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Posts posted by TheOne

  1. Grey had his eyes focused on the mare as the warm fire from the fireplace gently tingled his fur, warming him up. Oh. So her father was a traveler. Was he the stallion on the pictures on the wall? Probably... Maybe? "Ha! Well, sometimes some words can slip out when the story is exciting, that's for sure" This grey stallion wasn't one to swear often but he understood why one would do that. After all, sometimes the best way to underline the importance of a sentence was to add a good old **** here or there.

    When the filly mentioned her sister being on a story-hiatus, Grey turned his head towards the red mare and smiled "Really? Pity. I'm sure she would have some great stories to tell" His eyes went back to the filly as said that fiction doesn't hurt "Exactly. And the best part is when you cannot tell which is true and which is false" A small wink was sent towards her as a reply.

    "A story I enjoy telling...." Grey placed a hoof on his chin, his eyes rolling upwards as he thought for a good couple of seconds, letting out a constant hmmm out of his mouth "Ah! I got one!" He exclaimed before turning his head towards his flank, which bared his cutie mark, a yellow shield. Above it, a slight scrape could be visible as a scar was formed, going through the side of his flank. It was definitely old since the scar was quite hard to spot. "I got this one quite a while ago" His head motioned towards his flank. "I was in quite a tough spot at the time since the little money I had was running out and I had to really cut corners to get by. I saved every bit I could and spent them only when necessary. One day, I was sitting in one of the pubs in Hoofington with my purse almost entirely empty. I was going to spend the last bits I had on a stew when suddenly I felt someone show my back, passing by. I turned around and noticed a rather young looking, orange pegasus with a bandage on his wing quickly throwing me a glace before heading off. I knew something wasn't right and started to check my belt with my hooves. The place where my purse should be was empty. Without thinking, I jumped away from the chair and dashed behind the thief, smashing the doors open. And there he wasn, heading down the street as if nothing happened. 'Hey! Stop!' I cried out before giving chase. There were many ponies in the street but not one of them bothered to try to stop him. And so, soon he dashed into one of the side alleys, probably hoping to hide in the labyrinth of small walk-ways that Hoofington has. Little did he know that I know this city like the back of my own hoof and managed to get some short-cuts. After a while of running back and forth, I managed to corner this thief into one of the dead-end alleys. 'Give back my purse' I said to him. And this orange bastar... sorry, stallion reached behind his back, presumably to get my purse. But oh, nooo, he couldn't make it easy. Instead what I saw was the bright reflection of the sun in the blade of his knife." Grey's tone jumped up and down throughout this tale but now he was silent, looking at the filly, judging her expression.


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  2. Free water, huh? Well, that surely was a nice touch Grey didn't expect from this city. Usually, everything here was made to rip someone off, but this rule... It seemed actually kind and very reasonable, how nice, even if it was just tap-water... "Oh... Alright. Well, keep that. As a tip" Grey placed the free bits he already took out from his sack since it would feel way too awkward to just put them back in now, plus he had some extra money so might as well be nice, right? Yeah... He will regret that later 

    Oh. They don't have a story-teller... Well, could've noticed that... "I see..." He started even if not truly understanding the room names, but well... He could guess "Well. If you don't..." Grey stopped as he noticed the two figures approaching the bar. His green eyes quickly went over the two of them as he tried to take in as many details as he could.

    When one of the mares started speaking to Grey, he quickly turned towards them with a rather nice and welcoming expression on his face. Hearing her out, Grey opened his mouth to answer that, but quickly shut it, deciding that indeed, maybe introducing himself would be better "Pleasure to meet you, Fire Walker" A polite bow came her way "And you too, Wind Walker" Grey leaned down a bit and sent the filly's way a warm, kind smile "The name is Grey Shield. A traveler and ex-bodyguard for hire." He presented himself.

    "Weeeell" Grey scratched the back of his head with a bit of a chuckle escaping his mouth "I have to say I know a story or two. After all, I have my years on my back and I do not live the most boring life" He said as his horn lit up and the glass of water slowly lifted into the air "Fireplace you say? Alright! Let us go there, then" And with the same warm expression as before Grey slowly made his way towards the warm fire before sitting down rather close to it, on the ground, his flank facing it. "So. Tell me, Wind... What kind of stories are your favorites?" He asked, turning his gaze towards the filly.

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  3. Grey traced the glass of water with his gaze up until it reached him. As his horn lit up with a yellow tint, a purse slowly raised into the air and a couple of bits flew out. "How much do I owe?" He asked, not used to anything being free anywhere. Even a simple glass of water had its price tag and it usually was valued much more than its real value.

    When the bar-tender mare turned her gaze towards the campfire, Grey followed her sight and hung his green eyes on the fireplace as well. After a quick sip of water, he spoke up towards the tired-looking mare behind the bar "I heard many great things about this place. Is it usually that empty or is it just today?" The green eyes were now turned towards her as the Grey stallion leaned back "I mean... I heard that adventurers and travelers alike gather here to share stories yet it seems a bit... empty" His voice wasn't a complaining or mocking one. He sounded genuinely curious.

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  4. Explorers Society.... Grey has heard quite a few things about this little, peculiar place from a couple of ponies and was planning to give it a visit for some time now. After all an adventurers pub is defenietly something that was right up this trvelers alley, so passing on such an oportunity would just be so unlike him. Plus, who doesn't like a good drink while sharing a story?

    With a gentle push, Grey opened the doors to the pub and made his way through the doorway. Some clinging could be heard with every step he took as the clips of his old, weary saddlebags tapped against each other. While this stallion didn't look too shoddy, his dark grey mane was still a mess and a his coat defenietly has seen better days then... well, now. Stallions green eyes quickly moved around the tavern, taking in its surroudnings. The pictures on the walls seemed to catch his interest for a good couple of seconds as he slowly made his ways through the interior of the pub. It was quite suprising how empty this place was... Grey expected a bit more ponies in a place like this, but he couldn't say he didn't mind the lesser crowd.

    Grey sent a polite nod towards those who were in the pub and slowly but surely made his way towards the bar, hoping to get himself something to drink. Once there, Grey's horn lit up and his saddlebags slowly onto the floor with a rather loud thud. "I'll have a glass of water, please." He asked as soon as he had a chance and place a couple of bits on the counter, throwing the bartender a slight smile. He hoped to start this visit slower with his drinks. After all, he didn't come here to get wasted, but to maybe have a chat with someone, share some stories and well... spend some quality time in here.

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