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Posts posted by Tornadopelt

  1. "HEY, APPLEJACK! HAHAHAHA!" Thunder Storm shouted, rolling on the ground. "I think my sides are going to split!" he shouted, pointing to Applejack, who was still in the tree. "I've heard of cats getting treed, but PONIES?! HAHAHA!" After Thunder Storm regained his composure, he looked up at Applejack, who was very much ticked at not only having her produce ruined, but getting the horseapples scared out of her as well. She gave both Thunder Storm and Thunder Flash an annoyed sigh.

  2. "Hey, I know... Rainbow Dash!" Thunder Storm said. Later, at Rainbow's house (upon invitation, due to hearing about a REALLY good prank), Thunder Storm turned on RD's TV. Luckily for him, the TV had a DVR and was showing "Nightmare Moon's Hit Ponies." And Thunder Storm brought a bunch of firecrackers. He put them in a pan as the good part came on. "Time for the Pizza!" Rainbow commented. Thunder Storm put a piece of paper on the front door, reading "Back door, please." The Pizza Pegasus knocked on the door. "Who is it?" the guy on the show asked. "Pegasus Pizza, sir. I have your pizza!" Flash snickered when he saw what Storm was intending to do. Thunder Storm played the clip, and the TV guy said, "Leave it on the doorstep and get the hell outta here." "Ok," the Pegasus Pizza pony responded, "but what about the money?" "What money?" "Well, youi have to pay for your pizza, sir." "That a fact? How much do I owe ya?" The guy on the TV said. "Um... that'd be 12 bits, sir." Thunder Storm fished out 15, and handed it out the door to the pizza guy. "Keep the change, ya filthy animal." The pegasus pizza pony looked at the door and said, "Cheapskate." "Hey!" the TV guy said, "I'm gonna give you to the count of 10 to get your ugly, yella, no-good kiester off my property, before I pump your guts full o' lead! 1, 2, 10!" At that moment, the yellow-ochre pegasus pony lit the quick-match, and the firecrackers went off right as the lead guy on "Nightmare Moon's Hit Ponies" fired his AK-47, laughing maniacally! The Pegasus Pizza pony tripped over a trash can and flew off as fast as he could!

  3. Pinkie Pie turned on the oven after placing her cupcakes in it. After 5 minutes, Storm looked at the stove and noticed a thin stream of smoke coming out of it. "Here it comes," Storm said to Flash. Pinkie Pie's smoke detector went off, alarming her of danger. She checked every appliance in the bakery, deducing it to be the oven. "Go time!" Thunder Storm said. When Pinkie Pie opened the oven, out came enough smoke to fill a small kitchen full. She screamed and desperately tried to put out the "fire" in the oven with a hose to no avail. After 1 minute of the smoking, it was clear that the prank was successful.

  4. The two Pegasi snuck into Sugarcube Corner, where Pinkie Pie was currently finding ingredients for her latest cupcakes. "Now follow me and be quiet!" Thunder Storm whispered. Carefully putting all the smoke stuff into Pinkie's oven, he filled the bottom rack with them. Storm knew that Pinkie put her stuff usually on the top rack. "OK, we're good to go!" Storm whispered. "The second step is Ding-Dong Ditch!" Opening SCC's door quick enough for the bell to ring, Thunder Storm put the next phase of his prank into acton.

  5. Thunder Storm looked at Thunderflash, raising an eyebrow. "What kind of--BAHAHAHAHA!" The yellowish pegasus fell off of his hooves, rolling around in laughter. After he was done laughing, he started to describe the types. "I have girandolas, shells and tubes, flares, sparklers... you name it, I've got it! And I hoof-craft all of them, making sure they work the way they're supposed to."

  6. "No, but I like to sometimes go storm chasing with my pa. Ma tought me how to make these fireworks that I have. So, here I am, with a *cough* slightly *cough* successful business. Anyway, I've been looking for some ponies to make friends with... seeing that life's kinda slow at the Shoppe, but being that you came here, what would you like here?" Thunder Storm asked.

  7. "...Flares? Check... Mortars and shells? Check... Firecrackers? Check. Well, that's it for tonight. Not many ponies stopped by to buy anythig from me. I guess it's time to celebrate my spare time!" A yellow-ochre pegasus pony with a dark grey mane, blue eyes, and a mushroom cloud cutie mark had just finished taking inventory of the fireworks he had. Sales of fireworks at the Firework Shoppe were getting low. "Although right now, I just want to take some time to get away from here for a while, and see what's up." The pegasus packed up some games and a snack pack consisting of a hay-and-daffodill sandwich, some hay fries, and a juicebox. If anything, today was just another ordinary low-business day. And so he set off, on a quest to find new friends to hang with, when he bumped into somepony else.

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