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Everything posted by WhoGoesThere

  1. For they are always looking at us, many do not care for mortals others view us in a manner much the same as we view lesser animals.
  2. Time freezes for everyone but you, what do you do?
  3. Faeries, like Changelings, Banshees, Imps and other unsavoury eldrich abominations that lurk just outside of our world.
  4. A big red man who watches children sleep for every day or the year and then breaks into the house during the night? No, I believe he is merely a figment of our imagination brought about by the Fae in order to distract us from their greater goal.
  5. If time were to stop and then restart would we even notice?
  6. Belief is instinctual and connot be forced, it can only happen naturally throug the consensus.
  7. If we cannot prove that anyone other than ourselves exist, does reality really exist in itself?
  8. Via the power of the world consensus, we believe that it works and so it works.
  9. Discord, definately Discord...or maybe Forrest Imps.
  10. Not just Deadpool, Deadpool with Pinkie Pie!
  11. Well with everypony liking her (of the whole two that have commented ) i think it's time to put it down as the Final draft.
  12. Yes, but it makes me feel better about my inadequacies.
  13. Thanks GL, truth be told I just pulled the newspaper out of the air so it's really not that important I was just trying to give her a desk job. And thanks Tales, altough I've gotta say that I prefer the new Night Breeze as I've put much more thought into her.
  14. Curses! My stealth posts have been discovered!
  15. Damn you typing errors! I meant to have the topic as "ASK WGT" not "As WGT"...
  16. Bandwagon get! Go ahead, ask me anything ya want lets see what'cha got. Typo gone!
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