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Posts posted by Nasty

  1. Yes. I hide it like hell. Not from my Online friends, but I learned from experience not to tell my real life friends. I told my best friend and he looked like he'd disown me as a friend. In a desperate attempt, I told him "Not srsly bro, I just like watched twenty episodes so I could troll people."

    Still makes me think myself as a coward, considering the fact that I didn't stand up for my likes.

  2. Well, my thoughts are this. I just told my dad the other day that I like love MLP FiM... Aswell as everyone else knows in my family. I still feel uncomfertable when people watch me watching MLP. Unless they are bronies, or people who can watch the show without making annoying comments while I try to watch it (Like my brothers). I mean, they can now expect it from me, but I still feel akward... I know I probably shouldn't, but I'm not yet a the stage of telling everyone I know (For reasons such as that they may look at me differently, and sometimes it's a good thing, and vise versa). I was trying to watch Lesson Zero yesterday, with my older brother behind me, and I still had to press pause and compell him not to watch it with me. I know it's not a nessicary action, I just need to work on it.

    I only told my online friends and two others, one of them being my best friend. One of them laughed and didn't think much of it, and my best friend looked like he'd disown me. In an attempt at burying the awkwardness, I told him it was only for trolling. I still feel like a coward for not being outright about it.

    On topic:

    I don't really think it was a source of symbolism, but it was certainly an interesting thought.

  3. Introduction

    Josef had to escape. Leonard was quickly gaining ground, which was surprising considering his cardio is horrid. Formulating a plan, Josef dashed into the girls' bathroom. Unaware that there were girls inside, he unintentionally bombarded the teens whilst they were putting on their shirts.

    "Oh sh-" Josef cried as the teenage girls shrieked.

    Oh no, what now? They're SURE to catch find me! Josef worried.

    Mrs. Demetria stormed into the bathroom, her mangled by whatever hated her face was bearing down onto him.

    "I thought you had more class, Josef! But peeping on your peers! That's just a whole new low!" she crowed.

    Josef had to think of something. He didn't want to have another in-school suspension like last time when Leonard punched a bear at that zoo field trip and he was framed for it. Yeah... it was kind of funny. But, as things were going now, he couldn't have anymore worries. ESPECIALLY them finding out about his secret.

    Before Josef could think up anything witty, Leonard, of all people, rushed into the whole mess.

    "Well, if it isn't our prissy bo bissy fo fissy!" he crooned as he held up Josef's iPad. Before Josef could roll his eyes at Leonard's failed attempt at insulting him, Mrs. Demetria's eyes begn to flare.

    "Leonard! Get out! Now! All of you!" Mrs. Demetria cried.

    Josef and Leonard hastily scrammed from the bathroom's entrance into the ratty halls of his school. Leonard giggled as he flipped through Josef's many personal files, especially that ONE FILE.

    "I'll take THAT!" Mrs. Demetria hissed as she snatched up the iPad from Leonard's grimy, unhygienic hands.

    "No! That's mine! He took it from me!" Josef cried.

    "Well, you shouldn't have had it out in the first place! Now, do tell, WHAT were you doing in the girl's bathroom?"

    "He was running from meh," Leonard huffed. His large, overweight body gave him a revolting stature, especially his gut which poked out from the bottom of his shirt. Leonard has always been a long time bully to Josef, whether it be making fun of his hair, the brown, feathery mop that rested on his head, or his skinny size and goth wear, when in all actuality, he was the exact opposite.

    "Running from you? Playing tag?" Mrs. Demetria scoffed.

    "No... He was going to try and hurt me again! The fat wretch just won't stop!" Josef growled.

    "EY!" leonard cried as he tackled Josef onto the ground. While the two rolled around, kicking and punching pathetically, the iPad's screen showed Mrs. Demetria what Leonard was laughing at.

    "My Little Pony?" Mrs. Demetria wondered aloud.

    Josef's eyes widened. They had found that ONE FILE. That ONE THING that Leonard's been torturing him about. Now, they all know he's a Brony.

    Chapter One

    "Hah! See! I like, told you, bebbeh!" Leonard giggled.

    Josef heaved Leonard off of him and rushed to snatch up his iPad from Mrs. Demetria's claws.

    "To think, that you watch a small girl's show! Your personality disgusts me! I must conference this with your friends and maybe just everyone that might know you to see if, hm, this belongs to you or something... Whatever I can do to make it seem I have your best interests at heart..." Mrs. Demetria grinned. Josef knew she had it in for him. Ever since last year's English class, he just had to inform her that she should have put 'affect' instead of 'effect.'

    "But, please, you can't! It's personal!" Josef squealed.

    "Oh don't worry sexeh," Leonard crooned, "I'll be telling everyone anyweh!"

    Josef flew into a rage. The fattie just had to make his life miserable. It seemed lately everyone did. Now, if everyone finds out he's a Brony, he'll be ruined.

    Josef began to speak, but Mrs. Demetria hushed him and dragged him to the principal's office.

    "So," Mr. Carmichael began, "you snuck into a girl's bathroom to spy on them?"

    "No!" Josef wailed. "Leonard was chasing me! It was so quiet I didn't even know there was anyone in there! He stole my iPad and found some... things on it. Now, he's going to tell everyone, and Mrs. Demetria's going to show everyone!"

    Mr. Carmichael left his room. Josef went limp and sunk into his chair. His body felt like a steamy bowl of spaghetti. Everyone would make fun of him; everyone would bring shame to his passion. He looked about Mr. Carmichael’s blue painted room and out into the brightly lit office. It was a mediocre looking one, it had the front desk with the secretary hard at work, with the comfy chairs that Josef would usually sit in when he'd get blamed for something and sent to the office.

    Josef had to think of something. He knew Mrs. Demetria would leave his iPad in Mr. Dilosa's room. She'd say that she couldn't hold onto it herself or something, and then flirt with him despite the fact she was married, which is shocking enough.

    Wait, Josef thought, if I sneak out, I can rush up to Mr. Dilosa's room, state that the iPad that Mrs. Demetria brought him was for the lost and found, and grab it. I might even make it back in time without anyone noticing. No one would believe Leonard, the fattie would probably forget about it.

    Josef scanned the office to see if Mr. Carmichael was returning. He looked towards the secretary, she was too engrossed in her work to notice the fly buzzing around her ear.

    This should be a sinch.

    Josef hopped from his seat and grabbed the door handle. He slowly opened it, satisfied that the secretary didn't hear, and dived to the floor. He slowly skid along the sleek surface, and crouched in front of her desk.

    The door's just there! I'm going to make it! Josef grinned.

    He swiftly crawled towards the door and opened it. He rushed into the cafeteria, and smelled garlic fingers. He was missing lunch. But food was the least of his priorities. He scanned the bustling cafeteria, rows and rows of tables with students smacking down (most of them not eating with their mouths closed, the nerve,) and Mr. Carmichael was still nowhere to be found.

    Josef sprinted down the hallway and rushed up a flight of stairs.

    Where on Earth could he be? Josef thought. He shook his head and meticulously tiptoed across Mr. Dilosa's room. He wasn't even there. The door was open, too. This was just too amazing!

    Josef rushed into the room, his face beaming with delight. Just before he could snatch up his iPad from Mr. Dilosa's desk, something he least expected (and most resented) happened.

    "Beesh!" Leonard cried as he tackled Josef aside.

    Josef's fearful eyes looked above to see Leonard's massive body towering above him.

    "So close to getting your thingeh," Leonard grunted. "But joo didn't count in deh great and ingenious me, did yeh? I'm not letting you take it, bebbeh. No one'll believe me. But, if Mrs. Demetria shows people first, I won't be suspicious, beesh!" Leonard broke into a wet and crude laugh, sounding like a donkey that was being strangled.

    Josef stood up and bore down onto Leonard.

    It was high time Leonard stopped pushing him around.

    Chapter Two

    Josef bum rushed Leonard into a group of desks. Leonard grunted and swung his meaty fist towards Josef.

    Josef ducked under it and grabbed Leonard's shirt. As he went to swing him over, he saw that Leonard was much too sturdy for him to do so.

    Leonard, taking advantage of Josef's distraction, kneed him in the gut. As Josef sprawled onto the floor, Leonard happily began to kick his ribs.

    Josef, fighting back the pain, smiled. He remembered gravity. Josef twisted away from Leonard's fierce kicking and twirled behind of him. He kicked the back of Leonard's knees and smiled as he pathetically buckled over and hit the floor with a thud.

    The heavier you are, the harder you fall! Josef smiled.

    Leonard's eyes widened and Josef hopped over him and grabbed his iPad. Josef quickly tapped and rubbed the screen, trying as quick as he could to remove all of the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic shows from it.

    "NU!" Leonard cried as his fists rained down upon Josef. His fearful eyes watched Leonard's hands pummel him to the ground. Josef's iPad flew from his hands, but not before he deleted the files.

    The painful stimuli coursed through Josef's slim body. At least he had deleted the files.

    "What-- what is this!?"

    Leonard looked up to see Mr. Dilosa and Mr. Carmichael’s wide eyes.

    "He... he was hurting me!" Leonard squealed.

    Josef grunted in protest.

    "Leonard, you're coming with me," Mr. Carmichael growled. He looked back at Josef's limp body. "You come too, Josef."

    Everything ached. Leonard was a brute, and he was much too powerful for Josef. It pained him to smile, but he didn't care. He had won. As Josef rested in the office's comfy chair, he happily watched Leonard cry and squeal in fear.

    Five minutes later, Leonard burst from Mr. Carmichael’s office, flailing his arms around and crying the whole way. He buried his face in his mother's sweater who had just entered the office to pick up her son.

    "Josef! I'd like to speak with you, too."

    Josef gulped as he entered Mr. Carmichael’s office.

    "What were you thinking, leaving? Why on Earth would you disobey me to such an extent! I leave to go to the gymnasium to check on our new Phys. Ed teacher, and I see you gone! I go searching for you, and I meet up with Mr. Dilosa watching you and Leonard fight!" Mr. Carmichael shouted.

    Josef decided rather than lie completely, he'd tell the truth but put in some... believable sympathy for the principal to chew on.

    "I escaped so I could remove the files from my iPad... I didn't want anyone to find out. Leonard blocked me as I went to delete them... I... I just wanted to... to... Oh!" Josef cried as he buried his face in his hands. With his face concealed, he flashed an evil grin.

    "He says that you started the fight. Is this true?"

    "Yes, it is. I was so upset with him pushing me around all of the time, so I just... I just decided to stand up for once instead of run away."

    Mr. Carmichael opened his mouth to speak, but paused as if he was choosing his words carefully. He eyed Josef for a minute, and finally broke the silence.

    "I'm happy to see you've told the truth, but that doesn't excuse what you've done. What files were you trying to hide?"

    Josef gulped. Should he actually tell him? He's already been awfully honest with his principal (not counting the acting, however.) What if he told everyone too? What if his friends found out?

    "They were episodes of a show I like to watch. I don't think the general public would approve of it, though..."

    "What was it, Josef?" Mr. Carmichael was losing his patience.

    "My Little Pony..."

    Mr. Carmichael said nothing as Josef left his office. Josef's head was tilted in shame. As he slowly trudged away from the office to grab his things for home, he didn't bother thinking of his in-school suspension tomorrow. He only thought of how close he was to having everyone find out his secret, and if Mr. Carmichael would stick to his promise and not tell a soul.

    "Hey, Josef... Are you okay?"

    Josef turned to see Shay's shy, honest face. His body was tiny, even tinier than Josef's. He was around a half of a foot shorter, and had a meek, soft voice to go along with his blue, trusting eyes. As Josef peered at his reflection in Shay's mysterious eyes, he began to answer.

    "Eh, okay I guess," Josef answered. He rubbed his face and felt a sharp pain. His face was really swelling.

    "Um... Your eye..."

    Josef felt around his eye and felt the puffiness surrounding it.

    "Did I get a shiner?" Josef asked.

    "No, you got a black eye," Shay replied.

    That's Shay. The meek boy with no real knowledge on anything if it wasn't written in a book. His shyness quickly left him once he got on a topic he enjoyed. The words would flow from his mouth like a river, whether it be talking about Transformers or why pencils were replaced with graphite to avoid the dangers of led.

    Josef sometimes cursed how polite he would find himself being. Because of Josef's politeness, Shay would approach him whenever he was alone. He was a bit annoying.

    "Well, I gotta run. I suppose I'll see you later," Josef called as he began to walk away. Shay nodded his head as he opened his locker to collect his textbooks.

    Josef sighed and shook his head. He didn't think he'd get away without him talking about how the stock markets are faring.

    "Josef!" Bryon called.

    Josef smiled as he saw his best friend run up to him. Bryon's hair was messy, he must have been playing soccer outside. His golden hair and eyes sparkled, and his bangs were swooped over his left eye. His hipster clothes were looking as sleek and dashing as ever.

    "Hey! How are you? Didn't see you all day!" Josef replied.

    "Heard you got in a fight with Leonard. I see that he won again," Bryon remarked.

    "Hey, there's no hurting him! And besides, at least I got what I wanted," Josef smirked.

    "Yeah? What is it?" Bryon asked.

    Oh shiz. Bryon can't know that I'm a Brony. He might not like me anymore.

    "Eh, just Leonard not getting his grubby hands on my iPad. I like showing him up."

    "Heh, good one. I suppose that's how you got in your tussle," Bryon surmised.

    "Yep. Say... Imagine if I liked a girl's show, like, I dunno, My Little Pony. What would you think?" Josef asked.

    "Um, I probably wouldn't even look at you anymore," Bryon said.

    Josef gulped.

    "Yeah, uh, same..."

    Josef stared outside of his window on the bus ride home. He didn't bother speaking with Bryon who was sitting in the seat across from him. He was too sick to even think about it. He just couldn't get out of his mind that he was that close to losing his best friend. He didn't care about his punishment he'd surely get when he got home, he'd wriggle out of it somehow anyway. He was just happy to be home so he could watch his favorite show.

    "WINTER WRAP UP WINTER WRAP!!!" Josef raved as he blared his iPad. He happily watched MLP: FiM as he re-downloaded all of his episodes. He decided he'd keep them in a special folder within three folders all titled school work and rename them numbers.

    He smiled as his mother's warm voice called to him for supper. All of the terrible thoughts were far from his mind. He was just happy to be home, away from school.

    Chapter Three

    "Josef! Wake up!"

    Josef's eyes widened as he peered at his watch. He slept in!

    As Josef scrambled to throw on whatever he could find, he tripped over a clump of wires bulging from his game consoles' dresser. He looked up to his posters, smiling as he scanned over his many video game ones, but he smiled just a bit bigger as he got lost in his Taylor Swift.

    Josef shook his head and jumped from his tiny, incredibly messy bedroom. As he broke into his crammed hallway, he dashed along the sides, bumping his toe along the way on his little sister's toy box. He dashed into his bathroom, ignoring his two older sisters' moans of aggravation.

    One male in a house full of females. Never good.

    As Josef finished up brushing his hair, using the bathroom and whatnot, he was not-so happily greeted by his mother.

    "We still need to talk about yesterday," she hissed.

    Josef began to manipulate her, until something flashed on his living room TV. It was MLP: FiM. Its intro was happily playing on whatever channel his little sister was watching. As he sat down, ignoring his mother's lecture, his little sister sighed and turned it.

    "That stupid horse show. It's so dumb," she complained.

    Josef sunk down in the leather sofa. Not even my six year-old sister Agnis watches it...


    Josef reeled as he found out the had been unintentionally ignoring every part of his mother's lecture.

    "You're fifteen now, so it's high time to start to pull up your socks! I don't want you to get into anymore trouble!" she boomed.

    His two older sisters burst into the living room, smiling that he was once again in trouble.

    "You'd think you would've given up teasing me long ago. You're both seventeen and you still get tickled to death whenever I get in trouble," Josef complained as he rolled his eyes.

    The two prissy twins both giggled as they went into the bathroom to brush their hair. Thank goodness they weren't identical, they're so bubbly, mean and annoying that he'd get them mixed up.

    "Stacia and Paula have some growing up to do as well, but that isn't the matter of the situation, Josef. I'm very disappoi--"

    Suddenly, the bus sounded outside.

    "Oh no!" Josef cried.

    "You took too long in the bathroom! You've made your sisters late!" Josef's mother boomed.

    Josef frantically grabbed a handful of change from the coins dish and flew open the front door.

    Paula poked her brown, bouncy head out of the bathroom.

    "Stacia and I will drive Agnis to school."

    "Thanks, I appreciate it," Josef's mother called.

    As Josef sprinted towards the bus, he tried not to trip over the pile of wood that was packed on the side of his step. As he scrambled down the steps, he dashed through the thick brush of woods in front of his house rather than taking the long route around of it. Once he reached his driveway, his jovial victory was a cold comfort, for now he was all sweaty and gross, thus making him not go as lovely as he had hoped.

    As he huffed and puffed up the steps, he saw Bryon in the backseat tapping the one across from him.

    "I saved you a seat!" he called.

    Josef happily talked to Bryon half of the bus ride to school. Bryon yawned and began to take a nap.

    Josef smiled and yanked his iPad from his backpack. He plugged in his headphones and listened to Art of the Dress. He peered around every few minutes to see if anyone was watching before he truly enjoyed himself however.

    But he let his guard down.

    "What'cha watchin'!?" Damen asked as he shot his head over into Josef's seat.

    His eyes glanced across the iPad's screen.

    "Er, what's that?" Damen curiously asked. His curly red hair was frantically bobbing up and down.

    Josef felt beads of sweat running down his face. How could he explain this to him? Josef pondered for a moment and began to speak.

    "Eh, uh, it's... porn. It's porn. That crazy kind, you know.. with... the..."

    "OOOHHH! I got'cha! Heh, I got'cha!" Damen grinned as he plopped down into his seat.

    Shocked that it had worked, Josef breathed a sigh of relief and turned off his iPad as they neared the school.

    As Josef neared his locker, once again, Shay was standing behind him, his curious trusting eyes were sparkling with curiosity.

    "Is that My Little Pony?" Shay asked.

    Josef peered towards his iPad to see that he hadn't turned it off!

    "Uhm, what, ehheh, what!?" Josef stumbled.

    Bryon glanced over to Josef and tore the iPad from Josef's cold, frightened hands.

    No! Josef cried.

    "Wait... Dude what is this?" Bryon asked as he saw the folder Josef was in. It was littered with piles of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic episodes.

    "Oh, jeez, um..." Josef stammered. Josef glared over to Shay who huddled into his books.

    "Dude... What... You aren't watching this... No!" Bryon cried.

    Josef's eyes watered. This couldn't be happening.

    "You.. you're pathetic! Look at you! It's... It's a girl's show! A LITTLE girl's show! What are you, a pedo? I... I've lost all respect for you!" Bryon cried.

    Josef felt like his heart was torn into a million pieces. Then, from its tattered remains, anger ensued.

    "So what? I like something! I like something that seems weird! Does that make mean I'm not worthy of respect?" Josef yelled.

    "You.. You... I can't believe I was friends with this!" Bryon yelled as shot Josef a glare of disgust.

    Josef's heart began to falter as his best friend marched away from him. He had taken him, and chewed him into a million pieces and left him to rot in his shame.

    Anger swelled inside of him as he looked over to Shay who's eyes were filled with empathy.

    "You... This is your fault!" Josef screamed.

    Shay shrunk behind his books as he stepped away. "I... I'm sorry... I didn't..."

    "Why don't you just leave me alone?"

    Shay's face turned pale with sadness. He looked the other way and dashed off, leaving Josef to fight with his emotions.

    Chapter Four

    Josef plopped into his suspension seat. He gritted his teeth, rage was bellowing throughout him. He glared across the teacher's classroom, the empty seat upon seats and the beige paint made the room look bland, especially the scribbles and notes that were long erased, the stain from the marker still remained however.

    Despite the fact Josef was in in-school suspension, he was happy.

    I don't have to look at Bryon anymore. That jerkwad. Basically ending our friendship for the simple reason I like something. It's such a trivial reason, there's no logic behind it whatsoever! And Shay! That weaselly, small, self-conscious annoyance! He just had to never leave me alone. Why won't he just mess off for once!?

    Mrs. Demetria, of all people, huffed into the classroom.

    "I'm your babysitter for today. Leonard should be here momentarily."

    "Puh," Josef scoffed. That fat freak had better leave me alone. No more Mr. Nice Guy, I'm sick of it. If that fat lout would even dare do anything to me, I'll let him have it.

    Leonard appeared, his wet, watery eyes were drenched with tears. A runny nose from sobbing dripped down onto his lips. He sniffed and sat in a seat far away from Josef.

    Pathetic, Josef thought.

    "Now, you two are here because you were fighting. Josef, Mr. Carmichael said that you would be let out of suspension when half of the day is over for Leonard antagonizing you and whatnot. I don't believe that's the proper action," Mrs. Demetria began, "you're as much of a disgrace to behavior as he is."

    "OH REALLY!?" Josef shouted. Mrs. Demetria's shocked face turned to Josef who was now standing. Leonard huddled into his arms.

    "Well, jeez, what a nice perspective. Sadly, no one cares. Did you ever think that no one wants to hear your remarks? No one likes to be insulted all of the time! Now get a life besides making others' bad!"

    Mrs. Demetria stood, flabbergasted. She breathed for a couple of seconds before she scurried away from the classroom.

    Leonard began to whimper.

    Josef sat down. As guilt began to swell inside of him, pride quickly swallowed up the guilt. He had stood up for himself for once. He was proud of what he felt, and he wouldn't take her hatred anymore.

    Something dawned on him.

    This... this feeling. It's amazing! I... I feel like a million bucks! I stuck up for myself! Josef smiled as he opened his schoolbag and watched the episode he didn't finish before he had to report for his suspension.

    It's time to implement this feeling elsewhere.

    Chapter Five

    Josef grinned as he was let out of his suspension. With his iPad in hand, he brought up Pinky Pie's No Fear song, the song that made in fall in love with the series in the first place.

    He sprinted down the hallway towards his locker.

    “Late for class?” Damen shouted as Josef shot passed him. Damen shrugged and continued on his way, searching on his phone for the kind of porn Josef was watching.

    As Josef pried open his locker, and snatched up two speakers he used when he was in AV club. He attached them to his iPad and blared the song.

    Everyone, just getting out from classes for lunch, watched wide-eyed as Josef began to dance. The song kept looping, and the students were all perplexed, unsure of what to think or say.

    From the bustling crowd, Bryon loomed over Josef.

    “Oh, hello there. Just listening to some My Little Pony. Care to watch some newer episodes from Season Two?” Josef smirked.

    “You're embarrassing me! I can't let anyone know I was friends with a weirdo like you!” Bryon hissed.

    Josef shoved Bryon aside and ramped up the volume even louder, marching about blaring the song.

    “You... You f*g!” Bryon yelled.

    Josef felt something strike his insides. It was none other than the imaginary arrow that pierces one's heart when someone fires the Arrow of Insults.

    Josef sighed and continued. It hurt the most because Bryon used to be his friend... his best friend in whole wide world. It seemed that ever since two years ago when Bryon left for the summer, he changed dramatically. It started with his personality, but it later drifted towards other things, his clothes, his likes, and now, his friends.

    “You never used to be mean,” Josef sighed.

    Bryon looked back towards Josef. “What's that supposed to mean?”

    “You used to be really nice. You never ever insulted anyone. You'd be okay with whatever I liked. Remember when you found out I still had my teddy bear? You didn't care. What happened to you, Bryon? What the hell did you do that summer!?” Josef yelled.

    Bryon charged at Josef and kicked his chest, sending him sprawling onto the floor. Josef fought back tears. Bryon punctured Josef's chest with not only his boot, but his imaginary cleats.

    Now Josef was suffering from imaginary internal bleeding.

    “I already told you, on numerous occasions, it's none of your business!” Bryon growled.

    Bryon marched away, a crowd following him and telling him how awesome that kick was and how much Josef had deserved it.

    Josef struggled to his feet, only to be shoved down once again by someone else. Josef lay on the floor, motionless, until he stood up again.

    They won't keep me down, Josef thought.

    Someone shoved Josef into the wall, but Josef simply jumped back. People scoffed and left Josef to wallow in shame.

    Josef scanned the area for his iPad, until he gazed towards where the crowd with Bryon was headed. He paused and began to shake as he watched Bryon purposefully stamp down, hard, onto Josef's iPad numerous times.

    Josef's iPad.

    Josef's sanctuary.


    Josef fell to his knees, fighting back more tears as Bryon slid the iPad towards Josef with a sly grin. It pathetically skittered across the floor and stopped a foot in front of Josef.

    He slowly lifted it to his face. It was shattered. Broken. Mercilessly destroyed.

    Everything Josef relied on for comfort nowadays resided in the device.

    ”Son, I told you we didn't have much for Christmas, but I know you really like computers all that stuff, so, I got you this.”

    “Dad! This is awesome! Thanks so much!”

    “Heh, no problem buddy. Look, in the picture file.”

    “Hey... hey, it's you!”

    “Yep. Now you can still take a gander at me when I'm gone off to war.”

    “You... You're really leaving?”

    “Yeah... I am. I need to. I don't want anyone to suffer over there. It's time someone said stop. Now, you take care. I'll be back before you know it.”

    Josef's eyes flared as he remembered what happened to his father last month. Why is it that the good people always die?

    Anger enveloped Josef as he remembered his files, his everything, but most importantly the memory of his father. It was all there, sadistically destroyed.

    Tears began to stream down Josef's eyes as he clutched the remnants of his iPad and heart. It felt as though clutching it would make it better, or bring it back. Josef fought back sobs, but some escaped his lips. Bryon continued down the hallway, laughing.

    Josef coughed and began to heave. He dumped the remnants into his backpack and clenched his fists. Never had he felt so angry, so mad, so hurt. Never had someone hurt him so bad, not even Leonard.

    Josef began to breathe heavily, his sighs and breaths fueling his rage. He was sick of this. Sick of being ridiculed and tortured just because he liked something. Just because he was different.

    It was no longer about pride. It was about revenge.

    Chapter Six

    Josef came barreling down the bus steps, and rushed straight into the school. He hated everyone yesterday. When he calmed down from his sadness and rage, he had decided what he must do. He did not care if we was weak, for it was time people stopped doing horrible things to him because of it.

    Bryon would never win. Bryon would be annihilated for what he had done to Josef. He was his best friend, and he threw it all away because he likes something.

    Josef contemplated to quit watching ponies. He figured it was high time to stop; he even tried to make himself hate it. But not even the fanfic 'Cupcakes' could deteriorate his love for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. He would make Bryon realize this by Josef's hand. He would show him that. Even if Josef was hurt badly after this, he did not care. He had no friends anyway.

    Josef stormed through the halls, ignoring the bell motivating the teenagers to report to class. He would find Bryon. He would make him pay.

    After wandering for a few moments, Josef saw Bryon's golden hair from within a crowd.

    “HEY!” Josef called.

    Everyone looked at him.

    “Er, I'm talking to Bryon,” Josef derped.

    Bryon pretended to not hear him.

    “Bryon, I'm talking to you!” Josef growled.

    “What do you want, f*g?” Bryon sneered.

    Josef clenched his fists. Josef knew Bryon suspected a fight. Fear was coursing through Josef's body. He didn't fight people, ever, other than Leonard, but he'd just sort of punch and push him away, and Josef would never start it. Josef couldn't fight anyway, he had no plan. What was he thinking?

    “I said what do you want!?” Bryon yelled as he shoved Josef to the ground.

    Josef's fear quickly reverted to rage. Josef wasn't a mean person or a bully. But Josef was sick of it. All of this time he though Bryon was his friend...

    His best friend.

    Oh, hey Bryon!” Josef called.

    “Josef... Why... why are you wearing that?” Bryon asked.

    “It's a sweater. What?” Josef asked.

    “It's... stupid, dude. Look, it has the Triforce on it from that Zelda game you play.”

    “Er, I think you mean 'games.'”

    “Look, I don't care. Quit being such a nerd! Look at you, it's stupid! Go change and then come back.”

    “Oh... um... Okay...”

    Josef shook his head and rose to his feet. He looked around him to see that his peers were teasing and making fun of him.

    “So you turned everyone against me because... because you were ashamed of me!?” Josef hissed.

    “No, because you're a f*g,” Bryon snickered.

    Josef metaphorically dodged Bryon's insult bullet and reloaded his own insult shotgun.

    “That's just your wishful thinking,” Josef snickered.

    Bryon scrunched his face, and he, too, felt anger.

    Josef took in quick breaths. Fear was pulsing through his body. The fear told him to run, run far away from Bryon. It was screaming at him to run, that he would never stand a chance.

    “You better get the hell away from me!” Bryon yelled.

    Josef flinched slightly but stood his ground, taking in deep breathes.

    “I said get away!” Bryon yelled as he rushed at Josef.

    Josef froze as Bryon landed a punch onto Josef's face. Josef reeled at the pain but channeled it into energy as he quickly turned and kicked Bryon's thigh. As Bryon buckled over, grabbing it, Josef took the liberty of the open shot and punched Bryon's face in turn of his own.

    ”Bryon! Are you ready for the sleepover?” Josef asked.

    “Uhm... Yeah... You gotta actually go home.”

    “Wh... What? But, I have all my stuff and everything! … What happened, is something wrong?” Josef asked.

    “Oh, er,--

    “Hey Bryon, who's at the door?”

    “Hey yo, is it that weird Josef kid?”

    “Ah, hell, man, not him. Boys, looks like we're leaving.”

    “Look, Josef, just leave! You can't be here. I have company... and you can't be here!” Bryon whispered.

    “Oh... *sniff... Okay...” Josef mumbled.

    “It's okay guys, he's leaving.”

    Bryon growled as he quickly recuperated from the blow.

    “You were always a weakling. You could never hurt me!” Bryon chuckled.

    Josef could tell his punch hurt, but Bryon was right. He wasn't a hard-hitter.

    Bryon ran at him again, but Bryon's previous attack had fueled Josef with adrenaline. It was fight or flight, and Josef chose fight. Josef sidestepped and checked Bryon into the crowd of people. They pushed Bryon back into the fray, where Josef took advantage and quickly kicked at Bryon's feet, tripping him.

    Josef jumped atop of Bryon and readied his fists.

    ”Bryon, why did you lie to me? You said that Cecilia didn't like me! She told me that she did and if I told her then she wouldn't have dated you!” Josef cried.

    “Hey, I'm sorry man, but I thought she didn't,” Bryon lied.

    “But... but you said--”

    “Look, be quiet. Can't you at least be happy for me?” Bryon growled.

    Josef wanted to impale Bryon as hard and as fast as he could, but something was stopping him. Why wouldn't he do it? Why wouldn’t he make Bryon pay for everything he has done to him?

    Suddenly, someone from the crowd snatched up Josef.

    “Beat him to a pulp!' Bryon cried.

    People began to gather around Josef. Fight or flight... Josef decided to take flight.

    Josef kicked the shin of the person who was constraining him. He shoved someone aside and broke from the gathering crowd. He turned behind him to see most of them barreling after him.

    Josef sprinted down the hallway as fast as the skinny boy could. He jumped into a stairwell and looked for an exit. After running around aimlessly, Bryon's cronies were closing in on him. His last resort would be the theater, but it would be a dead end. He'd only make his demise wait...

    Josef then remembered that in the back of the stage, there was a door that lead to the music room. He could faintly hear children singing, so he'd be interrupting the class. But if Josef's well-being depended on interrupting the kids' song, so be it!

    Josef kicked down the door to the theater to quicken his pace (and to look badass). He sprinted toward the stage and jumped as hard as he could. He knew his legs would whack against the ledge, so he turned as best as he could and flawlessly landed (although on his side) on the stage.

    Josef jumped to his feet triumphantly just as the others who hadn't already lost Josef burst into the theater. There were around a dozen of them. Josef would've been more accurate but it'd be wise to run rather than count his pursuers. Josef rushed behind the curtains, jumping over props and other obstacles.

    Sadly, Bryon's cronies weren't as derptastic as he had hoped, for they rushed through the opposite end to intercept him. Josef saw them victoriously stomping their way toward him. What would he do now?

    Josef looked to his right to notice it was curtain, and could be passed through.

    He rushed through it, causing confusion for his hunters. He dragged the tall, black cloth as he ran and he spiraled around them, tripping and distracting them. Knowing his meager distraction wouldn't work for long, he quickly located the door and flew into the music room.

    The music teacher looked up with a shocking gasp. All of the children laughed as Josef awkwardly jogged through the classroom, avoiding the children and the music instruments that were carelessly left on the floor. Before he made it to the exit of the room, the music teacher was already trying to chew him out.

    But before his rant got annoying, his pursuers slammed through the door Josef had come in through, and rather than trying to be courteous and avoid the instruments and other things, they simply smashed through them (and the children) inconsiderately.

    Josef found the exit he desired and flew open the doors into the pouring, icy cold rain. He sprinted through the puddles and into the driveway where the people who'd work on the school's building would park their vehicles. He heard his angry and wet pursuers behind of him, although he noticed that their numbers had lessened dramatically. There were now three of them chasing him, none of them being Bryon.

    Josef formulated a plan, but had no idea if it would work. He would use his charismatic skills against them, like he'd do when he was a bard in Dungeons and Dragons. He just hoped he had good rolls.

    “What are you guys doing?” Josef called back.

    “Chasing you, idiot!” one of them yelled.

    “The reason being?” Josef asked.


    “Because? I don't believe you have a reason, do you? You should probably just get to class. That way you won't get into trouble. I mean, if you get to class, that'd leave me getting probably expelled for randomly running around the school.

    He heard their footsteps lessen and whispers radiated from them.

    One of them said “Let's get out of here!” and they all rushed back inside.

    Josef grinned as he ran around the school and made it to the playground. He had an amazing hiding spot in the brush behind the jungle gym.

    Just as he felt extremely saucy and cunning, someone tackled him to the wet, cold ground.

    Josef looked toward his attacker and saw that it was Bryon.

    ”Oh man... We've been walking forever!” Josef moaned.

    “I'm so hungry... Oh, look, it's a gas station! I can buy something to eat, I have five bucks in my pocket!” Bryon grinned.

    “Yes! Thank you so much!” Josef yipped.

    “What do you mean? What I'm buying is for me. Get your own food,” Bryon sneered.

    “Get the hell off me!” Josef yelled.

    Bryon smashed his fist against Josef's head repeatedly. Josef didn't feel the pain, for he was still rushing from adrenaline. Josef focused his energy and lifted Bryon off of him and threw him with all of his might. Bryon landed with a thud and a splash.

    Now, Josef had an amazing shot at his head with his foot. It would make him feel all of the unbearable pain he had!

    But something stalled him. It told him that doing that would be wrong... Why... Why couldn't he do it?

    The rain continued to pour down by the bucket full, drenching him in shame for his inability to hurt Bryon anymore.

    Before Josef knew it, Bryon was up on his feet, grinning.

    “You could've had me so many times,” Bryon smirked. “Shows just how weak you are.”

    ”Come on, Bryon... Let's just go home...” Josef whimpered.

    “Hahahahah, you idiot,” Bryon laughed.

    “Wh... Why are you laughing at me like everyone else? I thought you were my friend...” Josef mumbled.

    “Ahahahah! Idiot!” Bryon crooned.

    Josef clenched his fists. Why couldn't he hurt him anymore?

    Suddenly, someone came sprinting toward him. He was even larger and muscular than Bryon, and appeared to want to hurt Josef just as much as Bryon did.

    Josef could never take both of them. He couldn't even really take Bryon. Josef knew his charisma wouldn't save him here. Josef turned away and braced for pain.


    Everyone turned to see none other than Leonard sprinting as fast as he could make his chubby body move. “You keep dis fair, beesh!”

    “L-L-Leonard!?” Josef yelped.

    “I'm sorreh I always bullied joo, Josef... I just... I just wanted to be friends with joo, but joo'd always think I was trying to bully joo... so den I did, because... I don't know! But I'm sorreh, and Lenny's here to save deh day!” Leonard boomed as he tackled Bryon's thug aside.

    Josef grinned as he saw Leonard engage in a heated battle with Bryon's crony. Leonard would get hit but keep on going, and Josef swore he heard him keep mumbling “for Josef, for Josef,” which brought tears to Josef's eyes. Josef's bully became a great friend.

    “ERGH! That annoying fat a*s!” Bryon growled.

    “Hey! Shut up! He may be big, but he's bigger than you in not just size, but heart too!” Josef yelled. As warm and corny as that sounded, it seemed to boost Leonard's fighting and leave Bryon in a fit of rage.

    Josef was ready to face Bryon. He was ready to show him what he was made of. He and Leonard would show everyone!

    “That's it! I've had it with you, Josef! You just don't know how to be cool! You just... You just don't know anything! I'm sick of it! I'm going to kill you!” Bryon screamed as he shot toward Josef. Bryon's rage quickly overcame Josef. He quickly brought Josef to his knees using odd fighting maneuvers. He had forgotten Bryon was in Judo.

    Josef felt even more pathetic, knowing that he was losing to the person whom he hated most, and because this whole time Bryon was going easy on him, and Josef was still barely surviving.

    Pain enveloped Josef. Everything was a daze, he could only hear Bryon's fists slamming into him, he couldn't feel the pain.

    “You pathetic runt! You're pathetic! Aha!” Bryon cackled as he threw Josef around like a rag-doll.

    Leonard turned to Josef with worry, allowing Leonard's attacker to overcome him.

    Josef saw Leonard shoved to the ground as well, and soon Josef felt pain again- the pain of failure.

    “You... will... NEVER... make a fool of me... again!” Bryon grunted.

    Josef felt tears come to his eyes, from the pain, from the betrayal, from letting Leonard down, and from the failure. Josef saw others from a distance. Josef was going to be landed in the hospital for sure.

    Maybe even dead.

    Leonard... He would be as well, all because of Josef...

    “STOP IT!”

    Everyone turned again to see Shay's little self standing up to Bryon and his minion.

    “Leave them alone!” Shay demanded.

    “You... You mess off, Shay! You might be able to take me... but you'll never take Jason over there!” Bryon sneered as he pointed to his thug. “Besides, I still won't let you beat me! I don't care if you're higher ranked than me... I won't let you win!” Bryon screamed as he rushed at Shay.

    Shay take... Bryon? He was so small, smaller than even Josef! But... he still helped Josef, even though he was so cruel to him earlier...

    Josef yelped as he expected poor little Shay to be flattened to a pulp.

    Josef yelped again as he saw Shay expertly dodge Bryon's tackle and land a punch onto him. Bryon reeled and flung his fists toward Shay. The two were embraced in a heated battle of martial arts.

    Josef closed his jaw and regained his senses. He had to help Leonard!

    Josef jumped to his feet and tackled Jason, but Jason hardly even budged.

    “You? Move me? Aha. No. Not gonna happen!” Jason grinned as he swung his muscular fist toward Josef.

    Josef ducked it and speared Jason. He began to move from the surprising shove, and Leonard remembered what Josef had done to him a couple days ago. He smashed the back of Jason's knees and watched him buckle over.

    The two stood triumphant but cried in fear as Jason flipped up to his feet almost immediately.

    “You guys got nerve... But let me teach you something you'll never forget!” Jason yelled.

    Leonard starting slamming his chest like a gorilla, while Josef awkwardly raised his fists and made that “come at me bro!” face.

    ”Josef, stop it!” Josef's father yelled.

    Josef stopped his attacking and looked at his father.

    “Remember what I told you... about turning the other cheek?” Josef's father boomed.

    “But... But she slapped me! It...”

    “I know she did... But what would come out of hitting your sister?”

    “She would... I... I... Nothing...!” Josef remarked.

    “Hurting others only hurts yourself, Josef... Now, Stacia, you apologize, and...”

    Josef gasped.

    “No, Leonard... no...” Josef said.

    “What joo talkin' about? We gotta-”

    “No, Leonard... Fighting back does nothing but hurt yourself...” Josef said solemnly.

    “Ha! AHA! Gave up, eh?” Jason smiled.

    “You too, Shay...” Josef called.

    Shay stopped grappling Bryon and hung his head.

    “Take it how you will, f*gs,” Bryon shouted, “but we're going to make sure you pay greatly!”

    “I should think not.”

    “Who now?” Josef asked.

    They all turned to see Mrs. Demetria bearing down upon them.

    “You two. To the office. NOW!” Mrs. Demetria yelled.

    Jason sadly started to the office, whereas Bryon defied.

    “Bryon, GO!” Mrs. Demetria yelled.

    “No! NO!” he yelled as he brutally kicked Josef's stomach. He toppled over, clenching it in agony.

    “That's it! Leave Josef-- these boys, I mean- alone!” Mrs. Demetria cried. She grabbed Bryon and flipped him on his back. She pinned him down onto the ground and phoned the office.

    It wasn't long until the principal and two other teachers dragged Bryon to the away.

    Mrs. Demetria then fixated her gaze upon the three remaining boys.

    “You must be tired...” she said softly.

    The three stood in the office while the school nurse tended to their wounds.

    “I understand completely what happened,” Mrs. Demetria began. “You two were trying to help Josef, while Josef fought for self defense.

    Shay and Leonard nodded while Josef finally decided to quit lying.

    “I... I started this whole mess... I called out Bryon... I...”

    “You were trying to get revenge. Shay here told me what had happened yesterday,” Mrs. Demetria smiled.

    Shay shyly rubbed the back of his head.

    “Revenge isn't okay, but at least you realized in the end what you did was wrong. Besides, you didn't willingly continue.” Mrs. Demetria said as she rested her hand on Josef's shoulder. “Now you three and everyone else who participated in this mayhem are not getting away with this... But you three are facing minor penalties... I made sure of it,” Mrs. Demetria explained. “Now, off toward the cafeteria for lunch. Come back once you are finished eating.”

    Leonard and Shay left the office while Josef stood back.

    “Josef? Aren't you hungry?” Mrs. Demetria asked.

    Josef turned toward the teacher he despised but now loved.

    “I'm... I'm sorry about everything... I—”

    “I'm the one who should be sorry, Josef. Now leave... before I make your punishment longer!” Mrs. Demetria smiled.

    Josef opened the office entrance and started outside, but he turned back. “Mrs. Demetria... Thank you.”

    Josef rejoined his two new best friends. All along, his true friends were just under his nose. Leonard, the bully, and Shay, the annoyance. Josef was never happier in his life. But, he was never more guilty. He realized he was no better than Leonard, fighting back, and calling him names. Shay, all he did was care for Josef, but Josef would shoo him away, he even yelled at him. These two friends were better than Bryon, times ten, times hundred. Times a million.

    They both helped Josef in his time of need. They accepted him for who he is, and stood up for him because of it. Bryon would never do that. Ever. Whatever happened to him that summer changed him dramatically. But Josef didn't care about Bryon anymore. He was nothing more than a memory, a nightmare.

    “Oh, look, there's garlic fingers!” Shay chimed.

    “Oh, bebbeh!” Leonard grinned as he fiercely rubbed his hands together.

    Josef nodded in agreement and stood in line with his two new best friends.


    It's been a month since the Big Brawl. That's what everyone called it now, anyway. Josef was recognized as a hero to most, but to some, still, he was name-called and resented. Bryon was gone from school, he was either suspended for a large period of time or expelled. Josef didn't bother to find out, for he really didn't care.

    Shay, Leonard and Josef would regularly visit each other, playing video games or on the computer. Leonard and Shay put their money together and bought Josef a brand new iPad.

    Leonard grew out of his odd lisp, Shay and Josef helped him out with it. Shay learned to not get carried away with his discussions, and Josef learned to quit lying to get out of things.

    The three friends all learned to help each other grow stronger.

    Josef missed Mrs. Demetria, for a week ago she had to move to another school. He had grown a lot of respect for his teacher. Whatever her reason was for previously resenting Josef, he didn't know, but Josef knew it was something he did to her, and it certainly wasn't for correcting her grammar.

    Josef sat down with a pen and paper and began to write her a letter.

    Dear Mrs. Demetria,

    It's been a while. How are you? It's too bad you had to leave. Hopefully you can return sometime.

    This past month I learned something really important, about friendship, actually. I learned that a true friend is kind, and wouldn't insult you. A true friend is loyal, and wouldn't make you leave because he had other people that he thought was cooler than you. A true friend is honest, and wouldn't lie to you because he or she would receive gain. A true friend is generous, and wouldn't just get refreshments for his or herself and leave you to nothing. A true friend will share laughs with you, and not laugh at you. And, hell, with friendship, there's some magic in there, because that's kinda how I feel right now. I know it sounds goofy, but hell, friendship is magic.

    All in all, if a friend you have doesn't feel like one anymore, just look around you. You'll see that your real friends are closer than you think.

    Your faithful student,

    Josef Klauser.

    Josef dropped his pen and sat back in his chair. Something about that letter he just wrote... it felt really... familiar.

    The End.

  4. I come back from last night , and I see all of these people took the time to welcome me. How nice!

    SapphireLightning, I believed you've misinterpreted me. I meant do my stories have to consist with ponies entirely? Like am I aloud to write about other things?

  5. Nice to know it's a good community. I'll hope to share and help others with writing as well. Does it have to do with Ponies? Not that I mind just wondering to see if my options are broader than expected.

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