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Posts posted by Astalakio

  1. Midnight seemed to go into somewhat of a panic, and Doctor Betterbones started chuckling lightly again, preparing to tell her that he was just messing around, and that it wasn't that serious, but then the pegasus leapt away and into the door to his office, prompting him to go quickly silent and look suddenly rather vexed at the erratic behaviour.

    "Um. That won't help." He observed usefully.

    He began to walk forward to go and help her up, but stopped in his tracks when the door Midnight had crashed against opened into the room, and an ash-covered face peeked inside. Before the doctor could greet the new arrival or tell him he'd be with him in just a moment, the newcomer delivered a rather panicked little monologue that ended rather climactically with not one, but two ponies lying on the floor of his office.

    Calmly confused by all this, the doctor observed the tableau that had unravelled before him. It would certainly be amusing, if it wasn't happening in his office, to his patients, who he was trying to fix. When he walked over to the two younger ponies, it was with a quickened pace. His first act was to check that the unconscious pony was still breathing - it looked like a fainting spell, but the doctor wasn't ready to chance it being a seizure. He tilted the ash-covered head and listened to the breathing. Steady enough. His mind readjusted to the situation based on this new knowledge and prioritised what to do. He turned his attention back to Midnight.

    "Midnight Orchid, are you alright? I trust you haven't managed to cave your skull in? Well then, if it's quite alright with you, we'll deal with getting you a prescription in just a moment for that wing, but for now I need you to do something very important..."

    His horn began to glow with a soft light again, and the body of the unconscious pony rose gently into the air. He walked with it over to a long white table and set it gently down on top.

    "There are no nurses working here right now, and I really need some cold water to splash on our friend here to wake him out of his stupor. Being unconscious is a lot more dangerous than you might think. There is a faucet down the hall, would you mind dashing off and getting some water for us? Quick-as-you-can, but don't fly on that sprained wing, for goodness' sakes, that's the last thing we need."

    He would check Midnight Orchid for head damage after her impact too, but for now he needed to make sure the newcomer was going to be alright. He set about removing a white pillow from a nearby storage container and getting it placed under the male pony's head.

  2. You're already better than me. :-(

    Nonsense. 'Better' is relative. Writing has so many different angles to observe that it's impossible to just be generally 'better' than someone else. At least, that's my opinion.

    I have decided to go for it, by the way, wrote my first 2000 words today. I can tell this one's going to be a novel of madness... I mean, even more than my usual stories :D

  3. Seeing the exact moments in the opening of the wing that caused Midnight to wince acted as something of a clue as to what the problem was. As he had thought, it wasn't a break or a fracture, but if, as she said, she had been doing stunt practices, the chance that it could be a bruise was greater. But a bruise generally required an application of pressure to create pain, and no pressure was being put on it in simply opening the wing.

    "Stunt flying indeed. I wouldn't have thought the moves and methods used by weathermares could cause this kind of damage," He mumbled as he got back to his hooves and circled around his patient. He'd guessed at her profession when he saw her cutie mark. "I have, however, dealt with similar cases before, not in weathermares but in performers. Always ponies that test their own limits. A wonderbolt, once..." His words trailed off as he became distracted by his examination. Knowing that the injury was a painful one, he made sure to keep away from the actual joint, and when he pressed a hoof against the wing, it was very gently, and only to slightly readjust the positioning.

    "Hmm." He nodded wisely. "You young things will push yourselves, won't you? Oh well, I don't suppose I'd have you stay indoors all day. Nothing would get done. Let's see here..."

    He trotted back to his desk and opened a drawer. From within, he pulled out a little model of a pegasus skeleton which he set down carefully on the desk. With a thoughtful stare and a glow of his horn, one of the tiny plastic bones came away from the left wing of the model, and the left wing promptly fell off.

    "Ah, just as I thought!" He announced, turning back to Midnight Orchid. "I believe you have a severe sprain."

    Of course, he knew this before he got the skeleton model out, and after hearing about her having sore wings quite often, he was pretty much ready to make his diagnosis based on previous experience. But he did like to put on a show.

  4. Betterbones could spot an injury from a mile away (a skill he prided himself on), but it was always a good feeling when he received confirmation of his immediate observations.

    "Probably a wise decision, it's better to be safe than sorry." the doctor nodded upon hearing of the pegasus' problem and decision to get checked out. She also answered the first question he was going to ask: how long it had been hurting for. A week, then. If she'd been stubbornly flying around in pain for a week, it couldn't have been the pain of a break or serious fracture. He didn't no anypony who could stand that for a week. A hefty bruise, then?

    "Let's take a look it at and see what we can see." He said, "Can you spread both wings out as far as you can?" He swept his own upper limbs about in a wide gesture to demonstrate.

    Of course, a bruise would have involved an impact of some kind, and Midnight Orchid didn't mention one in her little summary. Perhaps, Betterbones reflected, he should take a look at the wing before he tried to diagnose the problem.

    "Do you get wing pains often, or is this a first-time problem?" He enquired as he examined the wing in question.

  5. Pony!

    The suddenly appearing, purple and winged variety! Her sudden materialisation had thrown him, to say the least. He'd gotten so used to being alone in his office that a sudden presence besides his own gave him quite a fright. Still, he managed to restrain his surprise, restricting it to a quick widening of the eyes and a recoil from the doorway. The mare that stood before him didn't seem at all surprised, however.

    Before he had a chance to observe why she was here, a hoof was offered to him by way of greeting. Instead of offering his own, he suddenly put both his hooves out, took hold of her right one and pulled it closer to him. He looked at it with an intense stare for a long moment, before letting her have it back, and declaring,

    "Your right hoof is fine, anything else bothering you?"

    He shook his head then and chuckled to himself.

    "I'm sorry, just a little doctor humour for you there. That's actually one of the better jokes. I should know, I made most of them up. They're a little bit of a sour bunch when it comes to comedy in the medical circles..." His eyes had wandered off to the ceiling above his new guest as he spoke, and it took him a second to snap out of his irrelevant train of thought and come back to the present situation.

    "Where was I? Oh, yes, forgive me, I am Doctor Betterbones. Come on in."

    He turned back into his office and went back to his desk. Another seat was set up next to his beanbag chair for patients. Once his patient was a foal, and the young pony assumed the beanbag was for him and the chair for the adult, and took the appropriate place without asking. Betterbones had set himself sulkily down into the chair opposite and moodily got on with his job.

    Having prepped himself up for heading outdoors, it might have come as an annoyance that he was trapped once more in his office, but in actual fact the case was quite the opposite - the office in which he had nothing to do was a prison cell. The office with a patient that needed his help was both a life calling and a chance to show off, all rolled into one!

    "So then, Midnight Orchid, what appears to be the problem?" He plonked himself back down on the beanbag and placed his hooves together in a bizarrely contemplative manner which contrasted with the furniture on which he sat. "Your left wing, I think?"

  6. You know, I might just do this thing. Usually I spend about a solid month just planning, in meticulous detail, the story before I even set pen to paper. I'm a planning writer. But I haven't written a word of continuous prose since I finished my book earlier this year. This would be a pretty cool way to get back into the game... but with uni work, I don't know if I'll have the time necessary to dedicate to it now. And writing without a huge amount of planning?! I don't even! :-P

  7. Well I was going to have a Del Toro movie marathon, but I've got so much work to do today that I don't think I'll have time, at least if I want to be awake at a reasonable hour tomorrow.

    However, since I'm going to be working late, chances are I'll have to walk home after dark, and that's always cool on Halloween :D

  8. Dr. Betterbones relaxed back into the beanbag he'd recently had installed in his office in place of a proper seat. He stretched his legs out lazily and exhaled in a sigh. His practice was empty, as it had been for the whole week thus far. His white labcoat hung unused by the front door.

    This was the thing about living in Solstice Heights, he reflected as his pale green eyes drifted up to look at the blank white expanse of the ceiling. Unlike in Canterlot, where there were so many ponies always rushing around that it was bound to end in disaster, sometimes whole months passed here without any visitors to his practice. Except for general check-ups, but those were boring.

    He sat still, staring at the ceiling, his mind, for once, empty of thoughts.

    It was awful.

    He was a doctor. It was his job to make ponies better, and yet while everypony was well and good, he was sitting around in here gathering dust! A part of him just wished something exciting or interesting would walk through that door, but nothing ever did.

    He sighed again, a sigh of overdramatic misery, and rolled over until he fell off the beanbag and onto the floor with a thud.

    "Well, then," He started, getting to his feet and brushing himself off busilly. "I'm sure there's bound to be something outside the office that requires my not inconsiderable skill and attention!"

    He looked about himself expectantly.

    "Oh." He mumbled, realising he was still quite alone, "I need to find someone to keep my ego in check..."

    He trotted over to the door at a liesurely pace, flicking his horn and causing his labcoat to fly through the air and settle snuggly over his back.

    "Ready to go!" He beamed, eyes sparkling with energy, "Ready to head out there into the big, wide outdoors and face all the dangers and excitement that come with it!"

    He paused with his hoof on the door.

    "Am I building this up too much?" He asked, looking around. Again he found that he was alone. "Oh... yes. Well..." He nodded, and opened the door.

  9. Hullo all!

    So I've got my first RP character approved and ready to go, and I decided to create an open thread and see who would be kind enough to drop in and get me started. Only, I seem to be having problems actually creating the thread. I go into Equestria Mane, and to the area I want to start the thread in (The Foothills, to be precise). There are lots of threads by other ponies, so I know I'm in the right spot, but the button that usually says 'Start New Topic' is greyed out and says instead 'You Cannot Start a New Topic'. I'm I doing something wrong? :-| The Mane RP area is the only part of the site where this seems to be happening to me, I can create threads anywhere else.

    Thanks in advance for any help,


  10. Nah, for a brohoof you need to curl up your fingers and thumb but not into a fist, the palm of your hand should be clearly visible, your "partner" needs to do the same and when you brohoof it should make an audible "clopping" sound if you did it right :D

    Warning: DONT i repeat DONT do this hard, it may seem fun but if you do it hard enough it will hurt, A LOT. But if you do it just right it will sting for a couple seconds but it is worth it!

    Now that does sound cool. I need someone to try it with. Problem is, I don't know any bronies IRL either... maybe I can trick someone into doing it without them knowing what it is... I don't think my flatmate's doing anything right now! =D

  11. drbetterbones.jpg

    Name: Dr. Betterbones

    Sex: Male

    Age: Stallion (about forty in human years)

    Species: Unicorn

    Coat Color: Sky blue, with markings around the mouth and hooves.

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: His mane is large, pitch black, spiked and swept backward, giving him appearance that somewhat resembles a mad scientist. There is a grey streak that runs through it showing (so he claims) his ‘experience and wise-ness’. His tail is relatively short, and is quite messy, as he pays little attention to it.

    Eye Color: Pale green

    Cutie Mark: A simplified symbol of a bone, with two green plus marks (or hospital symbols) on either side, one slightly bigger than the other.


    Physique: Quite well built for a stallion of his age, and one that no longer really does much physical work.

    Origin: Born and raised in Canterlot

    Roleplay Type: Equestria Mane

    Occupation: Medical Doctor

    Motivation: To care for everypony, from all walks of life, as a doctor and confidante, help heal the injured and keep things moving as they should.


    - Writing bad poems

    - Helping others

    - Going for walks

    - Appreciation

    - Stories of adventures

    - Fixing things

    - Hiding things

    - Appearing out of nowhere


    - Bullies

    - Anything that injures ponies

    - Knowing where everything is (it takes the fun out of it)

    - Acting his age

    - Being ignored or dismissed

    - Travelling for long periods of time

    - Swimming

    - Lemons

    - Swimming in lemons

    Character Summary:

    Dr. Betterbones was raised in Canterlot by two parents who were dedicated scholars in the ways of magic. Due to their studies, they had little time to spend with him or his younger sister, Butterbrash, and so the two siblings took it upon themselves to keep each other company. They would regularly go out exploring the area in which they lived, though in actual fact Betterbones only tagged along to make sure Butterbrash didn’t get herself into too much trouble, as this was what she was known for.

    It was on one of these outings that Betterbones received his cutie mark. He came upon his sister in the midst of climbing a tree on the outskirts of the city, and warned her that she would hurt herself, and that there didn’t seem to be anyone around to help if she did. Butterbrash ignored her brother, however, and consequently fell from the branches and broke one of her legs.

    Their parents hadn’t taken the time to try and teach the young ponies much in the ways of magic they were so fond of. If they had, perhaps Betterbones would have been able to fix the injury right there. Regardless, he kept a level head and did not panic in the emergency. Instead he thought quickly, and fashioned a tree branch into a makeshift splint to set on Butterbrash’s leg. He didn’t know the details of pony anatomy, but he knew that keeping the leg still and straight must be important for it to heal, and after this was done, he was able to run and get help.

    Butterbrash made a relatively swift recovery, and was out and about and climbing things she shouldn’t once again in no time. The doctors that had treated her injury were very impressed by Betterbones’ quick thinking and use of basic magic, and this, combined with seeing his sister healing so well, was what inspired Betterbones to take up a profession as a doctor himself, so that he could help people as he had his sister. It was that moment that, with with a tingle and a spark on his flank, his cutie-mark appeared.

    As he grew older, he turned his attentions toward the study of healing magic, an area which became his speciality, and overall pony anatomy, so that instead of just setting breaks and running for help, he was able to treat ponies all by himself. By the time he became a stallion, he was a fully-fledged and well-trusted doctor working in Canterlot.

    It was in this city that he met his future mate, a pony named Fae Shine. She came to him with a minor head injury, and he treated her and sent her on her way. The next week, she returned with an inexplicable cough, and all of Betterbones’ medical expertise wasn’t enough to figure out the cause or the treatment. Still, he never liked to set aside a challenge, and he insisted that she come to his practice for regular check-ups until he’d sorted the problem out. Eventually, a guilty Fae Shine revealed that she was faking the cough all along, and had simply been using it as an excuse to keep seeing him. Far from being irritated with her, as she suspected he would be, he realised then exactly how fond he had, in turn, become of her. They continued to see each other regularly, and before long they were inseparable as a couple. A few years later, they had a daughter, whom they named Berry Shine.

    All was well, and the close-knit family was happy until, tragically, Fae Shine contracted a rare illness. Over the course of a year, the mare’s health deteriorated, and there was nothing Betterbones could do except keep her comfortable during this time. He worked harder than ever, pulling together all of his experience and consulting other doctors from all over Equestria, but nothing could be done and Fae Shine eventually passed away despite his unrelenting efforts.

    Betterbones and Berry Shine remained in mourning for a long time, relying on one another and on the support of Butterbrash to help them get through the tough time. It was hard, but they managed to pull through, and life continued on, even though they both now felt an empty space in their hearts.

    Years passed, and Berry Shine began to become rather irritated with her father, who was embarrassing, eccentric, overprotective, and everypony in Canterlot knew they were related. He seemed to take the utmost joy in popping up at the most annoying times to baby his now fillyaged daughter, often in front of her friends. This, as well as his excitable manner, was one of the things that eventually drove Berry Shine to leave Canterlot in search of her own destiny. Her father was sad to see her go, but understood that she was a free spirit who needed to explore wider Equestria for herself.

    He spent several years by himself, helping out anypony who came to him with an injury, but it came to his attention that there were plenty of medical practitioners in Canterlot, and in the quaint settlement of Solstice Heights, proper medical care was hard to come by. Canterlot was also a place of memories for him, one which he decided it would be good to get away from at last, and so he packed up and moved to Solstice Heights, where he set up his practice as the local doctor. There he remains, acting not only as the doctor, but as the trustworthy friend of all that know him, and the self-appointed adoptive father of the entire town.

    Dr. Betterbones is quirky, apparently disorganised, overdramatic and hardly ever serious about anything. He is also an extremely competent doctor, and his opinions are valued all over Equestria (he often goes for consultations in other places where he’s needed, but always returns home). He is always approachable, and will work his hardest, day or night, to help anypony who needs it, no matter who they are.

  12. I found it really hard to choose just one of the main characters. They work best as a unit, of course.

    Thanks for the welcome, and yeah, the look of how friendly this place seemed was one of the main things that convinced me to sign up =]

  13. I really didn't think anyone would actually read the whole thing! Thanks for the warm welcome, and as for the grammar correction, I'm flattered by the sentiment, but even though I'm an English student I actually don't like correcting other people. Probably because, firstly, it makes people eager to bitterly point the hoof and correct me when I make a mistake, and secondly, because it makes people dislike me. :D

    I probably will use this site to show any pony-related art I do, instead of putting it on my deviantART, because some people from my Facebook see my deviantART, and I'll never hear the end of it from them. Thanks again!

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  14. Thanks for the welcome all ^_^ And Bluebolt, remember that you are your own worst critic. If you keep working on it and keep practicing, eventually you'll end up with work that you can look at and openly be proud of =] I've only just got to that stage myself, really.

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