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Apolline Allura

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Posts posted by Apolline Allura

  1. "I might have to come out here more often, Molly!" said Aposemati, absentmindedly whipping the zebra on the flank with her tail for her jibe earlier about lost sleep. "Stories like that are a dime bit a dozen back in Talonopolis, and everyone just calls 'em myths cuz' no one's ever taken a chance to go see anything."

    The black cloak whipped about her feet as she kept up with Mjolna and Andromeda at the front. The farther she was away from that Strider, the bettter. She assumed Darkest Dawn was at least ahead of her as well. Aposemati's instincts hadn't quite red flagged Strider, but the animosity from the previous night was a long way from abated. The gryphon took very uncomfortably to the mannerisms and speech of that mare. Cold and aloof, but somehow, was friends with Destiny, who was basically Molly, but quieter? Crazy.

    "Speaking of seeing things," she glanced at Bamboo Blade, carrying her massive wooden length. "remind me how you're able to do that, Ribbonbutt. Y'know...on account of having no irises or pupils."


    Strider paced patiently next to Destiny, examining the other four ahead of them. While the wailing winter winds cried out to her, she yielded not the slightest chatter of teeth, or the faintest gasp for air. These conditions were perilous for the unprepared, and not those who took precautions. Mithril horseshoes crunched on through the snow while the thermos of hot water rested against her side, occasionally switching to make sure one side didn't seize up on her.

    Destiny's map work reminded her of days long past when she had openly sought out the other unicorn's companionship. The pair had excelled in the fields aethertic sciences, earning commendations from the University in Canterlot years ago before their split. Beyond their shared affinity for magic lied a deeper bond, held together by the magic of friendship. The white cloaked mare would need to take care not to fall prey to sentiment in this journey. She had plans for her former friend, and no dragon was going to halt her in them.

    "You do know," started Strider, moving next to Destiny as they trotted on, "that we may very well be of better use off of the front line. Naskralar's domain contains more chambers than merely his own I'm sure."

  2. Back to the subject for a second...

    It's okay to just roll over like this? When the fandom's been leaning out the window singing Smile Smile Smile with a middle finger up to licensed things for the past three years? Part of the reason I'm even ON this site (which would itself be infringing on the copyrights since there are donations and hundreds of people here) is that the fans make this stuff! Come on now. COME ON NOW. No solutions? Yes, yes I want to take it to that level. I will rebel with all my heart against this vomit-worthy move of capitalism.

    This fandom has proved itself as capable of doing amazing things and now the party stops because someone says stop having fun?

    • Like 1
  3. It can still be a thing.

    Why let it stop here?

    There's nothing saying this project can't be funded by Hasbro itself. Enter an agreement with them over licensing, release the game on Steam for a few bucks.

    (That idea. Courtesy of Canterlot's own Hurricane.)

    But yeah. Do that, and everyone's happy. Don't do it?

    Witness hell.

  4. Meh. Only if Twi's friends are given any shine to go along with it. Lest they end up like most anyone from Dragonball Z who was important in Dragonball.

    Here's a line I could easily imagine any of the other five saying while Twilight is doing some sort of amazing task full of singing and adventure and magic.

    "Hey girls...remember when we used to do stuff?"


    I'm sorry but I hate it when others can't get their shine. It's no fun unless the homies get some. And just kind of makes their inclusions as major characters utterly worthless. They appear in the title sequence for crying out loud. Now they get to be the new background ponies (with AJ's case being doubly egregious).

    It still kind of bugs me that any and all major plots always involve everypony else being at the mercy of magic, needing Celestia, Luna and Twilight to save the day. Y'know, what with Equestria and most life in it being so magical and all, but nopony doing much with it aside of UNICORNALICORNMASTERRACE.

  5. [colour=#b22222]"That."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Was the only thing Spotlight could say, her eyes alight with satisfaction. She nodded vigorously in approval of Rarity's colour choice as she examined the dress in it's splendor. "Yes. Yes yes yes yes yes." fired off Spoltight in rapid succession. [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]The trim was just perfect, and the dominance of the red was perfect against Writer's off-gray coat. This was definitely the thing to get for her friend. [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Spotlight sidled up to Rarity's ear and whispered, "Now you didn't hear this from me, but I might know of a certain unicorn who just earned herself grand seats at the next production of the Traveling Players in their last performance in Ponyville." [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Pulling away with a grin, she continued, "We shall have to see that come Gala time. Add that one to our cart, dearest Rarity. And onward to the star attraction!" [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]The pegasus posed on her hind legs with a beatific smile.[/colour]

  6. Her eyes were glassy and unfocused when she opened them. She could have sworn somepony was speaking to her. But she only saw stripes. Nopony was speaking to her right? Nopony at all? Well of course, it must've been some ONE else...

    To the zebra spilling her soul out to her, Spotlight appeared very much out of sorts, but apparently just out of it enough to think her confessions would go unheard. Her unconscious mind collected this information but did not process it.

    In fact, she was still fading in and out of her dream into total unconsciousness. One second, her legs were entirely slack, and the next second, her hind legs were wrapped around Eloquence's waist and her fore legs were set over the striped shoulders, thrusting once or twice.

  7. Actually, Harry Potter fandom had scads of creative people. The reason it's dying is that those same creative people felt betrayed by the later books. They'd signed up for school adventures in a fantastic and not too serious world (heck, the Dursley's set the tone, they're right out of a Roal Dahl story) and then sudden;ly it was no longer about the magic or the humour, it was a deadly serious war in a crapsack world where anyone could betray anyone, and a casualty count straight out of a slasher movie. Not only that, but everybody suddenly seemed to be hugging the idiot ball so hard they left hand imprints. It was like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory suddenly morphed into a Dan Murphy thriller half way through, with the Templars trying to steal Willy Wonka's secret recipes. Actually, that might be quite good fun.

    So the creatives bailed, and you were left with a fandom comprised almost entirely of 14 year old girls who either wanted to have Harry, wanted to have Draco, or wanted to see Draco have Harry. Well maybe not quite, but it's not surprising that such a huge proportion of HP fic nowerdays is time travel 'Fix right what once went wrong' stories or AUs in which the characters weren't such failures.

    Can you tell this is something of a personal experience? Bitter? No I'm not bitter. ~ Does a convincing impression of Liarjack ~

    We weep together my friend. I feel your pain.

  8. One of the assumptions people are making is that Twilight somehow automatically becomes super-powerful and has to immediately leave to Canterlot to be put in a leadership position. Think about Cadance though. She was already an Alicorn when Twilight was little, and she was a babysitter. Not exactly a high governmental position. It wasn't until years later that she seemed to become a leader in the Crystal Empire. I'm really hoping to get some kind of background on Cadance in next weekend's episode, or at least her communicating with Celestia going "She's ready."

    Wasn't Cadence's alicorn status also directly linked to Hasbro going for the money? And didn't serve any real purpose but to break consistency within the series proper? Which is broken further now that Twilight can do it? Earlier in this thing, when I said this will legalize Alicorn OC's, I mean that basically, as long as you put the effort into spewing the right excrement, you too can have an alicorn. Twilight's destiny may prove fruitful for her, but if her friends were nothing more than a gambit by Celestia to get Twilight to this point, we might as well call this "Friendship is A Means To An End" and not "Friendship is Magic".

    As the wise Snoop Doggy Dogg once said, "It ain't no fun, 'less my homie got some."

    • Like 1
  9. This is a tall order for Studio B. Until I see the ep, I have no faith whatsoever that they can pull off making Twilight an Alicorn permanently. It doesn't help matters that she's already having trouble with her powers every now and then, and that it's inconsistently displayed. Not to mention, this kind of validates alicorn oc's, if we take Cadence into account. If godhood can just be handed out like candy. It won't happen in anything canon on this board, but honestly, I see nothing good or remotely interesting coming of this.

    They took the I win button and made it an I WIN button.

  10. On her day off from her weather pony duties, Lightning Dust had very little to do actually. Of course she'd spend hours flying and breaking her own personal records (barring the decrease in such since being put on suspension from her Wonderbolt training), and then maybe a nap and dinner after because where did all the time in the day go in winter, but she had been out of things to do since pulling her exact same times of the day before in laps around her house. Right down to the millisecond.

    But she fidgeted and tossed about on the cloud she had sat upon to try and collect herself. Wonderbolt training really had been one of the best times she had had in recent memory. And yet the same thing she had prided herself on, her ability, had ended up getting herself kicked out.

    Several specks in the distance received her attention. There was a show today, she had forgot about. Lightning Dust kicked through the bottom of the cloud with both hind legs and shot off in the direction of the faintly heard cheers and vapor trails in the sky.

    Dust could see them. Spitfire, Fleetfoot and Soarin, all strutting their stuff. How she longed to be up there, doing the same.

    Just in the middle of a routine motion, a streak of darkest blue sped past the trio, making a show of the accidential tearing down of the poster nearby. Lightning Dust couldn't help but chuckle a but at that. That'd ruffle some feathers for sure.

    Closer inspection revealed a pegasus stallion, skinning and grinning with the best of them.

    [colour=#808080]"Ladies and Gentlecolts, if you want to meet real heroes, stop on by your local REA veterans chapter."[/colour]

    [colour=#40e0d0]"Ha! This guy."[/colour] said Dust, shooting upwards to meet the stallion.

    He had guts, that was for sure. Dust couldn't pass up the opportunity to give him his props, and so she waved and called out to him.

    [colour=#40e0d0]"Oi, fly boy!"[/colour]

  11. Marvelous.

    A unicorn's white head resting in her lap, snoozing attentively with a fatigued yet peaceful smile on her face. A zebra's nibbling attentively at her left wing, and a cyan pegasus on her right, staring up at her through glazed over magenta eyes as she nuzzled the warm of Spotlight's belly. The mare in question stroked at the unicorn's royal purple mane, drinking in the sight of her prey, right where she wanted her. Rarity had given up after trying to pick from the litter of equine beauty that had assembled to fawn over her and compete for her affections. Rainbow Dash was easily overcame by Eloquence's deft and wise tongue, and quickly swayed to join them. El herself curled up faithfully against Spotlight, sampling the taste of her silky downs and giving the diva pony a wonderful little jolt of electricity.

    Marvelous. Marevelous even.

    This victory was nothing short of one of Spotlight's greater bedroom escapades. So great was it, that she couldn't resist--

    --a sleepy kiss on the side of the zebra as the lucid dream continued. In her own little world now, Spotlight was still impressionable by the little things that managed to creep through the cracks in her mind from reality.

  12. Unicorns. Miasma whispered sardonically, Celestia's version of easy mode.

    The din of the pub seemed to be dying down at last. The drunkards and vagabonds were exiting and being carried out and so on, leaving only a few stragglers the small army unintentionally summoned by Mjolna. Miasma marveled at all the comers and couldn't help but wish for one more gryphon. But it was a sizable unit, and the more the merrier right? Magic, cunning, and raw physical power...oh, and the red shirt. They had it all.

    It was at this point in her contemplation that Miasma fished in her pockets for her second bag of gold, and her spare bag of silver quarter bits. One of the few non-affiliated parties stood in a corner mysterious as could be with his long, black coat, his face hidden behind a mask and under a hood. Miasma wasn't very comfortable asking the pony shaped black shroud for directions, but ponies were heading to bed now. He was here for a reason, clearly.

    "Yo, mister." she called to him as she approached, "I'm looking for a merchant. You know where I can find one here?"

    In very raspy and very creepy voice, he replied, "Welcome, strangeh."

    And her stood up on his hindlegs, spreading one foreleg to the side, the coat billowing across the floor before revealing a number of items and glowing things and bottles full of shining liquids. "Whaddya buyin'?"

    A quick survey of his coat told her that the albino stallion had a little of everything she needed. Her keen eyes spotted two shortsword length pieces tied securely to his robe. The sheaths had her fooled, but his grips told her everything.

    "Those two daggers, three of those green glowy things, and...eh, gimme one of those black cloaks."


    The maneless mare's provisions were safe and secure in her white cloak, which she'd wear while they group traveled through the frozen tundra.

    Sixteen polished shards of marble sat secured in a harness secured over her chest, ready to be assembled into the terrifying blade which she had affectionately named "Primal". A single saddlebag hung over her side, and she had a thermos strapped to her other side, full of hot water that she had bewitched to stay heated for longer than usual. Her diary and quill were the only things she would store in the void. She'd only need them afterwards.

    'And a name.'

    Strider. It was a simple alias. Strider cared not for other ponies to know her true name, but Destiny was the only one who knew presently, and that was fine with her. Glancing at a blank page in her diary before closing the floating portal in front of her, she imagined the eventual picture of Destiny's smiling face sketched in it. She would understand her true place in this world at last.


    And at last, the day had come! Miasma was at the front along with Mjolna, with Strider at the back ranks along with two other unicorns. Strider didn't bother to question the presence of yet another horned pony, but found herself fascinated with her aura. Very curious that a bard would join a crack-team like this with a questionable level of survival (even WITH Strider in the group).

    The gryphon found Mjolna's laughter infectious, cackling as she slipped the rubies into her wings once more. There was something to be said about forming such a collective in the course of a night, united and ready to defy death for their own desires.She felt brave. She felt ready.

    "Molly!" she said with an all too wide grin. "Call me Aposemati! That's my real name!"

    And then she whipped her azure crested head back and let loose a ferocious lion's roar, scaring the birds to the trees, and shaking her whole body with the excitement.

  13. The word I run into that is censored that is vexing is:


    It is a bit annoying, but you can always just replace it so no big whoop. The worst side effect is when you read your post and a common, utterly non-vulgar word is censored and makes people think you're using really foul language.XD

    Yeah. Like when I want to type in:











    I'm not even sure if that'll come up parsed like this, but that's very annoying. I have to wonder how many RP's in Manehattan can even use the word. I'm fairly sure this is at least a valid concern.

    • Like 2
  14. Double Tap.

    Her mind ran the words through again.

    Double. Tap.

    And upon his arrival, of course--of course--he'd spend his first few seconds making sure to rile her some. Her flank was an important asset to her! It had won her numerous awards and cover shots in Playcolt magazine! Hoof Hefner commented on it himself! Yet here they were again. Spotlight's searching eyes found no makeshift object that could be easily slipped past Writer and brought down upon his wonderfully empty little head--

    [colour=#282828]"Spotlight, dear." Her voice was soft as she carefully patched up the situation. "Get your dress. Double Tap and I are going to talk."[/colour]

    Good. Good, good good good good. Dear Writer, always able to keep a calm head and break things up. To be honest, Spotlight could easily admit that time not spent drinking tea, directing or writing could easily be called babysitting her troupe. Being the hotheaded one of the bunch always did bring things into a different perspective for her, but during some moments of clarity, it was obvious that they were a somewhat dysfunctional family. Of course, the zebra and the mute still had to be accounted for, and then of course there was Brace--but she'd not dare utter a word about him unless he was present--but they were all a cohesive, argumentative and talented family.

    The several changes in Spotlight's facial expression were barely perceptible to the naked eye, aside of a few twitches and maybe, just maybe her hoof prodding the end of one of the hangers to see how sharp it's corners were. For poking of course.

    Her lit fuse coming to a stop, she took a small breath and shrugged. "The help. We keep him around because he makes good coffee. Or something." A blink, a second blink and then an actors blink, and it was BACK to happy.

    "So!" she said brightly, clapping her forehooves together, "Dresses for the Gala! I'm loving the idea of something in velvet, and although I'd like it in red, I'd prefer not to be so tacky as to go in the same colour as my playwright! We're an acting troupe, not a task force like the Wonderbolts..." The pegasus mare paused for a second, noticing a number of dresses in the opposite direction of her and then turning to Rarity.

    "Diamonds. I'd like something that can use those beautiful gems to great effect."

    The words were spoken with a quiet anticipation, rumbling deep within her, causing her to want to emit giggles (a few actually slipped) because if there was one thing Spotlight loved to wear, it was diamonds. A dress, made by Rarity herself would no doubt include them in the most extravagant fashion yet!

    She continued on with a smile, "We'll follow that rather grand tangent later though, I want to get Ghost Writer settled first, and I believe a bit of black and red will suit her without question. Nothing overly done however. I respect her desire to remain...not the center of attention, but only to a certain point. She will come to the gala. This, I promise."

    The material and how much of each one that would apply to each dress would factor in, but plainly enough, no matter what it was--buying two dresses would be a cinch. The prices were nothing. The purchases were the point today.

    Of course, Spotlight spared no expense even when buying large and expensive pieces of custom-made jewelry, so frugality was a moot point as far as she was concerned.

    "But of course, as I've stated Miss Rarity, whatever you consider apt would be wonderful as well. I place the fate of two of Equestria's most stylish mares in your capable and well trimmed hooves."

  15. wallpaper-2445891.png(I apologize that I have started this in here, but due to an internal server error, I'm unable to post this in Brony Chatter where it was meant to be. Still, this is a message I want to share with as many people as possible, so for any mods looking in, could you please move this instead of deleting it asap? And everyone who'll stick around, happy new year.)

    I am Apolline Allura, and I am prefacing the following with many thanks to not only the brony community, but in particular to canterlot,com. I haven't written nearly as much in my whole life as I have the past two years thanks to the people I've met here, and the structure of which RPs and random topics take place. For those that know me from more private channels, for good or bad, I would like to apologize for any past behaviors that have alienated you. One of my many new years resolutions was to not be as vindictive-sounding or as abrasive in my language or my meanings when it comes to disagreements. I am impressed and honored with how no matter what, this site, the fandom and the show, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic continue to stay alive, and thrive from everything to do with it. Never have I seen a more dedicated or inspiring base of people centered around an animated, or even just plainly, fictional program in my life. It's heartening enough to have made me take up my own projects within this universe, many of which using characters that got their start here.

    The following wall of text is my focus on one of the most important things that this world needs more of right now. If you'll look at the title, you know what I mean. The characters and events and charming lore are all very much good reasons I'm into MLP right now. But even moreso are the tenents upon which it's built. You guessed it, the elements of harmony. I paste this from my facebook account, unedited and containing personal experiences and information in order to remain transparent as possible. We talk ponies, but I come to you as a human being, naked and real as any of us outside of these brightly lit screens.


    [colour=#333333]I awoke with a start at about five am this morning and realized I had written none of this, despite weeks of talking about it all. I have no regrets though, for at this point, it can be done with a clear conscience, sound soul and a sound mind. [/colour]

    [colour=#333333]Though I write this for those close to me, I will introduce myself for those not so close, because I want to reach more than just my circle with this cascade of words that I continue to throw at my screen. [/colour]

    [colour=#333333]My name is Canaan Walker. I'm a high school graduate and a dead even twenty years old. My passion is writing, and my one day desire is to gain a foothold in the finicky world of writing fiction. Be it for video games, comics or television, I have visions that I want to someday see plastered on the many screens and in the many books we have of such things these days. [/colour]

    [colour=#333333]I have two levels of what is known as my personal circle. The first one being my immediate family, who are the among the greatest beings I have come to know in this world. My grandmothers, grandfathers, uncle and dad and mother. Since I came into this world, these five individuals have done their best to raise me into what will one day culminate in a well-rounded, conscious, concerned and self-sufficient black man. They sacrifice and do and do it all out of love and some day I will give that back AND forward. It's one of the biggest superpowers in the universe.[/colour]

    [colour=#333333]The second level consists of my family outside, the family distanced, and the family that isn't blood, but family to me. The cousins, the aunts and the other uncles and such. My brothers and sisters, both of the cloth and not of the cloth The mentors and people who's teachings I've come to revere and live by. The village, in short, who raised me along with my immediate family. Those I haven't spent time with as much, but know me like anyone else would. These people support me on a different level. No less important than my inner circle, but there are values that I gain from both circles that one might not have.[/colour]

    [colour=#333333]An even more divisive section of that level are the people not related to me, but I am blessed to have come by. My friends. Of which, the magic of friendship is shared with, which is another of superpowers in the universe. [/colour]

    [colour=#333333]This New Years Eve, I would like to share the six virtues learned between both of these circles, as well as the world around us. [/colour]

    [colour=#333333]It's been a crazy year I might add: we've endured tragedy and division escalating beyond what we've had in recent years, specifically in this country, the United States of America where many people in aformentioned personal circles live. The seeds of discord continue to take root within our society and the world at large, leaving us all unable to unite as people. [/colour]

    [colour=#333333]But I've seen more than that. I've seen honesty. I've seen loyalty and generosity. Kindness and laughter and by the grace of He the most high, magic even. [/colour]

    [colour=#333333]I do not mean magic as an inexplicable thing in relation to His grace, but rather, the thing that enables the other five to survive, and form a cohesive whole.[/colour]

    [colour=#333333]The 2012 election was simultaneously amazing and frightening in how easily smaller pockets of people banded together, but even more pockets of people remained unheard and will be unattended to, no matter who sits in the Oval Office right now. I speak of course of lower class citizens. Although to be frank, I know people without much money or make much of it who have twice the class of any politician or businessman.[/colour]

    [colour=#333333]There have been natural disasters, which have torn homes asunder, but kept us strong in our committment to helping our fellow man and woman. Of course some of our countries policies regarding disasters have been less than optimal (see: New Orleans), but we have done so much better this time around. Workers of all stripes labored tirelessly without pay to aid everyone way, not because it was the right thing to do, but the human thing to do.[/colour]

    [colour=#333333]Finding gainful employment is an exercise in itself, because of nepotism, racism (yes, I said it) and the poor economy. You will need a BA to work at McDonald's in the next year, if not the next six months. But through collective work and economics, some families manage to sustain themselves, and people are rooming together and pooling resources to stay afloat.[/colour]

    [colour=#333333]And of course, the mass slayings of innocent people; men, women and children. The pain hasn't quite gone away, and for some it never will. But more of us can feel it than I've ever seen nowadays which is once again, both amazing and frightening. When we have endured tragedy ourselves, news of it strikes the feeling within us that enables us to connect with those closest to the situation. But to anyone who has never lost a family member to a cause beyond any sane persons understanding, it's nothing but news feed on the internet, or television. [/colour]

    [colour=#333333]And then the Mayans said the world was supposed to end or something. But we're still here, so I'll keep it moving.[/colour]

    [colour=#333333]I've witnessed all of these things and wondered how on earth the spirit of resilience that is the human soul continues to endure these things. And then upon realization of what exactly it is, I decided to write this note.[/colour]

    [colour=#333333]We are here because we work together, live together, exist together.[/colour]

    [colour=#333333]We are here because of Harmony, an extremely powerful compound. [/colour]

    [colour=#333333]Harmony consists of honesty: Of which we are duty-bound to tell the truth to ourselves and others. When we fail to recognize this as a duty, we fail ourselves and the people around us. It is a double edged sword to some, because some think some things are best left unsaid. But lack of communication, lack of information and context can lead to misunderstandings, and breed mistrust. The most beautiful of us can look particularly ugly when we don't act in the interests of preserving our integrity through honesty. When I was younger, I had a major issue with being honest with everyone, and paid for it with time and privlege. I'm glad I've went through it and dealt with my punishment for it then. Because now I'm learning how to deal with it as an adult, as a man. And when you're older, honesty is much more difficult because life has multiplied itself tenfold in it's complexity. Never sacrifice your honesty for fringe benefits. Everything in the dark eventually comes to light. And honesty is it's own reward. Like working for something and then acquiring it of your own sweat and toil. Or realizing your flaws are what give you your strengths. Or giving you the courage to pull away from a toxic relationship, and the courage to keep a genuine one afloat.[/colour]

    [colour=#333333]Harmony consists of loyalty: With honesty, people become loyal to one another. There is nothing human beings seek more than security and self-assurance. Loyalty arises from these things, because when we have what keeps us able to interface with one another so well, we gain a fierce desire to protect it. And so comes the ability to love. Whether it's being able to love your mother, your best friend, or your other half, you are kept to that other person. It's not dependence, because when it comes to loyalty, all parties are equal, respect is mutual, and even if you're as different as night and day, just like night and day, you will be there for the other. Loyalty is also easy to get lost in. When loyal to multiple parties, you must weigh your loyalty against your other loyalty. Who will you do for unquestioningly? Who can you do for unquestioningly? Who is the most important in the end? There are no easy answers to these questions. I've met so many people, and have had trouble reconciling the differences between them all, because loyalties and priorities change with time. As long as you are honest with yourself, mindful of others, and can remain satisfied with your decision, loyalty can be one of your biggest assets in life.[/colour]

    [colour=#333333]Harmony consists of generosity: Generosity is not necessarily the result or catalyst of loyalty, though it can be. Generosity is freely giving of one's self, irregardless of reciprocation. Sometimes, we get too smart for ourselves and get generosity mixed up as a ploy for loyalty, or a guarantee of it. Sometimes, the reasons why matter, and sometimes they don't. It is imperative that no matter what is given (be it time, money, love), that we remain grateful for it all. And that we can one day pay that back, or even better, pay it forward. Practicing things like generosity could genetically lead to a kinder human race in another...couple hundred years or so. [Full disclosure. I am not a biologist.] There is a such thing as giving too much though. Giving in greed, giving just because it's within your means, giving to everyone but yourself are all generally bad ways to use generosity. It is a natural thing to give, and not forced. You may end up turning people away because they can end up finding you fake. Or a doormat with free prizes and twenty dollar bills underneath to be beckoned upon whenever someone feels like it. Generosity, without learning how to be generous to one's self is generosity without meaning. We cannot be self-less if we have never learned how to be a little (emphasis on little, because of loopholes and self-imposed statues of limitations of little) selfish.[/colour]

    [colour=#333333]Harmony consists of kindness: Kindness is the default human state, in my opinion. When you see another human being and greet them, you may very well have done that person a favour. You may have lifted their spirits with a hello, or a have a nice day, or something of the like. And it was all in the interest of doing so. It feels good to do good. Kindness, is a prerequisite in no way to generosity, loyalty or honesty, but can be directly influenced, or even end up breeding one of them. Kindness is however, practicing all of the above with the purest of intent. It means to have no alternative intent other than the deed itself. A subsidiary of kindness is compassion, to which we are all bound by in varying degrees. I have learned kindness through sharing with and listening to others in this world, and understanding what they have gone through in relation to my own experiences. Even if I haven't been affected directly I can still feel for the situation. And we all have the ability to demonstrate it, but we all need to do it more. Better attitudes breed better people. Let's fill the world with more of it. [/colour]

    [colour=#333333]Harmony consists of laughter: One of the more taken-for-granted of the elements of Harmony. We cannot cry and not be able to laugh. Laughter is essential in keeping ones self, above all things, sane (relatively speaking in the case of humanity). Sometimes, when beseeched with the seemingly-mountainous tasks and responsibility that living and getting older brings us, all we can do is laugh. We need to laugh, because laughter is joy, and unless you let it, your joy cannot be taken away from you. Not if you continue to remain grateful and aware where you are, who's you are, where you came from and where you're going. Intentionally created humor is usually revered as the cause of laughter, comedians and comedy shows, but what we forget is that art imitates life. Everything in it. I have a friend who is currently dealing with throat issues, and has had them since Christmas. They've plagued her and left her unable to enjoy what was supposed to be a great time of the year with someone important. In the following weeks since discussing it, I found myself dealing with the same thing (briefly) as she continues to come down from hers. It was a delicious irony, because there have been so many illnesses spreading round quicker than ever this time of year. And it's as if they flit from one of us to the next, the person who wishes that the sick person gets better catches the other persons sick! It's so messed up, but so funny if you've ever been sick around others. Not everything is always funny though, so we must be careful to not cross the line with our laughter. We can cause pain to others with, but only if done in excess. Not everyone is thick-skinned to everything, but every joke is not meant to harm. When used to heal, observed with care for others, and a sense of fun for one's self, laughter is simply one of the best things ever.[/colour]

    [colour=#333333]Harmony consists of magic: The main ingredient of main ingredients, magic is the most critical element of harmony. Many get magic confused with people in pointy hats waving sticks, or throwing thunderbolts from the sky, or riding cleaning implements through the night. Others take the very notion of it as a slight to their religion, relating it to witchcraft, devil-worship and other evil things. The complete truth behind magic is this: it simply is. We as human beings do not take well to what doesn't make sense to us, and love to stick with the familiar, but in truth, magic makes as much sense as science and religion and all the otherworldly things we come to believe and/or denounce. Magic is what enables us to practice honesty, kindness, loyalty, generosity and kindness. These things cannot be directed at just anyone. A spark of magic must be present in order to ignite the desires to practice such things. We aren't going to be able to do all of the above with everyone we meet--the average human can meet over a hundred thousand people in their lives and interact with consistently with as few as a hundred of them. No one is going to handle everything, and we cannot see or do everything. It's a fact of life that I've come to accept as I've gotten older. No matter your wins or losses, life keeps moving. And with life comes magic, and vice-versa. Because the elements of Harmony are needed to lead healthy, productive and cohesive lives, we are given a spark. It may not activate in the way we necessarily want it or expect it to, but when it does, we know it. When we meet someone who eventually ends up becoming important enough to be honest, loyal, generous, kind to and to laugh with, we feel it. We feel that spark that gives us the preemptive knowledge that this is my friend. This is my special someone. The same goes for more than just people. The thing that some have labeled the sixth sense is in fact magic. Because it's an inexplicable feeling of energy directed to one thing, and it is natural as night and day.[/colour]

    [colour=#333333]Misuse of magic is misuse of harmony.[/colour]

    [colour=#333333]Don't pretend like the magic is there for someone or something when it isn't. Don't pledge yourself to someone you can't trust, or be trusted by. Don't do for someone who won't do at all, be it themselves or others. Don't act in malice and call it kindness. And don't laugh if it's not funny.[/colour]

    [colour=#333333]I have seen these things form the collective whole that is Harmony, and going into 2013, among a host of other things, I resolve to practice them. [/colour]

    [colour=#333333]Even more importantly, I challenge you, the reader to do the same. [/colour]

    [colour=#333333]The world hasn't ended. No, instead, today, tomorrow and the days after are the first days of the rest of your life. I say it's time to live like it. [/colour]

    [colour=#333333]Signing off now at...eight ninteen a.m., this has been Canaan Walker. I love you all dearly. Congratulations on surviving this year, lets thrive in the next.[/colour]


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