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Posts posted by BlazePrower9205

  1. This isn't that big of a deal for me. So what? She had a baby. That's nothing to congratulate about. :/

    So don't then?

    That's the thing. This isn't even that big of news. Whenever I hear someone having a baby, I just don't give a crap about it. I mean, there's far more serious news going on now. Why is this such a huge deal? <.<

  2. @brianblackberry Well, I am gonna watch it anyway. God, I feel like I'm the only person that's being cornered by everyone around here. It's called a damn opinion, for crying out loud. <.<

    I'm not trying to corner anyone--I apologize if I came off that way. I guess I keep posting news because I'm looking for some reason to look forward to Season 2.

    I mean, I'll admit it. When I first heard the news that Lauren Faust was no longer working on MLP:FIM, I cried. I did. I felt greatly shocked and saddened by the news. I love this show so freaking much. I can't remember the last time I felt so strongly about a cartoon. I was looking forward to Season 2 like everyone else--and upon hearing the news about Ms. Faust, I felt sick. I was horrified at the prospect of the thing I love so much being taken away from me.

    I kept posting news and bits of info here and there to try to not only help convince myself but my fellow bronies as well that Season 2 was not going to horribly suck. To put things in perspective, I am a terrible worry-wort. I've gotten much better in recent years, but I tend to obsess about the worst possible outcomes. An effective way I deal with that is to actually research a given situation and prove to myself with hard evidence that I am needlessly worrying. I hate that I worry so much. :/

    I guess I've also given in to panic and worrying in the past, I and always seem to suffer more if I let that take over my life. It's only a matter of time before anxiety overwhelms me and I start shutting down completely. So yeah. I post this for my own benefit, really, and anyone else whose worry is just eating away at them.

    So that's why I post all this articles and info. All four sources I've found--including Lauren--so far seem to corroborate season 2 being very good. :lol:

    I accept your apology. I know the feeling. And I might as well just say this already. I'm known to be really optimistic all the time. That's one of my bad traits. ^^;

    Besides, we're not the only ones that are heartbroken about this news. Over at a My Little Pony group on DeviantArt, everyone in the group are in an uproar about the news. And most of them act like me. Heck, I even agree with them about Friendship is Magic possibly turning into what other shows are now due to a different director or executive producer. Seriously, stuff like this happens all the time.

    So yeah, that's my confession. I have always been known to be optimistic at times. I really can't help myself to be like that everytime there's bad news. ^^;

  3. I suggest you read Doc Hoof MD's comment on the third page. He or she's talking about how everytime a successful show gets a new director, the show itself dramatically changes in quality. I've seen too much of that **** everytime some of my favorite shows get ruined by putting stuff like toilet humor, changed personalities, and even some shows I watch turning too 'girly' for male audiences. I'm female, but I have to admit that 'girly' shows are boring and unwatchable.

    I don't have any high expectations for Season 2 anymore. The new executive producer will completely ruin My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic by putting unnecessary things in there. Do you really want to see the show turn into the next G3/G3.5? Do you want to see it turn too 'girly' like Bratz?

    And not to mention that Season 2 is made by a different animation studio, so I know the animation will turn really crappy.

    I'm still gonna watch Season 2, but like I said before, I don't have any high expectations for it. If it ends up sucking badly, then I'll just not watch it and say, "I was right all along" and move on. Besides, Hasbro will screw it up anyway. :/

    There was an interesting update on Faust's journal:

    *clarification: Story concepts and writers' meetings were completed several weeks ago, so my role is complete. I am not working on this show in any capacity at this time. Sorry for the confusion. While I'm at it, folks are asking if I left to work on another show. This is not the case. I had no other projects in the works when I stepped down.

    Lauren Faust was involved with Season 2. She already helped with story concepts and scripts, which I'd argue are some of the most important parts of the show! All the scripts and stories are done now, as of writing of her journal. Lauren Faust's hand was NOT completely absent this season; rather, all the work she can do is now complete. All the stories for the upcoming season are finished, and all that's left to do is animation and post-production.

    The only thing that's changing is that Lauren Faust is leaving. Everyone else is staying, and they know what's up. Like I was saying, though, fear and worry will not change anything. We also cannot assume anything about Season 2. Also, Lauren Faust did not make these cartoons all by herself. Assuming they will now be crap is extremely insulting and unfair to everyone else who is working on it right now.

    The show already has had many Executive Producers. From IMDB:

    Chris Bartleman .... executive producer (21 episodes, 2010-2011)

    Steve Davis .... executive producer (21 episodes, 2010-2011)

    Lauren Faust .... executive producer (21 episodes, 2010-2011)

    Kirsten Newlands .... executive producer (21 episodes, 2010-2011)

    Blair Peters .... executive producer (21 episodes, 2010-2011)

    Beth Stevenson .... executive producer (21 episodes, 2010-2011)

    Sarah Wall .... producer (21 episodes, 2010-2011)

    Top Draw animation had already made many episodes in Season 1. They are definitely not a "new animation studio". They've done work for MLP:FIM before. I believe one out of every three episodes in Season 1 was animated by Top Draw.

    Also, the Supervising Director, Jayson Thiessen, was there for the entirety of Season 1, and he'll be there for Season 2 as well! If you look for my post on page 2, you'll see that he and the production crew want to do well by Lauren Faust. They seem like they very much want to keep close to Lauren's vision.

    I'll repost what he said in Twitter here anyway:

    #MLP season 1 may be over, but hang in there, season 2 is gonna knock your socks off!

    Lauren may have stepped down, but her influence on us is strong. We share a lot of the same sensibilities and ideals. #mlp

    Lauren is an amazing person who I feel honored to have had the opportunity to work with and even consider my friend.

    ...We are saddened by her absence and will miss her greatly, but her influence is deeply ingrained in the show and in our work...

    ...rest assured pony fans, the show is not changing. We have doubled our efforts since she left and I am very pleased with the results.

    ...hopefully so will you, and Lauren.


    Thank you Lauren, for being so awesome, and trusting us with something so dear to you. We won't let you down! #MLP

    Mr. Thiessen has also visited PonyChan back in March (confirmed) and he seemed extremely grateful for the fans' support! You can check out the archived post here or visit the Equestria Daily article, which might be easier to read through.

    Furthermore, there was a journal posted by Kreoss, an animator on the show:

    Well that's it. Season 1 of MLP: Friendship is Magic is finally over. I have to say its been a blast. It has to be one the best cartoons I had the pleasure of working on. And its even more great that many people enjoyed it. It makes the whole effort, worth it!

    With Season 1 having such a great impact, I 'm sure people will be expecting ALOT more for season 2. I hope Season 2 will live up to everyone's expectations. I've already seen 7 episodes of Season 2 and I have to say its looking pretty good. I know its been confirmed by Lauren Faust and all but yes, Luna will be back especially Derpy (Who has now became an official Character here. I wouldn't be surprised if she has her own character sheet/model with preset expressions). I've already seen the episode when Luna comes back and its pretty cool. Season 2 will introduce new characters and bring back some old familiar ones. I wish I could say more but I don't want to spoil too much.

    I must say, one of the great benefits of being an animator to My Little Pony is that you get to see the entire season 2 before it even gets aired. Sure its just the still drawings of the animatic but who cares. I watch it for the plot :lol:

    Anyways about the My little Pony game I'm making. I have already done Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity and Rainbow Dash's model and am now giving them expressions and different outfits. I might post a few previews in my DA sooner or later. The new cartoon I'm working is really taking up my time to draw and do the game. Hopefully I'll be able to get some of it done and post at least the character models.

    Well that's all folks. I'm glad you enjoyed My Little Pony Friendship is Magic as much as I enjoyed animating it.

    Thank you for all your support, Bronies!

    Everything together seems to point in a very good direction.

    I have a lot of faith in the production crew! I think once Season 2 starts, we'll all look back at how silly we're being.

    I guess I understand all of this, but I'm still not giving any high hopes on this just yet. :/

    Again, if season 2 fails, I'm stopping.

  4. Am I the only one that's actually scared at those Twitter messages? They're probably just saying those kind of things. Happens all the time. <<;

    None of us wants to see something we love get taken away from us. I think there is reason for legitimate concern. However, needless worry and fear will not accomplish anything. The only thing we can do is wait till Season 2 starts, and judge after a few episodes. If they are indeed awesome, then great! We'll all feel terribly silly for worrying.

    If Season 2 is not awesome, what would worrying and fear accomplish? There is nothing any of us can do about it. Decisions have been made, stories written, voices recorded, many episodes storyboarded, and episodes are currently being animated. I wouldn't be surprised if some episodes are already in post production (musical scoring and mixing, etc.). The production crew is already hard at work and everyone is doing their best right now.

    Fear and worry will not change the outcome. You will only degrade your own mental health about something you have no control over, and little to nothing to gain for it.

    I personally am glad we are still getting a Season 2 at all! Besides, Lauren Faust did help on consulting on the stories several weeks ago, according to her updated DA journal.

    I'd also like to point out that the Transformers fandom has been "RUINED FOREVER" no less than twelve times. Huh. You'd think after it had been "ruined forever" once that would be the permanent end to it all. Yet, it persists. Interesting, yes? http://transformers.wikia.com/wiki/Ruined_FOREVER

    I suggest you read Doc Hoof MD's comment on the third page. He or she's talking about how everytime a successful show gets a new director, the show itself dramatically changes in quality. I've seen too much of that **** everytime some of my favorite shows get ruined by putting stuff like toilet humor, changed personalities, and even some shows I watch turning too 'girly' for male audiences. I'm female, but I have to admit that 'girly' shows are boring and unwatchable.

    I don't have any high expectations for Season 2 anymore. The new executive producer will completely ruin My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic by putting unnecessary things in there. Do you really want to see the show turn into the next G3/G3.5? Do you want to see it turn too 'girly' like Bratz?

    And not to mention that Season 2 is made by a different animation studio, so I know the animation will turn really crappy.

    I'm still gonna watch Season 2, but like I said before, I don't have any high expectations for it. If it ends up sucking badly, then I'll just not watch it and say, "I was right all along" and move on. Besides, Hasbro will screw it up anyway. :/

  5. I have alot of things that will keep me occupied, so I'll list them here. XD

    Play video games. (Mostly catch up on Pokemon White.)

    Watch episodes of Friendship is Magic that I haven't watched yet.

    Work on some of my projects.

    E3 this year! :D

    Watch movies.

    These will hold me over until Season 2 comes.

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