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Posts posted by Thoth

  1. Anybody share my opinion and think that maybe the creators should've just made the 2001 parody a separate video?

    I mean, I loved it for how it was executed because I've actually SEEN 2001: A Space Odyssey. The problem with everyone else is that Bronies aren't all educated as well in film knowledge. Besides that, the movie was released in the 60s. That's putting ALOT of trust onto the viewers having seen it.

    I'm sure if everyone had seen the film, the last bit would've been appreciated more. However, it comes off as just out-of-place in the fast-editing ways of The Anthology series. It's, essentially, the equivalent of what Family Guy does when they pull that Conway Twitty garbage.

  2. Have not yet met another Brony in the wild.

    However, I did notice one especially odd detail at A&P once. There was a designated kids' book section in one aisle. Was quite small.

    A few sections down from it, there were exercise magazines, car magazines, all the manliness.

    Right atop those "manly" magazines was a FiM-related storybook.

    I said aloud in that very A&P, "The Bronies were here!"

    I love the mystery that surrounds an obvious Brony trail... :blah:

  3. Every day I wish everypony well

    And now, why has it felt

    That every time I see you, you fell

    right in-to my way

    Someponies would trade a soul for a wish

    Pennies and dimes for one kiss

    I never thought it'd be you

    Standing hooves-in-place

    Your stare was holding

    Two pairs of eyes locked

    Both blue, now

    Warm night

    Now I'm the clown now

    How do I tell you these feelings?

    Hey I just met you

    And this is crazy

    Come to The Corner*

    Party with me!

    It's hard to look right

    into your eyes!

    So come along with me

    Party maybe?

    They take their time with their dance

    But still, I like to prance

    Music around, puts us into a trance

    But you're still right with me

    Right leg, left to the beat

    Never going to take a seat

    I didn't think we'd both feel it

    But it's here to stay

    Your stare was holding

    Two pairs of eyes locked

    Both for real now

    Warm night

    Dance past sundown

    Now we both got the feeling!

    Hey I just met you

    And some say I'm crazy

    But my friends know it's Pinkie

    So they party with me!

    And all the other colts

    try to chase me

    But now we're here now

    Party like Pinkie!

    Hey I just met you

    And if we're both crazy

    Then let's have fun now

    And party with me!

    *Sugarcube Corner, that is

    Hope you enjoyed. Just a random song I tossed together after having to listen to the SAME BUCKING SONG on the way to and back from BronyCon on Saturday and Sunday...

  4. I do have to agree with SteelEagle on the 2001 parody, however.

    I loved it, but that's because I KNEW the pacing of "A Space Odyssey" and appreciated and understood such. For a video like Ponies: The Anthology, you expect it to be fast-paced and making jokes fast and furious. It just seems that they really could've just made the "2012: A Pony Odyssey" bit a separate video, or made it faster-paced and more akin to the rest of the video. Just felt uneven with the rest, I'd agree.

    ...still, I love everything about the parody. The beginning bit with Pinkie representing the monkeys at the beginning was just perfect, xD

    • Like 1
  5. East Coaster Brony right here!

    Live in New Jersey, so I couldn't begin to imagine how bad the damage is from that storm. However, I hope everypony is OK.

    Love to see some East Coast Bronies! I sometimes think only myself, my friend Hayden and my girlfriend are the only Bronies in Jersey...xD

  6. I usually watch an episode whenever it's convenient on whatever format.

    If it's a new episode, I become determined to watch it premiere on The Hub. I usually re-watch at least once that weekend afterwards on Youtube, even a re-run if it's on the next morning on Sunday.

    Primarily, however, I usually sift through Youtube to re-watch episodes of the show. It's easier to find certain episodes, supported by Hasbro....AND IT'S FREE!

  7. I saw bits and pieces of it throughout the day. I caught parts of it while I was on line for Faust during the day, watched a good 20-40 minutes of it after they continued later in the Con, and then missed the last minute of it while waiting for De Lancie (Who had an ABSURDLY short line at the end of the convention...).

    I honestly loved this more than the first one. The editing was excellent, the quality of sound and animation was fun, lip-synching was surprisingly spot-on at points.

    There were quite a few references I DID get, but alot of them I did not. I could tell which ones people DID NOT GET, and some people did. The more obvious ones (Like "The Room" or Keyboard Cat) got huge ovations, while the lesser-known ones (The one song clip of "Day Man" from "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia") where minimal in applause. I did like how it was spread out, because it kept it fresh and not bland and boring. The ones I got I CRIED LAUGHING at, and the ones I didn't...I laughed at how absurd some were anyways, xD

    I especially appreciated the 2001: A Space Odyssey homage at the end. Being a huge movie buff, it was EXTREMELY well-done, right down to the technicolor transition near the end and "Daisy Bell".

    It's clear they put EXTRA effort into this one. I certainly loved it, and I can't wait to see if we ever get a "Ponies: The Anthology 3"...

  8. I've never seen nor heard of Silly Filly Adventure. Would you recommend buying (if it costs money)/downloading it?

    Here's the original Equestria Daily page for it, download link included:


    Would I recommend downloading it?.....Ehhhh, there are 3 individual endings:

    Warrior Ending

    Muffin Ending

    Blank Flank Ending

    They're all equally different in their own rights, but really the Blank Flank Ending is the only thing worth it. Besides that, the game is nothing more than a SEGA Genesis-like point-and-click with a few cool bits here and there.

    Quite frankly, the Blank Flank Ending is "the best part" about the whole game...

  9. All da videos here. They make my 2006 Inspiron slow and sad. :wail:

    If I had to give Filly Trotman a theme song of sorts, I'd probably go with a random guess choice and say "Paperback Writer" by The Beatles.

    Why: If you ever read "Fortune & Glory", the main story revolves around Filly Trotman, a writer, losing his inspiration to go on writing the Daring Do series. While "Paperback Writer" is much too upbeat to describe that, it describes what Trotman's character is, a busy, bustled and constantly-working character that wants his work to be read and enjoyed, and doesn't care what it takes to do so.

  10. I played both of those games... Story of the Blanks was kinda creepy, but I had to look up the creepy ending for Super Filly Adventure. I kept getting the warrior ending. :P

    I don't blame you for having to look up the creepy ending for Super Filly Adventure. The requirements to trigger that ending are EXTREMELY pinpoint, down to REAL-TIME and simply talking to certain characters... :-|

    Also, Birdemic ftw. I watched that movie at 4 in the morning a while ago, and by the end of it I was in tears from laughter. It's honestly the closest anyone will get to Ed Wood quality entertainment in this day and age...

  11. I'm sure you've all seen this one before...The infamous ghost in the car commercial video..But for those who haven't...Look closely as the car drives...Look closer..You will see a ghost..ONLY IF YOU BELIEVE!

    • Like 2
  12. Personally, I don't want to see Trixie return.

    Yeah, I said it.

    She's one of my favorite characters from the show, but unless she brings something new to the show, like a species or character development along with her return, there'd be no point.

    After all, when you bring back a character, the point is to develop that character and shape them into something different. When you do otherwise, there's no point in bringing the character back. It'd be about the equivalent of Spongebob bringing back the character Dennis from the Movie, and then he hasn't changed at all. There'd be no point other than to say that the character is back.

    So, in general, Trixie is a pointless character if she were to return unless she is developed thoroughly and is essentially a different character than what she was in "Boast Busters"...

  13. Not that scary, but this story does have some death and a few curses involved, so this treads on the line of scary (Not really, but it's interesting).


    It's a MLP edition of Groundhog Day


    I'm seriously telling you right now, ANYPONY who hasn't read this very fic, READ IT NOW....

    Ahem...anyways, I actually had thought of an idea for a thread like this before. A thread that collected all of the dark reaches of fanfiction and art, an "FiM Creepypasta Dump", if you would. I don't know why, but Creepypasta surrounding FiM just intrigues me. From things like "Story of the Blanks" to the growingly-infamous "Super Filly Adventure", I suppose it's just interesting to see...

    Just my input. I don't exactly seek out dark stuff, and the thread is a bit limited since gore is a no-no...

  14. Wow. -_- I guess I respect hasbro now.

    To be factual, it wasn't even Hasbro's decision to give dialogue Lyra or Derpy extra dialogue in international languages. Moreso, it's the translators who probably tossed it in. International versions, believe it or not, can sometimes be EXTREMELY different from the original version...

    ...I'm looking at you, male Spitfire...

  15. Kimono, Derpy never spoke in the English version of "Sonic Rainboom". International versions of the show sometimes add-in dialogue to a background character.

    This is not an edit at all, nor is it a sign of Hasbro "censoring" Derpy. Derpy never spoke in the English version, it was simply an add-in by the French.

    Even Lyra has spoken in some international versions of FiM. Not even joking, :smug:

    • Like 4
  16. I find the idea that unity (Love) and dis-union (Disharmony or Chaos) would be a great theme to explore if they were to team up at some point. After all, Chrsyalis and Discord (We can assume) feed off those respective themes. It'd certainly be interesting to look at.

    The way I'd want to see the team up, however, is for the two to be completely mis-matched, out-of-sync, and essentially only staying together to fulfill their motives, much like an episode of one of my favorite cartoons ("My Life as a Teenage Robot"), in which the past villains team up, and are clearly capable of defeating anyone, but allow themselves to be defeated thanks to their bickering in the most crucial of moments to defeat their common foe.

    ...but long story short, I'd be interested in seeing something like this.

  17. Heh, Thanks Thoth. I know this is a bit off topic, but did you see the new Rainbow Dash Presents yet? Its not on YouTube yet due to YouTube being... dumb, but its available for anyone who follows the animator (petirep)'s deviantART or Tumblr.

    Have not, actually. Will look for that! Thanks!


  18. My friend, he is a true Anti-Bronie, He even has hate posts on deviant art about them...besides him my friends are neither bronie, or anti-bronie.

    I know it may sound weird, but can I see said hate posts? I'm always interested in seeing the anti-Brony opinions. Not even fooling, I'm quite interested.

    Also Chapien, your avatar is pure win because of where it came from.

  19. My best friend is very much an anti-Brony, however he's not too vocal about it and he will occasionally see good in the show ("This Day Aria" for example, which he found quite good). However, I think the only reason he puts up with my pony talk is because his sister is a Pegasister and because I showed him the .MOV videos, which he finds hilarious enough that we quote it every day. I can't tell you how many times we go back and forth with: "Applejack, you can't eat all those ****** apples!", and so forth.

    Most of my other "friends" either don't care, mention it in passing (Calling out "BRONY!" every once and a while), or even in some cases became Bronies. One of my friends was already a Brony, and I turned two of my friends into Bronies....in fact, one of them is going to BronyCon with me this weekend!

    Just goes to show, this show is powerful enough to make good friends out of people. You see, that's why I love this fandom the most...

  20. ^That's why I want to spread this quickly and vastly. I don't want any Bronies to get suckered into this and be humiliated and put the fandom in a bad light, moreso the humility. They did the same thing with Furries, and they PURPOSELY chose the strangest of them all to embarrass the community and the person, and point and laugh like Nelson from The Simpsons.

    Simply-put, I want this spread so nopony gets hurt by this, the fandom keeps its fairly-good light and maybe...just maybe, the media gets the idea that they can't toy with people's interests and embarrass people with them.

  21. http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/06/warning-tlc-my-crazy-obsession-seeks.html

    As Seth described, TLC is currently looking for an avid MLP collector for their show "My Crazy Obsession".

    As you'd imagine from all the garbage on TV now, it's a show that only puts things in negative light and would spark more bad than good.

    So, as Seth has suggested, it'd be a good idea to spread this story and WARN every Brony to NOT accept this role offer. After all, we want this fandom in the lighest spot possible. As I can tell from this show from TLC, it's purely made to humiliate and make ratings, as everyone love so much in this demoralized world.

    I don't want to see anypony or the fandom itself made fun of or humiliated by this, as that'd hurt me personally more than probably even hurting that person themself. So, I URGE YOU to spread this everywhere you can to every Brony forum, collector forum, etc. We need to show TLC that we don't want this, and that resistance to this kind of garbage is possible! Let's prove how much of a difference we can make, and most of all:

    JUST. SAY. NO.

    • Like 6
  22. I became a Brony late last July. A forum I constantly went on was sucked into the pony craze, and I gave the show a watch one day. "Suited for Success" followed, and I fell in love with the series.

    Rest is history. Now I'm going to BronyCon. Certainly not regretting my decision to be a Brony. :smirk:

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