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Franzika Von ehmpke5

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Posts posted by Franzika Von ehmpke5

  1. Very sorry about the double post but I realized that it didn't put the whole thing for how I became a fan of FiM.

    The whole story is, I've always liked MLP. And one day I was just looking at videos on YouTube and I saw a FiM episode. So I watched it and I instantly fell in love with the series.

    Again sorry about the double post.

  2. About myself.: I'm from Wisconsin, I love RPing, penguins, video games, and bacon.

    How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: I was on this forum called Court Records and they had a thread about MLP so I was looking at it and someone was talking about this site and I thought it sounded cool.

    How did you became a fan of FiM?: I have always loved My Little Pony. So one day I

    My one favourite main cast pony?: Rainbow Dash

    Even though Rainbow Dash is my favorite pony, Twilight Sparkle is a close second, I'm even being her as a human for Halloween!

    And I've really wanted to find a FiM RP forum so when I heard about this thread I got supper excited! And I hope I can be friends with everypony here! :)

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