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Posts posted by Nasty

  1. Alright. I read the prologue thus far, I'll get to the first chapter afterward. For starters, I really like the characters. I enjoy not always having a likable good guy protagonist. The story line is rather nice, you have something going here.

    Grammar is another thing. I do realize that no one gets it perfect, but there's a lot of mistakes that can be fixed. Paragraphing is another thing, while you have some, you aren't paragraphing... correctly. Remember, you make a new paragraph whenever someone speaks as well.

    Fix up these issues and this story will really shine. Good job so far.

  2. Ah yes, your review. I'm a nub at it, so here goes:

    Your story thus far has an interesting story line. You have passed the first test: I wanted to find out more.

    You are keeping the Mane Six well in character, Pinkie Pie made me lul at times, I also liked your Cupcakes reference. Sort of like what Normandy said when it comes to how it was made, but my suggestion is make it more subtle. Make it so that we know what you're talking about, the more subtle, the more humorous.

    As far as grammar goes everything is spelled correctly, it's more for the other side, it's hard to explain, but it didn't take away from the reading experience.

    All in all you're doing well, and keep up the good work.

  3. Your story was pretty bad. Josef clearly has the I.Q of a sperm bring his IPad to school when a bully can take it. Bryon's heel face turn came outta nowhere and had no real motivation other than "Generic as hell" bully. Leonards heel face turn came outta nowhere. And I hate High School drama.

    I'm glad you read it. I lol'd at what you said abou Josef, and the story isn't really meant to be taken as a drama. But thank you for reading.

  4. Angie Cakes, yes. Just yes.

    Well, I propose we all help each other. Everyone read each other's. Colton, tell me when you finish your story's next chapter. Everyone else who has a story or part of one that they wish to be read and reveiwed unprofessionally, gimmie. Also, hurry, because I'm leaving in a half an hour or less. Expect reviews tomorrow.

    It'd be nice if you'd review my stor--

    Hell, I'll quit damaging my pride and ask plainly, would someone if you have a while, read my wall of text in my signature?

  5. Well trust me, stick to your guns and continued writing regardless of what anyone might say :)

    I recently came to that realization myself :D

    Was that becuz of nastywasty? :D:)<3

    I doubt it but nonetheless, let us rejoice! What I think everypony (it felt so right saying that) needs is a review person/station/thread/everyonejustrevieweachother'sstoriesforthelulz. Something that'll kick writing into shape. Because we all want people to read our stories, but we don't want to prance around and burden people to read it because it's a thirty-some page story that no one has the time to read (my situation)

    But who would be up to such a task?

  6. So.... I've finished 3 chapters so for(Also a prologue)

    So far, it looks good. I'll need a person to help me correct my grammar, and such. And don't worry, I have one. But that's for later. I just hope I'll finish the story and not finish it.

    I'll read it. I enjoy reviewing people's stories. What would you say to... a swap... A trade in stories. You review my story, I'll review your's.

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