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Posts posted by Thoth

  1. I love insects for the biology involved with them. How they eat, move, and survive. It's strange, unique, yet incredible in its own way.

    However...I find many insects' appearances absolutely repulsive. I can't stand their appearance. Heck, the few images on this page right here kept me scrolling any further down. I just have a huge dislike for some creatures' appearances in nature. It's a personal habit, I'm afraid.

    Still, I love how insects work and how they live. Certainly interesting, to say the least.

  2. An official comic book series?....AND IT'S AIMED TOWARDS US?!

    I'm not a fan of comics, but I'm certainly one now! The artwork looks FANTASTIC, it looks as if the creators love the show just as much as we do and....man, all this excitement the last few days about the show has been GREAT!

    I just can't imagine how my girlfriend will react...not only is she a Pegasister, but she also loves comics...

    I CANNOT wait for this! Season 3 and this can't come any sooner!

    • Like 1
  3. I can't figure out how to defeat Discord. :scream:

    Really...you just have to mash the Attack button whenever you're near him.

    There's no real strategy. He blocks like crazy and is hard to hit without mashing the Attack button. ESPECIALLY when you're Applejack.

    Essentially...you just have to ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK when you're near Discord. You can touch him, you just can't get hit by his fireball attack. That's the only way he can damage you.

  4. Having written a fic about Daring-Do before, I can that any fic with her involved can involve some FUN stuff.

    Not only for the nostalgia factors from Indiana Jones that come with her, but with the fact that plots can be inventive and adventurous when she's involved.

    If you want to step out of the simple terms of the Mane 6, and really hit the classic adventure stories, then I would gladly recommend writing a Daring-Do fic!

  5. Okay, The Hub is officially THE BEST THING EVER.

    I love how this game is designed. Pure 8 bit-style graphics, sound effects, and perfectly-designed bosses, levels, and everything else in-between!

    I like the boss selection, as it shows the developers have actually watched the show. Not only that, but each 8-bit representation looks AWESOME.

    The gameplay is tremendously fun, and extremely addictive. I've been stuck here for 2 hours playing it! :smirk:

    Certainly an awesome job and an awesome treat to the Bronies from The Hub and Hasbro! Can't hate them when they make stuff like this PRIMARILY for us!

  6. I simply can't love and tolerate the past generations.

    They're the whole reason why my family can't cope with the fact that I enjoy a show with 'My Little Pony' in the name.

    I know that's a bit trivial, but that's how it goes. I can't stand the past generations because of how they've fogged up the ideals of quality and how any show can have it.

    I'm sure the past generations are fine...except G 3.5....but you get what I mean. It just goes against my sensibilities to actually give any positive credit to them....

    Sorry. :sniff:

  7. Hey buddy! Glad you finally got around to posting on here!

    As for Signatures, you need to post once more to fulfill the 3-post requirement. Once you do that, you're free to edit your signature as you please!

    Hope you enjoy your time here at Canterlot, and I hope all you guys here at Canterlot love my buddy here! Believe me, he's quite a character... ;-)

    • Like 1
  8. I know I will get insane whiplash from the fandom for saying this....but after all the finale hype passed...I really don't see how excellent "This Day Aria" is anymore.

    I mean, I still love the composition of it. No doubt about it. However, as a 'villain song' as many people have labelled it, what does it necessarily do for us? It doesn't tell us the motives of the false Princess Cadence (Queen Chrysalis), give us anything we don't know, and it really only serves to be a spectacular display of music and animation...but it serves no purpose. It doesn't advance the plot, give us development, or do anything very ESSENTIAL to the plot. In fact, if you edited out that entire song number, the story would STILL be perfectly intact and you could pick up with the episode without any trouble.

    The way I see it, it's a song simply plugged-in to be a spectacular display and tell us how EVILLLLLLLL* Chrysalis is. Besides that, what purpose does it serve? I can smile at how excellently-made it is...but in terms of the plot, I don't see how it conveys anything.

    Even with "Smile", that had SOME purpose. After all, we needed that song in "A Friend In Deed" to show how enthusiastic Pinkie Pie was about her friends, and how she felt about being the big smile in their lives. It gave us the development and idea that Pinkie loved to have friends and loved to make them smile. It then helped in introducing the problem of the episode, that being that Cranky didn't want anything to do with her.

    Do I love "This Day Aria"? Of course. It's a BEAUTIFUL song. However, what purpose does it have?

    *I dedicate this awesome reference to Ernest Borgnine. My father will remember you from McHale's Navy, but I'll always remember you from my childhood as Mermaid Man...

  9. I pick 'Smile', hands down.


    Well, I love it for how DIVERSE it is.

    Let us refresh our memory with the song itself:

    We pick up with a peppy beat, which just builds and builds until we reach the next verse. This first verse, while peppy, is our starting point. Some excellent strings here, but it only serves as a single taste.

    Then we hit the great 90s Pop feel here in the second verse. As we hit all these notes and can feel them just vibrate with the energy and life that Pinkie herself has while singing, we start getting a hold of the beat. Let's be honest, at the second verse, you're hooked every time.

    Right about the point where we hit the "It's true some days will be dark and lonely...", we recognize the tonal change. It's an excellent drop-out, just to build it right back into a higher pitch than before. It builds unbelievable momentum in beat, and shows how much energy was pent up during those first verses, and then the sing really hits it.

    Then, we hit what I call the "Gospel Section". After all, the chorus pick-up is EXCELLENT. It fills up the song and gives it the extra nudge to push it over, and it really DOES feel like Gospel. The chorus, the thundering beat that erupts with it, with a single singer just pushing the song with all the power it has left. That chorus is just BEAUTIFUL. I can't imagine the song without it. That's what makes it for me, really.

    Really, I love it for its diverse attitude and how much it builds in terms of beat and how CATCHY it is. You can't tell me you haven't hummed this song once since it was first leaked online, or since it first aired as a completed act.

    I don't blame the Bronies for singing this all through BronyCon last weekend. I sang right along, and I couldn't feel more happy. That's the best effect of this song, it WILL get you to smile! The peppy beat that lifts you from any sadness you could have, the gummy lyrics that latch onto you and make you want to sing it right back...it's just the most upbeat and most fun song that Amy Keating Rogers and Daniel Ingram have put out.

    In general....it's my favorite song from the show.

  10. Having taken animation classes before, I can say that color schemes for characters in cartoons make a HUGE difference.

    Rarity's scheme works because it's not only elegant, but the pearl white coat and posh-looking mane display her personality. It's cultured-looking and well-kept, showing her personality as a well-knowing, sophisticated, and her mane shows her artistic values.

    Designs of characters are everything in animation. After all, Ed from "Ed, Edd, n Eddy" wouldn't be the same character without his height that makes him the "Big Lug" of the group, hmm? Or if Patrick from "Spongebob Squarepants" WASN'T tubby. Appearance, color scheme, and even voice can make a huge difference in characters. That's why we become so unaccustomed to a character looking different (Rarity in "Sonic Rainboom"). It plays around with our familiarity, and perhaps can even signify a change in character in some cases (Like the animators brilliant usage of gray in "Return of Harmony").

    Color, in general, makes the character. :smirk:

  11. I'd have to echo Angie's thoughts.

    I figured that Shining Armor just had more ability in protection spells such as the force field around Canterlot. I had noticed the two force fields looked exactly alike, but I pinned that down to the idea that Twilight, as well as other unicorns, were capable of making those sorts of protection spells.

    I suppose, what my theory is, is that Shining Armor's special talent essentially is performing protection spells at a much higher skill level and efficiency than other unicorns can.

  12. I think it would be more interesting if Chrysalis tries to take over Ponyville.

    ...but that would basically be downsizing the threat she was in "A Canterlot Wedding". Ponyville, all things considered, is a small country town in comparison to Canterlot or (supposedly) Manehattan. For what we can guess, that'd just be aiming lower for her. Knowing Queen Chrysalis, she'd never try for the smallest of things. After all, she did have total control over Canterlot at one point....for 5 minutes, maybe, but it still counts.

  13. I honestly don't mind which antagonists we have for Season 3.

    All I ask really is that we get a bigger threat this time around. As we've seen with the development of the show, we've seen the stories become more complex and epically involved with its villain. It went from the huge backstories for Nightmare Moon and Discord to Queen Chrysalis and overall scale of her threat.

    I say that when they introduce this new villain, it needs to be a MUCH bigger threat. I'm thinking that involving not only total takeover ("A Canterlot Wedding") would be great to do once again, but also involving an added danger to the villain would be good. Something like one of the Mane 6 being kidnapped so they can't necessarily get close enough to the villain to fight them, or even have the LIVES OF PONIES being threatened. It somewhat came to this in "A Canterlot Wedding"...but I'd like to see its prominence and actually have those feelings of despair and fear of what COULD HAPPEN if they fail...

  14. My OC Filly Trotman is certainly a hard character to pair.

    For one thing, he wrote the Daring Do stories. That being the case, he'd be admired constantly by Rainbow Dash. However, despite RD being the main reason he went back to writing at the end of "Fortune & Glory", she's really quite a different character than him.

    I could see a good comparison between him and Twilight Sparkle. After all, Twilight is a hard-working, intellectual individual who sticks to her work, tries her hardest and is quite the thinker herself. If anything, Trotman is a hard-working soul who simply is put down by the constant life obstacles that knock him over on his face. Does this sound like Twilight? Well, I can't judge.

    Really, I believe Trotman may not have an appropriate pairing because he somewhat reflects the literature department that every aspiring writer doesn't want to cross: failure. This business aspect and ethic mindset could apply for him to be like Rarity. However, if I went for every similarity, I'd be at this for hours...xD

    I suppose Rarity would be the best-suited pairing for Filly Trotman. Just comparable for their similar work mindsets, work ethics and values.

  15. Wow, I just cranked out a song in 10 minutes!

    This time around, I based it off an upbeat classic by Mr. Ringo Starr from The Beatles, called "Oh My My"

    Don't know if I felt in a BeatleBrony-like mood, or if I just was feeling peppy today...either way, enjoy!

    I phoned you right up, gal

    For 2 years we've been pals

    You said, "Come on over"

    I said, "Do I have to?"

    Oh, her knees started shaking

    Our hearts both start aching

    Then that's when I said to her...

    Oh mare mare, oh mare mare!

    Don't break my heart babe, don't you dare!

    Oh mare mare, oh mare mare!

    You set my heart off, like a flare!

    Oh mare mare, oh mare mare

    It's guaranteed to give us some life!

    I hoped I didn't blow it,

    just like a tornado

    When we start dancing,

    it's love, Cadence say so!

    Now our lips are a'sealing

    Their taste, so appealin'

    But this is what they say for me!

    Oh mare mare, oh mare mare!

    Don't break my heart babe, don't you dare!

    Oh mare mare, oh mare mare!

    You set my heart off, like a flare!

    Oh mare mare, oh mare mare!

    It's the only thing that keeps me alive!

    I would never slow down

    Because we'll never feel low down

    We both love each other

    Now ain't that enough, now?

    We've got the prescription

    It's what we've been missing

    It's sweet love, the best remedy!

    Oh mare mare, oh mare mare!

    Don't break my heart babe, don't you dare!

    Oh mare mare, oh mare mare

    You set my heart off, like a flare!

    Oh mare mare, oh mare mare

    Livin' happy once in our lives

    Hey, oh mare mare, oh mare mare

    Glad you love me, glad you care

    Oh mare mare, oh mare mare

    Never shoot me a single glare

    Oh mare mare, oh mare mare

    Don't break my heart babe, don't you dare!

    Oh mare mare, oh mare mare

    You set my heart off, like a flare!

    Oh mare mare, oh mare mare...

  16. You hit the nail on the head, Whitehawke.

    I particularly enjoyed the "Dawn of Man" parody, because that bit of the film never gets enough love. It did indeed stand well on its own as a parody. In fact, I would've been perfectly fine with that being the parody, and that they could've moved onto the next bit of the video.

    It seems like the rest did indeed parody it with the most-used bits and didn't use any newer material. HAL-9000 obviously was in it, along with the technicolor transition (Which is unfortunately also overused, because that is a spectacular work of effects by Mr. Kubrick).

    I suppose it just would've been better if they kept it short and sweet, like every other bit of the video...

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