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Posts posted by FredericHorseshoepin

  1. Hey guys,

    Jaded Mr. Horseshoepin here I must apologize for not being active as the RP threads I was formerly posting in gradually diminished from activity. I must apologize to Sturmman and a few others as I think one of the threads is starting to become active again but I must take a break from RPing.

    I'm working on quite a few internet projects (luckily for me one of them is finally ClassicallyEquestrian :D) and I need to take a breather just to focus on that. I'll still browse the forums here and there but I'd like to step away from RPing for a bit and hopefully bring all my web projects to a reality.


  2. Frederic was caught off guard by a sudden introduction of another musician suddenly playing with him. Outside of the occasional parties, Frederic doesn't play anything else beyond classical and new age. Quite frankly, Frederic never really felt comfortable enough to play Jazz with other ponies as he wasn't confident in his improvisation abilities. Rules and structure is all Frederic has known,

    Frederic quickly diminished his swing arpeggio into just a simple melody. Frederic typically didn't mind playing with other musicians but the improvisational aspect of Jazz was just too much pressure for Frederic. He suddenly felt as if he had to compete with the other musician for attention. Frederic knew this was a insecure of him, but he couldn't help it. His mind suddenly went back to Octavia and his cancelled concerts.

    Alright, I suppose that's enough... Frederic thought to himself. He drew the session to a quick close with a cadence. Frederic didn't want to come across as rude, so he gave a polite and respectful nod to the scat vocalist. The tan stallion waved to the manager, and trotted off to his private room to get ready to leave.

  3. Awesome guys, I've given each of you a PM and we can discuss the details through an instant messenger (if you guys have one).

    Right now, my plan is to have Frederic, Cantabile (http://pinkie.ponych...32782029776.png), and Octavia be the hosts of the show and the animation would look more or less like this (minus the elaborate skits that is): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaBZqcF2Afo

    So nothing really too fancy or outrageous and going to be using the episodes to also answer questions I get from my tumblr.

  4. Anyone seen "Boardwalk Empire"? That looks really good.

    Oh yeah I love Steve Buschemi. Any HBO show I just about watched atleast a bit except for The Wire which I'm killing myself for not watched yet cause I heard that show's just amazing.

    Just finished up The Ricky Gervais Show on HBOGo. I think I'll finish up Boardwalk Empire and Generation Kill (GK is a little lesser compared to Band of Brothers and The Pacific imho) and start on The Wire soon. Man I'm such an HBO fanboy. But you can't blame me after watching In Treatment ;)

  5. Hello everypony. I'm sure a few of you remember my request to look for some classical musicians to bring together a instrumental music brony group. Well that didn't work out the way I planned so I just decided to launch the channel anyway.

    If you enjoy classical music or instrumental music in general please give the channel a subscribe :)

    I also have something else planned for the channel besides just music but I'll hold my tongue until I get something more concrete.

    Also if there are any musicians out there interested in joining feel free to contact me.



  6. Hello everypony,

    I'm looking into creating a very small webshow that will require around 4-5 minutes of simple animation for my pony youtube channel ClassicalEquestria. The basic premise is similar to the Ricky Gervais show where 2-3 ponies meet in a studio and for a few minutes just share a slice of life of Canterlot as well as some music. Not looking to be too ambitious with the animation, just ponies sitting around talking and may include a simple sketch or so. Anyone out there interested?

  7. The nurse, unamused by Frederic's request for such a potent drug, reached with her magic for a sharply needled syringe, "Please, young man, you NEED to rest--no drug--especially one as unsafe as Adderall-- is going to make up for lost sleep. " She spurted a small amount of liquid, as well as a few air bubbles, out of the syringe, "If you continue to refuse to take the pills, I'll have no choice but to use any means necessary."

    She turned the needle in the air, it's sharp point aimed right at Frederic, and her face darkened, "Any. Means. Necessary."

    Frederic grew pale. He hates needles. He knew he better listen to the nurse but Frederic is too afraid he would forget his ideas if he slept. "I... umm... alright... can you just give me five minutes? I'll take the pills after I'm done with this" Frederic almost said sheet music. He looked at what he's scribbling on and gave the nurse an awkward smile "umm... done with my work."

    Frederic wasn't too sure if the nurse was buying it but he actually was sincere. "Just a few more minutes please" Frederic repeated as he continued to scribble on the napkin. Frederic suppressed a cough as he continued to notate on the napkin

  8. Joe smiled and chuckled a little bit. "Making doughnuts and dancing are different things entirely." he said, taking Shores' hoof. "I can't remember the last time I went dancing. I think it was at the Gala 2 years ago. Maybe 4. It's easy to lose track of time." He had to admit, Fred's music was making him a little more energetic. Maybe he would try dancing. Just this once. "Lead the way, Miss Shores. I'm sure you're a better dancer than me." he said.

    ((Oh so sorry I actually forgot it was my turn. Very sorry about that folks))

    Frederic continued to play. He took his mind off Sapphire and her new friend for a moment and just focused on his music. It's certainly not "high art", but it did require a lot of skill and "rhythm feel" to it. In fact, the music is actually lightening up Frederic's own mood. The Ivory maned stallion might be enjoying himself for once playing in this bar.

    ((Ok, since Fred's playing as Sapphire and Pony Joe are dancing. I'm going to sit this out and lurk for a bit while the two of you interact. I'll rejoin in the RP when or if Sapphire or Joe interacts with Fred again))

  9. * windsong thought for a second since he hasnt worked on anything so large before as he had to think about it for a second. a few seconds later he nodded smiling softly*

    "i think i can do that. it wont be ready as soon as some of these take since i have to take in what kind of materials i would need and it might take a week or so, but it is possible."

    * he said as he was a little concerned since this would be the very first piano he would ever make as he looks at the pony*

    "i cant promise the price of how much it would be for one of these or the time, but i can easily send you letters on how its going..and um not to sound like a sell out if you have any musical friends who are looking for new instruments or something just send them my way heh"

    Frederic thought for a moment. "Uhh... sure, I understand that you require a lot of materials. In fact, I actually know a nearby forest that has produced one of the greatest soundboards I've ever heard. If you wouldn't mind I can accompany you there and help you pick out the best wood for the project. I don't mind helping out in building my own piano" Frederic said with a wink.

    "As for other musicians... we're very picky ponies. I can certainly give them a heads up if I'm happy with the piano and send them this way, but I can't guarantee any sales."

  10. Flink sighed, and pressed his hooves gently onto the shoulders of the stallion as he thrashed in the bed, "Please, sir, you need to rest. You're suffering from a severe case of exhaustion. Your 'music' is fine."

    "But... bu... I... I... I..." Frederic stuttered as he tried to form a sentence.

    He bade a nurse to enter the room once more. She carried two small pills and a glass of water. She set them on the folding tray that was part of the hospital bed, "Please, sir, you need to take these. They'll fix up that bloody throat, too." The nurse smiled sweetly and nodded to the doctor, "I'll look after him, doctor. You have another patient."

    Frederic quickly looked from the nurse to the doctor, then looked at his surroundings. Gradually calming down, Frederic regained his normal composure. "Oh no, please pardon me, you may have misunderstood me. I just came here to get some cough suppressant for this stupid cold. You see, I'm doing important catalog work for the Royal Canterlot Musical Archives and I've fallen behind schedule." Frederic grabbed a tissue as he started hacking. He quickly tossed the tissue away, not noticing that the tissue contained a lot of blood. "So you see, I'm just here for a quick prescription, and I would also like some Adderall to keep me focused throughout my day." The medication Frederic was referring to is a type of very strong psycho-stimulant that is only legal in certain parts of Equestria. It's an amphetamine salts–based medication used for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and narcolepsy but it is also occasionally used to keep ponies awake throughout the day or throughout the night. The medication can be very unhealthy in large doses but it has been commonly used amongst ponies who get too much work. Thus, Frederic has been using Adderall to keep himself awake through various all-nighters so he could focus on his work. The medication is strong enough to the point where he doesn't feel the effects of sleep-deprivation mostly throughout the day. However, Frederic's Adderall ran out recently and that nearly destroyed him.

    Frederic took a paper towel and started scribbling music on it. "So if you were to be so kind as to get me my medications please, I'll be out of your mane in no time" Frederic calmly said as he gave a wide smile to the nurse. The stallion brought his attention back to his paper towel

    "Syncopated harmony... no... duple complex meter... which means..." Frederic muttered to himself. If Frederic could finish compiling the rest of this Tchaihoofsky sonata, then he could finally make enough progress to be back on schedule.

  11. Well actually, I am a fan of racing. (WoO Sprint cars mostly, but I love all types as long as it gets the blood pumping.) I would always love to do a racing fic, but it's complicated enough to make a racing fic, let alone base it around ponies all the while keeping it interesting without losing the audience's attention or destroying the believablity aspect of it.

    That said, after suspending my disbelief of cars in the forms that we know and see them as I enjoyed what you've written so far. It's hard to think of something like a modern race car being piloted by a squishy pastel pony without trying to think of some way the chassis and body could be more adapted to fit ponies.

    Yeah I'm like you in the sense that I'm a general racing fan. There's not much I don't watch but atm, IndyCar and WRC holds my interest. I'm glad you were able to enjoy the fic so far though and yeah I do understand the logic problems of having a modern race car in the MLP world but 4-Speed is a G1 pony crossover and G1s had modern cars in the world lol. Not that the old MLP should really be referenced as something good but I believe for this fic, since it's a crossover from G1 to FiM, it should be acceptable.

    However, I sent the fic in to EqD and it got rejected on the grounds of grammar and format =(

    Is there anypony out there who would be willing to help me out and make the fic more presentable? I would greatly appreciate it =)

  12. Obsession is a double-edged sword. Studying music in college, you learn that most classical composers are actually very unhealthy people with very unhealthy obsession of music. Beethovan had nothing in his life besides music.

    But, while a lot of that seems honorable. Lets take a really good look at some of the great people who had obsessions. Beethovan's father was a drunk who beat him and forced him to learn the piano as hard as he could. You could say that Beethovan's obsession came from the need to escape the world he was in. Of course this is a gross oversimplification of his life but you can see that Beethovan wasn't a happy man and he never really had a childhood.

    Obsession has been the reason why people have been propelled to great heights and contributed greatly to society.

    Yet, obsession is more often than not, detrimental to one's mental and physical health. Psychology has proven that an unhealthy obsession either came from an unhappy life, or would help the person develop into unhealthy habits.

    Basically, I think passion is good. Too many people are apathetic these days. But the ability to keep your passion in check, and to not use obsession as an escape from real life is key in order to have a balanced livelihood.

    Most people on the internet, to put it quite bluntly, are immature teenagers who use it as an outlet to express any kind of resentment they have towards their life, their sexuality, or their perceived cultural norms. This is the #1 reason why the over-fixation on porn kinda bothers me a little, cause to me, it's just some lonely teenager unknowingly broadcasting his or her problems. The internet is not suppose to be a place like that. It's suppose to be casual and fun. But when you use it to mentally self-medicate, then that becomes a problem.

    Everything in moderation, everything in moderation. Obsessions doesn't annoy me (as a music student it cant), but over-obsession makes me think that there might be something unhappy going on with your life or there might be a psychological complex working somewhere.

  13. I play the Viola. If that helps.

    Hmmm... that could work. Send me a sample of your playing if you are still interested

    Ooo I would love to hear the result of this! Classical/new age doesn't get enough attention these days, I'll be waiting with bated breath.

    Yeah i agree... buuuut unfortunately I still haven't found a brony who's willing to dedicate to this project. And there's not many brony musicians who still go traditional to begin with... don't hold your breath for it I'd say.

    However I have created the youtube channel if you're interested: http://www.youtube.c...ssicalequestria

    I was also going to name the Brony instrumental group: ClassicallyEquestrian... but I dont think it'll come to fruition unfortunately. I'll keep looking for regular contributors tho so please let me know if anypony's interested

  14. mm, the office, big bang theory, Doctor who, survivor and whatever else my parents happen to have on. I don't really follow anything too closely though. my computer is in the same room as our TV, so I usually just half watch whatever's on

    That's interesting, I actually dont watch TV tv persay. I catch all my TV shows through Netflix, HBOGo, and school rentals so, in retrospect I dont follow that whole "sit on the couch with family and watch TV" In fact, I usually find that inconvenient lol.

    Been trying to follow Once Upon a Time but tuning in a specific times has been very troublesome so I just went back to my HBOGo and Netflix.

    Oh, also been watching The Cape on Hulu... fricking corny writing galore... ugh

  15. Yeah for me there is no way in heck this will top Dark Knight for me, but I am still looking forward to seeing how this all ends.

    I mean Begins was about how Batman became Batman and shook things up in Gotham to make things better.

    In Dark Knight it was about how no matter how much good one can do evil will always find a way to ruin things and even the best of heroes can fall.

    Rises will obviously be about Batman becoming a hero again but at what cost?

    Thematically this film will be weaker then the first two as we already know the theme of the movie just from its title, but its still worth finding out how Batman gets back on the good side of Gotham.

    Or Batman will have a sad ending and he will die and be remembered as a menace... meh... been watching too much depressing dramas lol

    I am curious to see how it ends and I certainly how there will be a lot of substance despite the action and style like the first two. But I have faith in Christopher Nolan

  16. But that's the best part!

    Getting something innocent and cute, then twisting it and perverting it.

    Why does everything need to be twisted and perverted? Why not just watch something already twisted and perverted like American Horror Story or I Saw the Devil. There's also the hentai community if you love that stuff so much

    but the fact that there are lots of people out there who would be unhappy is proof -I suppose- that sexual assault and torture are still relevant in our lives.

    I actually think that some of the sexual assault and torture stuff trivializes sexual assault and torture in real life. After all, one just doesn't go through with it and ends up ok and our culture's outlook on sex has changed quite a bit from the internet culture.

    Now... before you outright label me a prude. Let me just say that, whatever you are into, or however much you would like to have sex is up to you. I personally don't care what you do with your life. At the same time, there's nothing really to glorify when it comes to sexual assault and torture. Honestly what's the point? Rebellion? Ok, fine. I suppose everyone goes through that phase when you're a teenager right? But is that really worth fixating your life on? There's so much more to life than the deviant side of it.

    After all. When you're dead and all you have to show for your life is deviant sex... then I'd say that's a pretty wasted life right there. Eh, just a brony's 2 cents. Just saying that sex should be that big of a deal for people. It's just the human reproductive system... done. Nothing really more to explore. I'd rather watch something like Citizen Kane over porn any day. Just more worth the time imho and I get more out of it.

    Not sure what people see in porn that makes it so worthwhile

  17. 1. Big Bang Theory (I can't stop watching that show. This is a very amazing show if you ask me

    The Big Bang Theory is probably reached it's peak of the sitcom 2-act structure. It's actually really funny and as a huge nerd I sometimes see myself in those situations. I haven't watched HImYM but I probably should as I really love Modern Family on the sitcom side. Of course, I do have Parks and Recreations and 30s Rock to check out from my school library so it'll probably be a while.

    Although, after watching Curb your Enthusiasm on HBO, I'm not sure I can find a better written 2-act structured sitcom than that lol

  18. Am I the only person who's not excited about the third installment? The Dark Knight was just so great that I'm not sure the third installment can top that. One thing I do have to hope for is that the writers remembers what makes tDK actually great is the drama and writing and I just hope the third one doesn't turn into a video game. Unlike the Matrix trilogy...

    anyways, great cast so expectations high... not sure if that's a good thing lol

  19. Of course... besides MLP as I'm sure we all follow MLP:FiM. LOL.

    I sort of go for the really critically reviewed and top notch TV. Just finished Band of Brothers and The Pacific. I see a lot of complaints about The Pacific being a little to dry and the ending being too brutal but honestly I personally think that's the point of the series as BoB shows how people become more human through war while tP is more about how humans become monsters through war.

    I recently subscribed to HBOGo so I've also been watching The Wire, Game of Thrones and In Treatment. God what great TV HBO offers, thank god for quality drama.

    Although I do like Showtime and Starz occasionally to with The Tudors from Showtime and Pillars of the Earth from Starz.

    Oh... and I'm re-watching Battlestar Galactica with a fellow canterlot member here: OctaviaAdagio. So yeah what are you guys up to with TV?

  20. I just watched the brilliantly shot: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.

    God I love great drama, although to be perfectly honest, I felt that the ending was a little too abrupt and I would have loved to see the movie sum up a little more.

    Don't mean to sound condescending but I doubt many of you would have watched it as it's in limited released and you really have to dig to find this movie. Probably even less of you would have liked it. I have not met a single person who came out of this movie liking it despite a 80%+ on Rottentomatoes.

    Anyways, any bronies interested in a realistic take on what it's like to actually be a spy I would suggest it. But be warned, it's very much like George Clooney's The American but probably even more subtle. Escapism this is certainly not and it's just the cold, harsh, reality just kicking you in the face. That's probably what I loved best about it as I was more bored in Mission Impossible 4 than I was in this movie

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