I L I T Y. 

    On 7/15/2016 at 4:28 PM, Wildtalon said:


    Hands coming out of the website...

    D E G E N E R A C Y  P O S T


    Suddenly, screaming babies rain down from a rift created in the sky, piling on top of Wildtalon. The babies begin spasming uncontrollably, eventually morphing into a giant, contemptuous Danny Devito face.


    Wildtalon is now experiencing a five-hour seizure without the need of Nasty's six shooter! (thus points aren't halved)

    On 7/15/2016 at 5:50 PM, Davroth said:

    Angie, I'm scared. :'c

    Fear is acceptable, so long as you have faith in the state. 

    On 7/15/2016 at 5:51 PM, Angie Cakes said:

    don't worry, the hands will only grab you if you give them permission first

    Actually human rights (pony rights if you're disgusting) don't exist anymore; all bodies are the Emperor's property so it's if give them permission. Also they don't exist because  D E G E N E R A C Y 

    On 7/15/2016 at 5:53 PM, Wildtalon said:

    They're only thumbs up; they just want to support you :)

    Cats don't have thumbs

    20 minutes ago, Davroth said:

    What? What is this?


    D E G E N E R A C Y  P O S T


    Suddenly, screaming dead babies rain down from a rift created in the sky, piling on top of Davroth. The babies begin spasming uncontrollably, eventually morphing into a pregnant Sonic the Hedgehog OC.


    Davroth is now experiencing a five hour seziure without the need of Nasty's six shooter! (thus points aren't halved)



    Three Wildtalon posts NEGATED. Cause: First post was a D E G E N E R A C Y  P O S T = no points added

    Two Davroth posts + one D E G E N E R A C Y  P O S T (at the end) = Two points added

    Two Angie Cakes posts = two points 

    Previous point total was nine points


    New point total is 13 points






    • Like 1
  12. 7 hours ago, Davroth said:

    You are all weirdos. 

    The only weirdo is the person who STILL doesn't have their Nasty picture yet! Now that I'm in charge, I can keep my  O S T R A C I Z A T I O N  threat! 




    Alas, I can't : ( Davroth, you and I? We were 69 brothers. Do you know what that meant? We were  L E G E N D S. But then some sociopath took it away from us :'(


    In any case, Davroth please put out the fire. 

    7 hours ago, MicroChip said:


    You know you love it.

    Micro, as my newest officer, I'd like you to help Davroth put out the very-much-still raging fire as well. Because I mean...the forest is burning :/

    4 hours ago, Penumbra said:

    See what happens when your off on your stupid crusade to out Sudoku Dragons? People get restless, like a dragon who can't play Sudoku. 
    I've told you time and time again, "Fawkeys,you can't play Sudoku competitively. Everyone who says you can is a moron."
    *Grabs Nasty's head*
    Look at this little guy, do you see the amicability in his eyes?
    This is all for their greater good, a little fleeting thing to grab hold of. I never wanted to know what it was. Really I didn't. 
    I was happy with the degeneration I gained for half of this Island. 
    But you still hold the number 1 chair. Can you imagine Nasty there? OR anyone else for that matter. In your hat, drinking out of your cup, eating your scones, half finishing your Sudoku? How unsightly. For you I mean.
    But don't worry Fawkeys. when your in the mud i'll take care of you. I'll make up a room in my castle just for you.
    One of the rooms right in the back, so you can collect dust in the height of luxury. 


    Yes, precisely! Er...I will be taking that chair, but good on you Penumbra for like, seeing the selflessness and altruism through which I enacted this dastardly plot. *eats one of Fawkes scones* I only do it as a cultural thing. See?!? I'm like that wacky ruler! I'm even almost Willy Wonka! Can't you tell!? 


    Penumbra, for your loyalty, I am putting you into the position of Emperor's Fist. You will be the hand that forms the funny seizure gun joke, literally. Now all bullets fly out of you. 

    2 hours ago, Wildtalon said:

    Oh man, the stuff that happens while you're asleep... I knew this was gonna happen.

    Also, my cookies were not meant as a bribe Nasty; I offered them to someone else on another forum, but someone kept pretending to steal them so the person I offered them to put them in a safe *^_^*

    Meow! *start brushing up against everyone's legs to make them feel better*

    I won't lie, I am very much partial to a cat doing cat things to my legs. You're still more than welcome to bribe me, also. 


    Davroth post = 1 point

    MicroChip post = 1 point

    Penumbra post = 1 point

    Wildtalon post = Wild Card! -10 points! 

    previous point total was 16 points


    New point total is 9 points

    • Like 2
  13. 14 minutes ago, MicroChip said:


    Micro stands up and brushes the dust off his shirt.


    I have to say Nasty, hitting you is surprisingly painless. That, or this helmet actually works.

    Grrrr! I told you not to ge tthat! This may basically be a complete and utter state of anarchy but I'm working on the LPW emblems and the scapegoats and the xenophobia--we'll have our cultural fabric (and thus safety) restored in no time! Until then, swear your fealty to the state and remove your protective gear; they're for designated officers only! adsf




    Would YOU like to be a designated officer, Microchip? *makes a click sound with his mouth as he raises his six shooter toward MicroChip's helmet* Do choose carefully! 


    also my chest REALLY hurts could you like get my tylenol extra strength or something I'm like falling to pieces here


    Microchip post = 1 point

    Last point total was 15 points


    New point total is 16 points

  14. 50 minutes ago, Fawkes said:





    You monster!

    You villain!

    You incredibly handsome neerdowell of surely demonic origins!

    You'll never get away with this...

    NEVER! D<


    *shakily raises six shooter at fawkes* Th-th-that's assault! On me! Which...I guess I never specified as a rule? Because as long as I'm not dead the cat isn't in charge so I mean...eh...

    But I guess I just realized I am confident in the fact that I do not like it! Or the fact that you have five points per post, that...that wasn't very smart. Why would I give who would be my official opposition five points? Oh that's right, because of my seizure gun!

    47 minutes ago, MicroChip said:



    Weeeeeee! Onward to the face of the nasty!

    *Before nasty can pretend to shoot Fawkes, MicroChip slams into his upper torso, sprawling Nasty's body ragdoll-style and flinging the imaginary bullet haphazardly, missing Fawkes entirely and hitting Angie Cakes instead!*


    Angie Cakes' posts do not affect point totals for the next hour!


    Points are now HALVED! Previous point count was at 18 points. 18 / 2 = 9


    There are now four bullets remaining in Nasty's six shooter


    Fawkes post = 5 points

    Microchip post = 1 point

    previous point count was at 9 points


    New point total is now at 15 points

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