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Image Comments posted by Astalakio

  1. Why thank you :)Like I said, I try my best and am actively trying to get better at this. plus, getting a tablet would probably help...heheThanks so much for the compliment :)

    I was hesitant to get a tablet myself, but when I did it was one of the best decisions of my artistic life. It really makes everything a whole lot faster and easier, and opens up a lot of doors. I can wholeheartedly reccomend it.

  2. The title reminds me of the Sonic X (English version) intro theme song.

    That's where it's from :P

    'I remembered the theme song for the TV show 'Sonic X', which I haven't watched in years, and never watched religiously, but it was a cool theme and it seemed to fit the picture' - from my deviantART.

  3. Pinkie Pie really doesn't have a concept of personal space does she. :lol:


    Who gave you permission to be awesome?

    Oh, you :P

    wow... just wow, this is fantastic. The expressions, colours, posture, font. Did I mention the font? Because I love the fonts, they seem perfect for the characters.

    Thanks so much! As for the fonts... well... they're not perfect, because any licensed graphologist will tell you that a male's (my) handwriting his inately different from a female's (their) handwriting, but I did my best.

    I did have to get into the Pinkie and Fluttershy mindsets while I was scrawling it though :lol:

  4. I just wanted to say I LOVE all of your human ponies, so so cute!

    Thanking you!

    Yeah, I loved that scene, Fluttershy just had the cutest little mad expression in it, you just want to hug her all the time!Well except during her "You're going to LOVE ME" moment, but other than that, yes.Also, I love these pictures.. LOVE THEM!

    Ironic that the one time she commands you to love her is the one time that you would be hesitant to do so...


    Quite so.

    <3 <3 <3 Pinkie Shy <3 <3 <3

    There may or may not be a Twi Dash coming up ;)

  5. Any plans to Dog-Ize Spike :P

    Ha, I'm afraid not, but my next project will include a lot of Spike - just as a dragon, though :P

    I'm loving the design, but something about the pose or anatomy is off. EitherA. She's walking with her legs straight, and her hips are too wide, orB. She has her left leg (viewer's right) bent, but the knee is too high on her leg.I agree with the above comments, by the way- Your humanized ponies are the best

    Hmm, I don't know where the knees are on her legs. These humanisations don't really have joints - just bendy limbs like pipecleaners :lol:

  6. As always, lovin' the simple, elegant lines and motions. I might be biased because Twilight is my fav, but this is most excellent. That there's a random bonus derpy is just icing on the cake. :)

    Wanna know a secret? Twilight is my favourite pony too :P So it was super-important that the last piece was something good. I'm glad you approve!

    And as for Derpy, I actually planned to have her as a bonus humanisation in this last picture ever since I drew the first one. How's that for a weird thing to plan way into the future?

  7. This is like something out of Shonen Jump, heh.

    That's good enough for me! :)

    Wow, this looks like it should be, like, in a cartoon or something!Oh wait...In all seriousness, she actually looks like she could be from an episode of the Powerpuff Girls or something. Good work man!

    I actually get that reference a lot - the weird thing is, I've never watched the Powerpuff Girls *shrug* Any Lauren Faust inspiration is all from FiM. I can, however, point to the likes of Butch Hartman and Bryan Lee O'Malley for other inspirations which have had an impact on my style.

  8. *folds arms and nods approvingly*Asta, these are the BEST full set of humanized ponies I have found. Thank you so much!Is that FancyPants and Fleur in the BG?

    It is I who should be thanking you! Your feedback has been most motivating :)

    And nope, they're just random background ponies I invented. I decided that the man had the expression of a dead fish, though, so I dubbed him Mr. Fish, and his lady friend is therefore Mrs. Fish.

  9. The fact its Derpy who is greeting her can be dangerous, as there is a 25% probability Derpy will run into her or scare her into dropping all those books. :P

    :lol: I don't even know what she's doing in Canterlot. But I agree, it doesn't look like a scene that's going to end well, does it? :P

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