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Posts posted by milliepanillie

  1. So, like, I've been wondering why I couldn't post anything here in the art section! And now that I finally can, I'm kinda gonna explode a little bit and throw out a buncha my drawings!

    If that's okay with the moderators...


    First up involves Militant Ponies! Yes! Ever since I've seen My Little Pony with the mix of just watching Band of Brothers, I came up with ponies with Invasion Stars for cutie marks! Like seriously, how cool would that be?! I guess I could call any one of them my "OC"~

    "Millie's" like...a cross between a pony name and the word "military!" It's like, such a longshot! But I found it funny...

    Then like...


    I was on a roll! So I drew a buncha Applejacks, a couple of Pinkie Pies, a scrawly lookin' Twilight Sparkle, and a Rainbow Dash, and a Mario, and a Luigi, and a character my friend was developing!

    AND EVEN MORE THEN!~<3 ehehehe!


    EVEN MORE PINKIE PIE PARTY MADNESS! I was just getting used to how zany her hair was!

  2. Yoohoo! It's me! Millie Panillie!

    You, like, posted on my introduction thread, and I thought I'd return the favor and say hi! I know I'm not one of the welcoming wagon folk here, but I wish you cheeriness all the same!

    *high hoof!*

  3. Woohoo! My first friend here! I think...? Uhh...

    ..and yes, purple is so cool! I personally like magenta better ~w~ but they're so close together; who could tell the difference? Not I!

    I will try hanging onto my enthusiasm for dearest life in your name, Sir Ruqyo!

    P.S. I know there's a difference between magenta and purple, and I just don't like to...you know... judge and um...well I...I'm sorry!

  4. I am Millie Panillie.

    I've only recently discovered the pony craze. Early February, I think...maybe? And um...well, like uh...yeah...? I'm sorry!

    Uh...I'm a bit of a 'cartoonist' if you will. Or rather a cartoonist in the making, and I, uh...loved the toons of the 1990s; 'Hey Arnold!', 'Ed, Edd n Eddy', the list goes on with PPG among them. I saw a bunch of pony-related submissions, and that Lauren Faust made it. I remembered her name tied into Craig McCracken, and so I watched the toon and, like, my mind was totally BLOWN! I was amazed at how well the show was animated for a flash toon and I have never laughed so hard at the words "too busy napping" in forever!

    and, and and...um...sorry, I'm like super excited, oh mah stars!

    Anyways, I like to draw, and I'd like to show some of my stuff here and what not to pacify my pony obsession...right as soon as I figure out how to post in the artsy section! I can't wait to talk to people that draw ponies! And like, yeah...pleased to meet y'all! I think...don't hate me!

    Also, Pinkie Pie is the best pony. EVER.

    Oh, and green is my favorite color. Yay!...please don't hate me.

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