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Image Comments posted by Astalakio

  1. And that's fine; there is nothing wrong with having your own style as long as its 1)Good anatomy and 2)instantly recognizable who we are looking atYou have done both. :)

    You flatter me, sir!

    Sometimes I think inking things down can take away the gestural quality of sketches, and this one has gesture in spades. :)

    I completely agree. About the inking detracting from gestural quality thing, that is. I don't know how many times I've done a sketch and just been afraid to ink it incase I spoiled it somehow XD

  2. Gentlecolts. Twilight's "WHY WOULD YOU POST THAT?" face.

    It's definitely inspired by the female version of the 'Are You Serious' face. I tried to link to a picture in the description for a comparison but it 404'd me when I tested it :(

  3. QuickLime: Thank you :)

    Davroth: Well I'm trying to get as show-accurate as possible at the moment, so I'll keep pushing. Thanks!

    Coyotez: You might be right, I have a background of drawing in manga, and anatomical inaccuracies like that probably show through in my cartoons.

    Xiee: Well, that's debatable, but at the moment, she definitely has the best episodes XD

    Ginger Mint: Yeahhhh... or I just goofed up :P

    SkyMuni: Thankin' ya :D

  4. I didn't really think about it. I just draw eyes too big and things get cluttered XD

    Though actually I think that line in the centre of the face isn't actually her nose, just the crease you see when you get those frontal views of the ponies, and the nose actually ends where it joins to the face on the right. So they eye isn't overlapping a line, it's just between two lines.

    Or something.

    I don't know. >.>

  5. Xiee: Thanks ^_^ As for the style, I'll try! I wasn't really thinking about doing it in any specific way, I just drew it, so let's hope it wasn't a fluke. That's something I ALWAYS worry about with my drawings...

    Davroth & Dessa: Yeah, like I said, if I give it a bit more study, I'm sure I'll be able to replicate it fairly well. For some reason I just don't pay much attention to it in the show, so whenever I thought of drawing her my mind was just blank. I didn't even know she had a hair gradient until I pulled up a colour guide. And then I was like 'Sigh. Trust Rarity to be the only pony with a hair GRADIENT'...

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