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Posts posted by WD1

  1. 2 hours ago, Rosewind said:

    I used to be part of a massive RP guild during the burgeoning days of AOL. They required frequent interactions, your character to write reports, participation in events, etc. In the end it hashed out into a bunch of busy work that greatly improved my English skills...and I made a few primal friends along the way that I still talk to, to this day. Roleplay is fun, but I also feel it needs a good dose of perspective. It's a game, it's meant to be fun. It's meant to be collaborative, and if your character is taking something away from the experience for others, it's time to rethink your approach.


    A lot of people can grasp this; a great many more have no idea how to interact with other characters and their players. On that token...


    WD1 - Just a heads up, my Staff have been chatting about banning you on this forum as well, and they have my full support to do so if they make this choice. I think you should reconsider what you decide to post (Protip: one-word posts aren't helping). If you look at the other posts in this thread, you'll see we're having a conversation, in spite of the locale. I've seen a lot of people like you breeze through this community, and I can tell you this...the rest of them are gone.




    got it no more spam its to salty:sans: *stays quite*

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