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Posts posted by Bannhammer

  1. "My father's word is gospel, even if he's dead and gone."

    With a halfhearted sigh the rich stallion levitated his coffee over towards him, also thanking the barkeep. He swirled the noir concoction around, lost in thought. Max didn't know what to think, this young filly had made a great point, and he meditated on it for a moment. All of this surely wasn't his father's fault, and she was right in saying that he had to keep going forward...

    "So what you're saying is that I should give up? Or that I should forge on ahead, damn the consequences?" He was still slightly inebriated, and neither of the extremes seemed very appealing.

    "Foundations are what you build your LIFE upon, am I supposed to tear down what I have and try again? The blueprints have been chosen and the materials gathered, I can't change what is going to be built." Disgusted, Max lowered his glass and scowled at nopony in particular. "I can't blame my father for my mistakes."

    There was an awkward silence, and the stallion looked at the filly with a soft glare, more of sorrow than contempt. Finally, he spoke up, placing a hoof on his chin. "Although..."

    "It seems that maybe, maybe, all is not lost. Even if I needed your help, I managed to one thing right. It's not much, but it's a start. If i can change in small ways... " He removed his hoof from his chin and exclaimed. "I can change in BIG ways too!"

    Noticing his outbreak, the dignified unicorn cleared his throat and adjusted his tux. "Of course, that was obvious."

  2. Maximilian watched the reactions of the gathered ponies, and he felt a slight blush as they applauded. It was the first genuine applause he'd received in a while. Max was about to continue, but HoneyThread stood up and made it clear that she was leaving.

    "Likewise, Miss HoneyThread. And thank you for your kind words." He bowed as she left.

    Once she had left, Max noticed the absolutely terrible music coming from the piano, and the unsophisticated warble that the player spouted. He was belting something about 'flying' and 'wings', but the intended message was lost in translation. Max excused himself from the group and cantered over to the piano pony.

    "Excuse me, sir? I would love it if you were to continue with your music from before. I have no doubt that this piece is merely... unsuited to your talents, and a different one may in fact have better results..." Max plopped a few bits on the keys to emphasize his point. With an audible sigh, Maximilian returned to the table.

    "Forgive me, I do not wish to conduct such affairs in a... spoiled atmosphere."

    He cleared his throat and levitated the map of Equestria up into the air so that it was easily viewed by all.

    "This is where things get technical. You all know that this country has a decent railroad system." He traced lines on the map with a hoof. "They stretch between the major cities, and even reach out to the extremities of the country, Like Appleoosa and Stalliongrad. Yet..." Maximilian looked at each guest individually and grinned. "There is no line between Stalliongrad and Appleoosa."

    "A line between this city and that one would not only open up the frontier to many technologies that would make living here easier, it would also open up the eastern parts of Equestria to easier trade with us Appleoosans. A direct line can forgo all the transit stops in each city, and our apples and pies, among other things, can make it across the country quicker and cheaper."

    He paused, and allowed everypony to react.

    "That is not all..."

    "I also plan to journey to Rockwington and negotiate terms of trade with the gryphon nation. Products from Stalliongrad will be shipped here, and then to the city of Rockwington, at a much faster pace than if they wait for things to be shipped through other gryphon cities. Of course, to achieve this speed, trade would have to get through the mountains, which brings me to my final objective..." Maximilian took a deep breath and looked straight ahead.

    "A tunnel through the mountains linking Appleoosa directly to Rockwington!"

    (OOC:GASP! Anyway, this is basically me selfishly trying to foreshadow The Trans-Equestrian Railroad idea i'd like to do. If you want to know more, click the link and read on. This does not have to happen, the Appleoosan response is critically important. Also, since this town will be a major factor, you are all welcomed to participate in the 'campaign' if it actually happens!)

  3. The Rockefilly reached for his mug, but it was empty. Sighing, the rich stallion relaxed in his seat.

    "It sure feels alright, but..." He slumped in his seat.

    "I don't feel like it's a good sign. I used to hate myself because I could never live up to my Father, now I hate myself because I finally realize how bad I really am. Everything I ever knew is wrong, what do I do now? What kind of company can I keep? Who would want to stick around me?"

    Max tossed a hoof dramatically and slumped even further. "I'm completely lost, and even though I know it's not enough to rest on my laurels and be pleased with my revelation, what else am I supposed to do? I know what the problem is, but every ounce of my being screams for me to continue, at least, the ounces of my being that still are still willing to call themselves Rockefilly."

    "How can I do this? What gives me the right to spit in my father's face and do this to his family?"

    Even though Maximilian Rockefilly Sr was long deceased, his son still spoke of him as though he were right there in the room. He rested his muzzle on the large rest of the sofa.

    "I fear I may know the answer to my own question. I'm certainly far enough gone where I can't even see where I started, and I don't know how to get back."

  4. Maximilian sputtered and wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his Tuxedo. Like a small foal, he was unable to rein in his emotions. The Rockefilly sipped at his coffee, and placing the mug down he took a deep breath, finally able to compose himself.

    "For a while. I just looked back at my life one day, after my mother left, and for some reason the full weight of everything just hit me."

    "I was bred to do business, to take over the family, but now... now I just don't know anymore. Part of me wants to continue, but another part of me is disgusted with myself." He looked down at the black elixir. 

    "The things I've done, they're the worst of the worst, I have no excuses. I knew I was hurting ponies, and yet I still do it. I want to stop hurting others so much, but wouldn't that mean I'd be a failure to him?"

    "And I know everypony hates me for what I've done, so why should I change? No matter what I do, ponies will always assume I'm out for myself."

    "Like father said, 'everypony acts for themselves, you should too. Do what you can for yourself'. Those words are what I live by... And I always assumed they were correct, nothing had ever proven me wrong."

    Max raised his head and looked at Cherry. "Which is why i'm still amazed by what you did. Nopony has EVER done something for me before, and for somepony who doesn't know me to just stick up for me like that, it's almost unreal."

  5. "I agree"

    Maximilian stared blankly ahead, still trying to process exactly what had just happened. As he trotted alongside the younger filly Max gently placed a hoof on her shoulder as nothing more than a paternal display of concern. The unicorn muttered something and continued approaching the booth.

    As he sat down, Max didn't break his stare, and he found himself once again looking at an image so complex he could only hope to understand a part of it. Many questions swirled through his mind, and the rich stallion simply sat and let the confusion and apprehension wash over him and replace the fear and loathing that had taken up residency in his mind.

    There was a long silence, and it wasn't broken until the coffee finally arrived at the table, the steaming, black drink a welcome sight to the Rockefilly. He stared into the mug, and his own reflection stared back.

    Maximilian's expression was twisted and contorted, a futile attempt to rein in his confusion and pain. He finally looked up from his mug at Cherry, obviously holding his emotions back behind a weak levy made of nothing more than lies and doubt. There were a few more tentative moments of silence, and as Max lifted the cup to his muzzle he chuckled weakly, and was the first to speak.

    "To think, the first pony to do me a favor, and it's a little filly I met in a bar."

    The porcelain mug started to shake, and a pained smile formed on Max's lips, soon joined by watering eyes.


    Whether or not Cherry was aware of this, that act of defiance meant so much to Max. Throughout his whole life, nopony had ever done anything for him, he had been forced to provide for himself, a ploy by his parents to simultaneously raise a strong son without having to do much work.

    He felt disgusted with himself, and Max didn't know whether or not he should feel so... weak, for lack of a better word. His mind was clouded was inebriation, and the already emotional stallion felt even more conflicted as time passed. His gratitude was replaced with doubt, and once again thoughts of his father's disappointment at his weakness creeped into his mind.

    "You... You didn't have to do that..."

    The tears, brought on by the squall of emotions, threatened to pour out, and he covered his face with a hoof. 


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  6. A single pony sat behind the piano and managed to play a quaint little tune, a fine contrast to the stern pony that sat alone. Maximilian Rockefilly stood at the head of the table, with a long, slender lick of salt sticking out of the corner of his mouth. The business pony waited for the others, whom he had already invited, to show up. He focused on the matter at hoof, and he played out options in his head as he tried to decide on the best course of action. He could continue his petty charade of camaraderie, or he could finally admit to his true intentions and try to just broker a fair deal.

    The ponies he was so anxiously waiting on finally arrived. Maximilian rounded the table and greeted then at the door, he shook their hooves individually and looked them each in the eyes.

    "Sherriff." He gave Silverstar a firm hoofshake and moved on.

    "Madame Bistro" Max bowed and courteously lifter her hoof.

    "Mrs. Louise." he did the same for her.

    "Miss Honeythread" he even performed the same act of respect for a younger mare.

    The rich unicorn took his position at the head of the table and waited for everypony else to be in position.

    "Now, I believe I should at least offer you the courtesy of ordering drinks before I sour everypony's mood further."

    He was confident in his feelings. Max knew that these ponies probably despised him, or at least had no respect for him at all, but he was used to it. Years of business had hardened him, and he went into every deal expecting some kind of loathing or resentment.

    Maximilian had already ordered a glass of water, and he sipped it tentatively as the others placed their orders. A quick glance at his potential partners obviously displayed his anxiety. Once he was satisfied that he had their undivided attention, he began.

    "I'll be blunt. This town, as it is now, does not need me. It does not need anypony else to help keep it alive at the moment. It could easily go on decades without my involvement."

    He sipped his water again and took a quick lick of his salt.

    "Of course, there are many things that could shorten the life of Appleoosa. The buffalo are mostly peaceful, and I know that you've created a lasting friendship with them. But as you know, they are not the only ones interested in your town."

    Maximilian calmly licked the salt again and pulled out a map of Equestria from under the table. Gone from his face were the fake smiles and false chuckles. He was serious, and while honesty wasn't his strongest quality, he was dedicated to getting the deal done.

    "Your fair town is near the griffons, and I see an interesting opportunity to trade with them. They need a legitimate entry point into Equestria for their goods and money, and we need a legal way to trade with them. Whether or not you realize it, you've founded a goldmine."

    "I seem to be the first pony that thought of this, and I assure you that more ponies will come after me, some less willing to discuss things that I am. If they can't get you to play along, they'll settle somewhere else and leave you ponies in the dust."

    The Rockefilly narrowed his eyes and scanned the group. "My original plan was to set up a modest souvenir shop, and then eventually use the profits to set up a bank, and then continue up buying land until I controlled this town. Then I could regulate and profit off of all of the trade that went on here. I could still do that, as you, Madame Bistro, may be full aware of."

    Max gave them a moment to react and collect their thoughts. "But I choose not to, because now I see that working with you, not against you, is the fairest option. For me to deprive you of your freedom for a few bits would be wrong, plain and simple."

    "I honestly... Honestly do love this town. Please believe me when I say that. So, I merely wish to help you keep it alive. Suffice it to say I'll use different methods than I originally intended."

    "My plan now is first to build a summer home so I may be more involved, but I also still wish to build a trade center of some kind."

    Max took a deep breath and looked around. "So, I believe I've started the conversation, your turn."

  7. Max sat, completely still, unsure of what to do next. The young filly was leaving just when he needed her most.

    “But… but…” Her look of disappointment tore at him, and he could only close his eyes and clutch his glass in response. He felt like he had just been condemned for all time, and for it to be at the hoof of such an innocent pony! All of his fears surged into his already full mind, and he simply couldn’t handle this new weight upon his conscious.

    “I’m sorry!” He shouted out, the Rockefilly letting the shame and guilt wash over him fully. The stench of alcohol did nothing to quell the reek of failure that stung his nostrils. Maximilian’s hooves moved up to shroud his face as he tried to contain his tears and laments. “…for everything. The lies, the pain, all of it, I’m sorry!”

    “What am I doing?!” The rich unicorn uncovered his face and yelled at the ceiling, barely able to choke out his words. “I… I’m trying!” A loud ‘thump’ could be heard as he let his maw smack into the counter. “I’m trying so hard…”

    “I just don’t know what to do…”

    There were a few silent moments as the grown stallion sank deep into his own despair. “I don’t know…”

    He whimpered and tossed his glass aside. The glass shattered when it hit the ground, and a few of the shards managed to land near the ponies Max had been avoiding. A spark flashed in his eyes, and with newfound vigor the Rockefilly stepped down from his spot on the stool and stumbled towards the trio of ponies. They each shot him looks, and the one farthest from the Rockefilly let out a chuckle.

    “Gentlecolts…” Max levitated the stack of papers toward himself, tears starting to trickle down his face. “I have to start somewhere…”

    “What?” The stallion in the middle motioned for the other two to get up, and soon the trio was standing in front of Max. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

    “It means that I know what I have to do.” He sniffled, and the tears were gone, replaced by a solemn and nervous expression.

    “Max, don’t tell me th-“

    “I… am not, going… to accept this…” He choked out the words, struggling for every syllable.

    “No.” The middle pony put a hoof on this shoulder. “We are not going to let you do this. Think of the benefits!”

    The struggle was gone, and a stream of words poured out of Max. “Think of the pain! If I buy that low rent housing, sure, I make a few bits. You tear it down and build something else, I make more bits. But the ponies that live there, the ponies that need a home are suddenly on the streets!”

    “Who cares?”

    “I care!”

    “So you’re going to ditch the deal because you feel bad for some poor ponies.”


    The other stallion narrowed his eyes. “Your father would never do th-“

    “I AM NOT MY FATHER!” Max screamed and tossed the papers at the stallion. “I will never BE my father! If that makes me a lesser pony, so be it! But I cannot ignore this voice inside of me forever, the voice that tells me that what we do is WRONG.”

    There was another silence, and the ponies stood and stared at each other.

  8. “How Dare you!?” Max slammed his glass down on the table, the alcohol clouded his mind and made it easy to jump to conclusions and misinterpret words.

    “I might not do the most ‘honest’ of business, but…”

    “You lump my business, no….” He paused and scowled even more. “You lump ME in with the Rhubarb peddling scum?” The Rockefilly shook his head, Cherry might not have called him out directly, but she came damn close.

    “I guess, by your definition, I’m one of those ‘ponies’; a pony that deserves only the most vicious condemnations!”

    Maximilian traced the rim of his glass and glared at Cherry.

    “I’ve done plenty, I’ve sold out others and ruined lives!” He seemed to calm down, but it was mostly from despair rather than any sense of tranquility. “Does…. Does that mean that I don’t deserve this life? I suppose I should have expected no less, why should we look out for others when this is a world filled with vindictive ponies such as you?”

    “You may be mature, and you may in fact know many things for your age, but you do not know everything! I’ve seen the true underbelly of society as well, and while you may be able to take the high ground and easily cast blame and guilt upon them I do not have that luxury.” Max closed his eyes and continued bitterly. “The Rockefilly name is just as mired and sullied as the rest of them.”

    “I… don’t wish to say that I regret the business I’ve done.” He bit his lip and softened his gaze. “But I do have doubts about whether or not they have to be done. The costs may not be too much for my purse... but I refuse to continue hurting others for my own goals.” His slip into the future tense was a clear sign of where his thoughts were.

    “I don’t know, maybe your words are deserved… maybe I don’t deserve this life.” Maximilian sighed and gave a look of pure depression and despair. “When is a pony too far gone?”

    A small slip of paper was placed in front of him by the bartender, and the Rockefilly slowly turned it over to read what it said. Instantly, he whipped his head around to look at the table with the other ponies. Just as quickly, he returned his gaze to Cherry. “And how much pain should a pony take for the sake of others?”

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  9. Max continued with his head held high until he believed that he could not be seen, then he let his head hang low, obviously showing his discontent.

    “I was right, I’m ALWAYS right. Ponies don’t understand what I’m trying to do, and they don’t trust me! It’s because they think I’m some high and mighty snob from Manehattan who just wants to turn a profit at their expense!”

    He paused for a moment and looked around before continuing onward. He needed to change outfits for the upcoming dinner, one did not want to show up to a crucial meeting in ruined clothes. With a snort, he resumed his solemn march.

    “Yes, I will profit if this deal goes through, but the town needs this!” He stopped yet again and placed a hoof to his chin. “Maybe I should let them in on my REAL purpose. They won’t trust me, but I have no other options. If I’m going to actually save this town, I have to try.”

    He eventually reached his destination, a small building in which his luggage and associates were staying. He quickly entered, and after a short time he exited wearing a brand new Tux that actually looked exactly the same as the last one.

    The Rockefilly started down the road, towards the only restaurant that suited his tastes. Maximilian resumed his discussion with himself, and he had no clue that anypony could hear him. “Of course, I just hope they don’t look back on my previous record… they might get the wrong idea. They already hate me because I’m a Rockefilly, I don’t need them digging around in the past.”

    “As long as they don’t learn any of that, I have a chance. I’ve been trying to change…”

    Finally, he reached the restaurant, and he quickly reserved a table for five. He sat on one side and waited for Madame Bistro, Sheriff Silverstar, Honey Thread and Louise to join him. Hopefully he would get the chance to prove his point.

  10. "What about your happiness?" Max nearly shouted in confusion. Cherry had cried out in despair, and any attempt to conceal her inner pain had failed, leaving her open like a book that nopony should read. The sight was more depressing than anything he'd seen in all his years, and her emotional collapse quickly spread around the bar.

    "Ponies will always get hurt, you can't change that! You said it yourself, there are ponies acting like the world is perfect, ignoring the parts they don't like. You're right, the world isn't perfect, so why do you care about others?" the Rockefilly shouted out in a mixture of confusion and despair. He didn't know what he said, the alcohol finally having a effect on him.

    Max's tone shifted, quieting from a loud condescension to a gentle pleading. The rich Unicorn just couldn't bear the sight anymore, and he felt like he had to help. "Cherry, I don't know what, or to whom, you promised, but it's obvious this isn't helping you. Just... Just..." The sight of the pained filly tore at his heart, and her words only spurred him to drink further.

    Maximilian took a deep breath and looked in the mirror, he decided to try and move the conversation away from her, in order to let her vent. Maybe that would help. "So, what do you think of the ponies that make things worse? Are they the ones who cause all the problems?" He knew fell well what he was doing, and he understood that he had just handed the can-opener to a filly next to a can of worms.

  11. The rich stallion felt an instinctive rage well up inside him at being treated in such a way, but the helping hoof and warm tea from Madame Bistro helped to calm him down. His head was aching, and he sipped slowly at the steaming drink as he tried to collect his thoughts. Maximilian listened carefully to Bistro’s words, and while at least pony decided to laugh at him, the others seemed intent on at least containing their contempt. With a tug, he adjusted the front of his tux and spoke slowly, trying to show them that he was a pony not to be messed with. He glared at each pony in turn, emphasizing his words.

    “If indeed there is a desire to have a civilized discussion, which I honestly doubt at this point, I would be happy to reconvene at a later time for further discussion. The future of this town is a matter most dear to me, and while I understand that I may not be respected here, I will try my best to get something done here. Let us meet at a place of your choosing later tonight.”

    He sighed and tried to adjust his tux again.

    “It gives me ample time to replace this ruined suit of mine that was so crudely destroyed; what a good waste of a tuxedo and an even more grave use of finely brewed coffee.” He nodded at Madame Bistro and headed for the door.

    Maximilian took a deep breath, remembering that the single actions of an irresponsible filly couldn’t be used to judge an entire town, but everypony else seemed so foolish, so naïve… so idealistic. He simply could not understand how a group of ponies in such desolate conditions could possibly think they could survive without some sort of assistance. A small part of Max respected them, while the rest of him was just confused.

    The rich Unicorn still wanted to turn Appleloosa into a trade hub, but the idea of taking it over just seemed… wrong. Yes, he still wanted to make a profit, and of course he would still try to get what he wanted, but now he decided that maybe working with the ponyfolk instead of against them was in his best interest.

  12. Ace shuffled his back hooves and looked to the floor. "No such thing as a stupid question..." with the faintest of blushes forming on his cheek he placed a hoof on the back of his neck. He wasn't really sure how to approach this, the usual conversations of civilian life had eluded him for the last six years and he found himself trying to voice his thoughts to a pony that wasn't in uniform.

    "My job? I guess you could call it government work." He grinned sheepishly and adjusted his green tunic. "I provide 'security services'..." His grin faded as he tried to figure another way to dance around the issue, still unsure as to how a civy would see, much less respond too, an REA pony. Without even realizing it, a few more herbs made their way into his mouth.

    The aviator looked at Vinyl, and in her be saw some inherent confidence that emanated out of her merely in her pose. He could tell that she was successful, and her personality told him a lot, but still left some up to discovered. Before he could satisfy his curiosity, he had to at least make sure he was honest with her.

    Sighing, somewhat at his frustration, but also because of the tingling sensation the herbs caused, he lowered his head almost as if he was ashamed. "I'm a tactical aviator in the REA. My squad serves up north, in that tiny strip of land above Rockwington."

    He sifted the subject and his tunic, trying to place the emphasis on his words. "It's been about six years or so since I've been able to spend real quality time back home. I guess this place popped up after I left, that's probably why I didn't know what it was."

    Ace looked up at the white unicorn, waiting for a response that he both dreaded and yet truly wanted to hear.

  13. Maximilian voiced his confusion. "So, there's a family business...and you're not a part of it?"

    That concept just didn't make sense to Max and he shook his head in disbelief. He also had a grandfather that started the business; but for a pony to completely ignore the responsibility of serving the family befuddled him. The Rockefilly could not fathom how you could justify it, even if they didn't like the work, it was their duty. "The most important part of a family business is business, but without family you end up working with a bunch of ponies you can't trust."

    He sipped his drink and looked to the side; trying to get another look at the ponies he was presently trying to avoid. "You must really not like it, Cherry, for you to just ignore the business like that."

    The stallion felt a tiny bit of anger rising up, somewhat at the young filly for what she said, but mostly at himself. He raised his glass and took another sip, hoping to silence his anxiety with more drink. Wasn't he also disgracing his family? The deal that was falling through as they talked came back to mind, and the self loathing started to creep back into his mind. Frustratedly, he slammed his glass back down on the table with enough force to create a long crack down the side.

    With a disgruntled sigh he shoved the glass down the bar, and waited for a new one. The pony behind the counter understood, and Max returned his full attention to the inebriated filly. Her state served as a temporary distraction from his pressured situation. "I guess that a little independence would be nice, but in the end you have to know what your priorities are. Expectations must be met, and legacies must be fulfilled." Max took another slow sip of his drink.

    "Nopony can outrun fate."

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  14. Max groaned and swiped the map off of the table and onto the floor. These ponies simply didn’t understand simple logic. He stood silently, trying to contain his anger. He was so wrapped up in his discontent that he didn’t notice the small pony under the table. With a groan of anger he reached for his coffee, and he watched the sheriff try to get the small filly.


    Max felt his hooves get yanked and he fell forward, smacking into the table and spilling his hot coffee all over himself. It hurt for a moment, and he’s quickly back on his hooves. The Rockefilly rubbed his head and started jumping about. “Hot hot hot!” He manages to get most of the coffee off, and he goes back to standing there. His tux was now ruined and his head hurt.

    “What in Celestia’s name was that?”

  15. Well, Max had to give the ponies credit. They weren’t going to make this easy for him. These bumpkins were actually going to resist his plan, and they did so in a completely polite manner! He tapped his chin and thought for a moment, trying to decide which alternative plan he would use. For some reason, a genuine concern became present in his mind. With a sigh, Maximilian smacked a hoof on the table.

    “First of all, Sheriff, I can make an offer NOPONY can refuse… but I won’t resort to that. I guess that you’re all set on shooting me down?”

    Max groans frustratedly.

    “Ok, I understand where you’re coming from. You want to keep this a nice, quaint, small town. That’s great!” Max smiles and looks at Louise. “You know the thing about small towns?” His smile quickly leaves, replaced by a scowl. “THEY DIE.”

    Max smacks his other hoof on the map. “You see this?” He points to the desert. “This is empty. You know why? Because it is HARD to survive out here! I think it’s great what you ponies have done here, but you simply can’t keep on going as a settlement forever!”

    “If you’re afraid that my store will steal business, don’t be! I promise that I’m not here to steal customers! If you think that my store will somehow corrupt your town, it won’t! I don’t want to see an amazing experiment like Appleoosa go to heck because some ponies are afraid of a little change!”

    The Rockefilly finishes up with a facehoof. “Honestly. I thought that the wild west was supposed to be the place of opportunity…”

  16. Ace waited for the DJ to dismiss him, and her first comment made him lower his head even further, taking it as a sort of insult rather than a genuine question. She chuckled, and for a brief moment Ace felt the terrible feeling that could freeze any Stallion in their tracks, the contempt of a mare. The gentle smile she had on her face quickly calmed his fears and he noticed the genuine interest in her voice as she continued. The Pegasus stood at attention, holding his chin high as she spoke.

    The white Unicorn began to talk, and Ace had no intention of interrupting her. She guessed that he had showed up by accident, and he nodded, confirming her suspicious. The white mare started talking about how nice it was to meet other ponies and Ace just stood there, genuinely listening. She seemed to be just a little annoyed by showboating ponies, and the REA soldier took a mental note of that.

    She was beautiful, and while Ace was tempted to ignore her words and focus on her looks, he knew that this mare needed somepony to listen to her. He fidgeted with his tunic and he continued to chew his herbs, looking at her in the eyes while she talked. She mentioned that something would be personal, and he nodded, letting her know that he understood.

    She added that she wouldn’t mind having somepony around to with her… back to her place. He smiled nervously, unsure of how to respond. The DJ added that she really didn’t need any help packing up, but she made sure he stayed with a playful wink that almost sent him falling over backwards. Ace’s focus quickly returned to her once she introduced herself.

    “Vinyl…” He muttered to himself. It was a cool name. She told him her stage name, and he committed it to memory. Ace could swear he’d heard it before, but he couldn’t be sure. The white DJ asked for his name, and he eagerly obliged.

    “Ace High, but just call me Ace, please.” The REA pony adjusted his tunic and looked at his hooves. “I guess you could say I’ve been around. I’m from Hoofington originally, but I’ve been all over Equestria. It’s one of the benefits of my line of work.”

    He chewed slowly, letting the herbs in his mouth do their job. He was so used to having them in his mouth; it was almost second nature to him. “Speaking of a pony’s line of work, I need to know something, if you don’t mind me asking. What exactly was that? I heard really loud music, but I didn’t see any instruments… “

  17. Ace was chewing herbs, desperately trying to quell his anxiety. His legs shook as confusion and stress racked his body and made him unable to move. Only one more figure remained in the room with him, a beautiful white Unicorn. She was packing up her equipment in the booth, and it dawned on Ace that the awesome spectacle came from her.

    His eyes focused on her, and his panic started to wane when she decided to approach him. A pure white pelt attracted the eye, but her amazing mane kept it firmly focused on her. Ace had to shake his head to keep from staring. He saw her open her mouth to speak.

    At first, her words went unheard, drowned out by the ringing in Ace's ears. Even without sound, he could tell from her weary look that she wasn't in the highest of spirits. His attention shifted from her looks to her demeanor, and Ace decided that he would do his best to make her night at least a little bit better.

    Finally, he felt the herbs do their job, and he could slowly feel his anxiety ebb away. In a brief moment clarity washed over him as his mind eased and his ears ceased their incessant ringing. He was now facet face with a beautiful mare, and he could finally hear her.

    With great concentration, Ace listened to her remaining words. The pony confirmed his suspicion that she was having a rough night. She also sounded concerned about Ace. He looked around; did he really stick out that much? As his eyes wandered, he came to the conclusion that he was, in fact, completely alone on the dance floor. Or at least he was, now accompanied by an inquisitive unicorn.

    His anxiety was gone, mostly due to the medicinal herbs he had, but something about the mare helped to soothe him. Ace felt a little more comfortable, and he was able to loosen up a small amount and get back to normal. With a deep breath and a thoughtful chew, Ace straightened up and tried to speak clearly.

    "I'm fine... Just my first time ever seeing a show like that, afraid I only caught the finale. I guess you could say I've got terrible timing, or the best timing, for that matter."

    He chuckled, with only a tint of nervousness in his voice. "It was good, I really liked the, um...." Ace remembered that he had no clue what he was talking about. The fear from before started to creep in while he was remembering the scene from earlier, and he started to shake again. “What I mean is… eh…" The REA pony realized how stupid he sounded, and he really wanted to just stop talking before he lost it again. “Ok, I'm not going to lie. I've never heard anything like that before. I mean, the only stuff I listen to is Trots Domino and the like."

    Ace lowered his head. "I really don't know much about music."

    Without waiting for a reply, he tried to nudge the conversation somewhere else, convinced that a performer like this didn’t want to waste her time with somepony who didn’t know what they were talking about. He looked up at the Unicorn and spoke plainly.

    "You've still got stuff to move, right? I can lend a hoof with that, and then I’ll get out of your mane."

  18. The muggy sea air weighed down on the coastal town of Hoofington, leaving a salty taste in the air. A far cry from the crisp, clean air of the northern mountains, but Ace didn't mind. He loved being back home, and only his green tunic could remind him of what he was taking leave from. No gryphons, no patrols, no battles here for him to worry about; yet he still chewed on his herbs as he navigated the familiar streets.

    It was supposed to be a day spent with his family, specifically his little brother, but those plans fell apart. Ace's smaller sibling had decided to hang out with friends rather than with his older brother. Without anypony alongside him, the REA soldier trotted through the city, his head low. A melancholy attitude had plagued Ace for the whole day, and exploring the deeper parts of the city was meant to get him back into good spirits. He tried to avoid his old stomping grounds, hoping that the minor fame of being a hometown hero wouldn't attract too much attention.

    Keeping his hood pulled over his head, the returning soldier meandered through the back streets trying to someplace to try and have fun. As night fell, the silence of the evening gave way to the hustle and bustle of the city's night life. Ponies filled the streets of the coastal town, all seeking the same thing as Ace. As the dark blue Pegasus approached the center of town, he could hear a low thumping sound that only increased in volume as he walked. It sounded like the stomping of a great beast approaching over the horizon, and Ace put more herbs in his mouth.

    Entranced, the REA aviator followed the noise, passing by posters he didn't bother to read. His search for the source led him to a set of outside stairs that led down to what seemed like a basement. The loudness of the booming confirmed that this was where the amazing sound came from. Without hesitation, he descended the steps, only to come face to face with a red earth pony much larger than him.

    "Ya got a ticket? Show's almost over..."

    Ace lowered his hood and gave a disappointed look to the bouncer. "Ticket?" with his head down he couldn't see the look of realization on the other pony's face.

    "Ace? Ace High?" Most ponies in Hoofington didn't know Ace, those who did thought of him as a hero, and being a hero also meant being a celebrity.

    "Yeah?" He didn't raise his head.

    "I didn't recognize you at first, come on in."

    "I don't have a ticket..."

    "No problem."

    "Just let me pay for one." Ace reached into his tunic for a small bag of coins.

    "Fine." The guard pulled out a ticket and tossed it at his hooves. "That'll be zero bits."


    "Soldier's discount."

    "Listen, I can't acce-"

    The other pony smiled gently and opened the door. "Just go in."

    Ace relented, making sure to pick up the ticket before entering. He entered a narrow hallway that seemed to stretch into a black void made of overwhelming sound. He felt his way along the wall, and Ace felt it give way as he entered a much larger room. It was dark, with brief moments of blinding light that stung his eyes and sent him trotting wildly around the club.

    The only thing guiding him was his sense of touch, as his hearing was currently being bombarded with sounds that pulverized his head. Each kick of the bass felt like a buck to the chest, every whine of the treble pierced his ears and the Pegasus found himself swept along in the sound trying to see where it would take him.

    Once his eyes had finally adjusted, the soldier pony could see something amazing in every sense of the word. Ponies partied, amassed in a group so large and yet so amorphous nopony could know how many were there. They were adorned with and swung about glowing rings that moved so fast they blurred the whole scene into one mass of ecstasy and energy.

    Ace simply stood there in the back of the club, absorbing all the details. Instinctively, he placed even more herbs in his mouth, trying not to stare, and trying not to flee.

    He would not dare to approach the dance floor, opting instead to stand in the back and tremble. His senses were telling him to run, to get out of there before he got hurt, every instinct he had screaming DANGER into his unreceptive brain. The sounds, the sights, and everything else combined to petrifying him, and Ace didn't know what in Celestia's name he was going to do. And just as quickly as his panic had started...

    It ended along with the show.

    Wild cheers erupted from the crowd, snapping the REA pony out of his fear induced stupor. Lights from the ceiling bathed the space with light, the sounds faded away, and the ponies who were previously partying made their way off of the floor and on towards whatever was next on their agendas. Soon Ace found himself alone on an empty dance floor, still trying to figure out what in Celestia's name just happened, and why anypony would pay to do it at all.

  19. "My business is business." Max gently lifted his glass for yet another sip.

    This question he could answer fully and honestly, and he did so without hesitation.

    "I buy things, like stocks, raw materials, real estate, pretty much anything that can be bought. Then, once i've nudged the prices up, I sell the items for more than I paid. Rinse and repeat."

    Another sip of his drink punctuated his speech before he added, "I've often thought of starting a bank, but father would never approve."

    Maximilian levitated the glass into the air and swiftly turned it, swirling the mixture contained within. As the liquor swished and spiraled Cherry could see a contemplative look form on the Unicorn's face. Somehow the turbulent mixture in the small glass sparked a thought, and the Manehattanite observed it for a moment before resuming.

    "Needless to say he'd have the final say on that matter."

    Max looked away from his glass, keeping a blank stare focused intently on the filly in front of him.

    "So, Miss Cherry, do you have a line of work? You're a bit young for a job, but I guess you could always help out with the family business."

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  20. Max snorted a dismissive reply to Cherry’s observation. She somehow saw fit to patronize him, yet she did so without a hint of contempt. The rich Unicorn was stuck trying to justify being angry at a small filly merely for seeking the truth. Something about her demeanor was off putting; either her startlingly mature attitude or her almost nonchalant dismissal of his lie just seemed strange.

    She stretched, expressing her desire for a shift in conversational topics. Cherry’s attention was elsewhere, and Max was left trying to think of what to say. Before he could reply, she faced him again and asked for some sort of story, or even a game of pool. Max would have been happy to oblige, but she then suggested that his ‘friends’ be included.

    “Oh no, they’re not my friends… They’re just business acquaintances. We’re working on a deal, but I had to, um…” He paused and stuck some more salt in his mouth. “I had to get something to drink, just couldn’t wait.” Max flashed his trademark grin, hoping that at least some form of charm could work on the young filly.

    On the outside, Maximilian was calm on collected, but he was confused and anxious on the inside. Cherry wasn’t simply a young filly, ignorant of hardships and full of optimism. She was a pony who knew things, things that a pony her age shouldn’t.

    “I take it you don’t exactly enjoy my company…” Max chuckled and popped more salt into his mouth.

  21. Maximilian intently listened to her words. A strong gaze her only feedback as he sipped at his drinks and slowly ate his salt. She seemed to know what she was talking about, and the rich Unicorn couldn’t help but think that there was much more to this pony than he had once thought. For a filly so young to be so critical of ponies in general was not only striking, it was downright impressive. She tried to sum up her argument with some encapsulating statement about Ponykind in general, but the barkeep cut her off with a fresh drink.

    The Rockefilly took the short pause to look in the mirror, once again trying to observe the trio still in the booth. Without drawing much attention, he quickly swiveled his head around to get a better look. As soon as the bartender replied to Cherry’s curious remark, Max whipped his head around and tried to look as calm and collected as possible.

    With a nod, he finished his drink and set the now empty glass back onto the counter. Max beamed a little at her words as she recognized his status. Her question at the end really caught him off guard.

    “Am I happy?”

    Maximilian chuckled as he levitated a coaster nearer to him. Pulling a pen out of his tux, the rich socialite scribbled a few notes down on the small piece of cardboard. With a smile he levitated it up and over towards the Barkeep. Max had written some instructions for the Bartender to send some drinks over to a booth in the back. Hopefully a small gift could calm them down.

    He finally returned his attention to the question at hoof. “What possible reason could there be for me not to be happy? I have everything I could want; I have power over ponies…” Max smiled at Cherry. He was a skilled liar, and he really put some effort into this. “I’m perfectly pleased with life.”

    “So… if you already knew the answer… why did you ask the question?” Max politely signaled for another drink and chuckled flippantly.

  22. The pleasantries continued, and Maximilian took a brief pause to once again sip his drink. As quickly as the filly's attitude has changed, it returned to the enigmatic manner in which it had been.

    The Rockefilly watched with half lidded eyes as the other pony sipped her drink, and he used the quick silence to look over his shoulder and catch a glimpse of one very specific booth. It wasn't until he heard her question that he finally returned his attention to Cherry. Old habits kicked in, and the rich Unicorn racked his brain in an attempt to identify her through either past experiences. Drawing a blank, Max smiled and traced the rim of his glass with a hoof.

    "Call me Max."

    He tapped on the counter, trying to contain his anxiety through some kind of twitch, rather than keeping it on his face. With a calm expression the Manehattanite followed up with another statement,

    "You say that we all have the same problems, how did you come to that conclusion?"

    Without knowing it, Max lost the grin, a small scowl taking its place. Maximilian finished his thought absentmindedly,

    "I can assure you that most problems are absolutely asinine when compared to the ones I face, and they're simply trivial when compared to those of my father."

    He shot a glance at the large mirror behind the bar, using it to keep a watch on the ponies he had ditched earlier. Max's composure hovered in-between rock solid and completely gone. Max gave a confident chuckle before continuing.

    "If I had real problems, I'm sure they'd be different than anything you've known."

    Once again he used to mirror to observe the trio of ponies in the booth. His gaze lingered for a moment, and Max bit his lip in anxiety. With a quick snap of his head he looked back at cherry, with a half expectant, half anxious expression.

    "Alas, I don't believe I gave you a fair chance to answer... How did you come to that conclusion?"

  23. A smile crept onto the Rockefilly’s face. Her sudden shift in attitude relieved him, he was glad to see that such a young pony could at least momentarily lighten up. Her previous attitude was unnerving, and the sight of a relaxed pony, albeit a drinking one, helped to calm Max down as well. The filly struck a pose, and Maximilian watched, fascinated, as her words struck close to home. He opened his mouth to speak, but the younger pony continued; clarifying her point and proposing that the two of them share the evening in a platonic fashion.

    “A fine offer, one I couldn’t bear to refuse…” Max took up a spot next to the other pony, and he set his drinks down on the counter. After a tentative sip at his Manehattan, the wealthy business pony turned to face his conversational partner.

    “So, you spoke of some ‘dichotomy in life’, was that merely a fortunate guess, or have I met a pony truly capable of mind reading?”

    He sipped his drink again. “And… you never did answer my question. What possible reason does a young filly like yourself have for coming to a place like this, alone, none the less?”

  24. Max paused, taking a few moments to try and see what he could find out about the filly just from her looks. At first glance, she seemed to be a young filly, and nothing more; upon further inspection, he could sense something else. 

    She carried a sense of maturity, a look in her eyes that told Max she was not a foal. Her impressive carriage was also saddening, he knew that she had seen things ponies twice her age had not. Was it a loss of innocence, or an apathy that had come all too soon for the young pony? Max wanted to know, anything to get his mind off of his own problems.

    "Listen, why would a young pony like you have a reason for being here?And why are you here all alone?"

  25. Cool to the touch, the solid oak felt strange against Max's face, his left cheek resting lazily on the counter as he waited for more relief. The break in the inebriation process left Maximilian with an idle mind and plenty of time.

    Max could care less if he ditched a deal, he'd done it many times before, and it wasn't the simple prospect of a failed agreement that tormented Max. Many times in the past, a loophole, or some flaw jn the paperwork, led the Rockefilly to cancel any sort of business. The idea that he could pass up a perfect arrangement over some kind of ethics issue really troubled him; it flew in the face of everything he had been taught to do.

    Parenting was not of a prime concern to Mr and Mrs. Rockefilly, who ascribed to the theory that the only pony who should raise a foal is the foal itself, because it builds character. Young Max did everything for himself, and all the while his father ingrained the ideas and strategies into his mind that would help him stay at the top. There were only a few universal guidelines, and the only one of any real importance was the first one.

    Everypony is out for themselves, I should be too.

    Of course; canceling a project over an ethics issue didn't constitute 'looking out for one's self', a fact that was easy to see.

    Failing to follow through with this deal meant failing himself, and worse, it meant failing father, the pony he aspired to be ever since he could remember, and probably even before that. A gargantuan figure, the late Maximilian Rockefilly Sr took the family fortune, and expanded it, creating a massive estate that rivaled any other in Equestria. How badly Max wanted to live up to that, how badly he knew that his life was meant for no other purpose than to emulate his father and follow in hooves!

    Back in his home, an image of the senior Rockefilly sits behind the desk, a larger than life testament to the only course available to Max; a constant reminder of what he had to live up to. How could he do it if he couldn't go through with a deal simply because he felt like it was wrong? That never would have stopped his father.

    The internal monologue could only go so far. Without lifting his head, Maximilian addressed the barkeeper; who was now occupied with some young pony who had just arrived.

    "Hey!" He spoke loudly, his words filled with disappointment and annoyance. "I said I wanted another round and a salt lick! I'm enough of a disappointment as it is, I don't need everypony around me being a letdown as well!"

    Pulling his face off of the counter, the Rockefilly continued. "So forget the kid for a second and do your damn job. At least that'll make one of us!" Finally, the grizzled bar pony delivered, taking a break from friendly conversation to give the rich pony the precious alcohol and salt he needed. Exasperated, the white Unicorn nodded in approval and immediately grabbed the drinks.

    He popped a chunk of salt into his mouth, forgoing the standard procedure of slowly enjoying it. Desperately hoping for some kind of clarity, he sighed and put his face back to its original position, on the slab of oak. A blank stare was etched on his face as he once again dove into the pits of self-loathing.

    The glare of the other ponies could be felt, even from across the bar. He turned his head to look at the booth, the three ponies were still sharing a seat and they were hunched together, conversing about Max no doubt. Well, those ponies would just have to keep waiting, because Max wasn't nearly drunk enough to keep talking with them. The rich unicorn sighed loudly and looked around for something to take his mind off of things.

    His eyes rested on the younger pony down the bar, whose intrusion had so rudely delayed the delivery of his alcohol. His mind slowly came to a halt as he processed what he was seeing. The light in the bar was dim, and the atmosphere didn't lend itself well to picking out details from afar. Max could, even with his head sideways, tell that she was a filly, and her expression upon sampling the beverage she had received only gave him questions instead of answers.

    "Hey!" He called out, the young pony didn't seem to notice. "Hey!" He tried once more, with similar results. Finally Max relented and picked his face off of the bar. Levitating his drink and salt in front of him, the Rockefilly slowly made his way towards the filly. He stopped next to her, and he tilted his head as he asked a question laced with anger and frustration.

    "Aren't you a bit young to be here?"

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