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Posts posted by Thoth

  1. Hmmm....after reading the round-up on Equestria Daily for the episodes, it appears Cereal Velocity also spotted the similar shots technique used in PPG Movie and Part 2...

    Just to show you guys so you understand my constant preaching:




    Watch them side-by-side at the same time.

    They're exactly alike, I have no doubts. FiM crew, I salute you to referring to another great animated film...and quite an underrated one, too.

    • Like 1
  2. Okay....I need someone to clarify this...

    Am I the ONLY BRONY that saw the fight scenes from Powerpuff Girls: The Movie and Part 2 of the season finale as EXACTLY THE SAME in fashion? Heck, like I KEEP ON PREACHING, the flashing to white cuts at action shots were EXACTLY alike!

    Somepony, PLEASE tell me I'm not crazy!

    Getting to the songs....I want a full version of "Love Is in Bloom". I mean, that song was INCREDIBLE. I loved "My Big Brother Best Friend Forever" and "This Day", but MY GOD, "Love is in Bloom" was PERFECT. I have yet to listen to the acclaimed remix...but I NEED a full version!

    ...seriously, someone tell me I'm not the only one who noticed the similarity with the PPG Movie... :-|

  3. I'm sorry, but I REALLY want someone to make a video comparison between the big fights in the Powerpuff Girls Movie and Part 2's huge fight. The "flashing white on action cuts" technique use in both are EXACT, and I'd LOVE IT if someone made a side-by-side video of it!

    I just can't get over how cool that is. The crew used a technique from a previous fight montage from a past work of Faust and McCracken, and it worked PERFECTLY!

    • Like 2
  4. WOW

    I mean....WOW WOW WOW

    That's all I can keep saying! Just an UBELIEVABLE ending to the Season!

    The setup for the plot was incredibly well-done. The plot made sense throughout, and actually turned into an unbelievable epic of a plot near the end!

    The characters...heck, do I need to even say it any more? They were PERFECT. Shining Armor was a fairly likeable character despite his short introduction, Cadence was a wonderful character once we finally were introduced to her, and our favorite Mane 6 were loveable as always!

    The songs...MY GOD. The Twilight song near the beginning, honestly, didn't do it for me. It just felt out of place, and was too slow-paced. However, the re-use at the end of Part 1 was PERFECTLY-TIMED. It couldn't have been placed better! The evil Cadence/good Cadence song....OH MY GOD. It was brilliant! Wonderful animation combined with the lyrics sung by a cocky and arrogant character and a hopeless one provided a wonderful hybrid! The final song....WOW. It really hit home. The songs PERFECTLY complimented the episode!

    The writing was just brilliant! Every bit of the plot was perfectly constructed. I got goosebumps at every big moment of the episodes. I was CERTAINLY glad they didn't play the two episodes in two weekends, because I couldn't contain myself for a SINGLE MINUTE after the huge cliffhanger of Part 1.

    The new villains...were fair. I like the Changeling Queen, but she could've really used more than the two scenes she got in her true form. I DID love her design, because it was quite a fun-looking one. In fact, it sort of reminded me of the design of the Super Mojo from the Powerpuff Girls Movie...in fact, that wouldn't be the ONLY similarity I noticed...

    The big moments were BIG. I mean, the ones I can name off the top of my head wouldn't be enough to sum up the epic-ness of this! What stuck out most in my mind was the scene where Celestia is beaten, and it lays the cards down upon everyone else. I was literally MOUTH AGAPE at that scene. The dramatic tension boiled to big time as soon as that happened, and the animators and writers KNEW they had to make it dramatic! They did, by using the slow-mo in one of the best ways I've seen in FiM! Every moment was big, and it made it seem more like a movie or series finale than a season finale of the second season! I'll tell you, every moment they created was effective. I laughed when they wanted you to laugh, I got goosebumps when they made their moments dramatic, and...man, I CRIED at the end! Every moment was perfectly done. The ending, with the moral being the power of love and everything just coming to a textbook close, should have made every Brony cry. Perfect, my friends.

    The action was GREAT! I mean, the dramatic moment of Celestia and the Changeling Queen set the stage for the dramatic, but the big fight in Canterlot between the Mane 6 and the Changelings was GREAT! I cheered, I laughed, and I got GOOSEBUMPS! In fact, the end of the entire fight with the "flashing punch" technique (The constant action shot cutaways with the white flashes) was VERY similar to the same technique Faust and Craig McCracken used in the Powerpuff Girls Movie. In fact, the fight scene was a COMPLETE take-off of the PPG Movie fight scene near the end. Not only was it homage to past work, but it was VERY well-made and a great technique to use, and it worked perfectly!

    I think what I love most about this though, is that THIS was the episode all the Bronies were waiting for. It was an epic storyline, along with incredible visuals, funny moments, and just an episode that EVERYONE could sink their teeth in to. I don't think this was "just two episodes". Of course it wasn't, it was the season finale. However, I think this would be better suited to be called "My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: The Movie". I mean, THIS WAS IT. The plot was the biggest we've seen, the twists changed EVERYTHING about the mood of the show. Everything was done, knowing it was big, and made it the biggest stage we've ever seen for a FiM episode. This is, in my opinion, the FiM movie people have wondered about. No doubt about it.

    My opinion? Well, say it with me now....


    • Like 1
  5. Well, the name "Thoth" comes from the Egyptian God of Wisdom and Writing (That was what is most-believed, anyway).

    I began using the name on a few different forums a few years ago after I learned about the Egpytian Gods, and it soon just caught on. I now use the username "Thoth" for every forum I go on with rare exceptions. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, :smug:

    I suppose it's just a username that fits. The members on the forum I started the name on would always ask me if I'd ever change back to it...so I suppose so, xD

  6. I believe it might just be Hasbro being Hasbro, and still attempting towards marketing to kids and making her related to the princess. How?...


    In all seriousness, it's just like the whole situation with Prince Blueblood. Faust intended to make him a Duke, but Hasbro figured kids wouldn't known what a Duke was. I suppose it was just a marketing decision that Hasbro felt would work out without explanation, and made the FiM crew just go with it...

    I'm not too big on "staying canon" with one-off characters, but I can see where people can get mixed up with Cadence. Heck, I'm STILL in disbelief on how Shining Armor is Twilight's brother, :-|

    Just go with it, I suppose. It's nothing to lose sleep over, :smug:

  7. Something I just noticed this morning while watching "May The Best Pet Win" was that right after Rainbow Dash gets stuck on the rock, she starts talking to herself. Right before she goes into the realization she could be trapped forever, a very odd sound effect plays at one point while she freaks out about being stuck.

    Upon doing some editing and checking, it turns out it's a very high-pitched, fast, comedic scream. It's much like the ones they'd use in Ed, Edd, n Eddy (Which makes sense, considering Wootie was a big part of the EEnE crew). It honestly made me laugh, but you REALLY need to listen for it. I've never noticed it until now, and the episode came out in November...

  8. When I was progressively discovering the outer boundries of the Internet, it consistently surprised me with its wonders every day. Youtube, Fanfiction, etc amazed me....then I found DeviantArt...

    ...then I heard "R34" mentioned...

    ...I don't go on DeviantArt anymore

  9. Pegasus: Derpy, Raindrops (By the Gods, Raindrops NEEDS more love! No Brony EVER mentions her anymore...)

    Unicorn: Lyra (Simply a great character to develop for the fans. Honestly, I find Lyra to be a better symbolization to the Bronies than Derpy EVER was)

    Earth pony: Berry Punch (Drunk ponies...that is all)

    • Like 1
  10. I'll be completely honest in saying I don't understand Nurse Redheart's popularity one bit.

    This was talked about in the FiMFiction chatroom last night, but it honestly still puzzles me. Bronies tell me it's "her color scheme" or the fact she's relateable to some adult Bronies as a nurse...but I work in law and community enforcement (I'm probably the only Brony that's a firefighter ever. Not even joking), and I just don't see how she's "relateable". She's only ever been on-screen 1-2 times, and she never left an impression on me. Bronies have told me to read "Triage", but I'm not sure it'll help...

    I also must confess that...as soon as I became a Brony, I thought about converting my girlfriend. She watched a few episodes, then got extremely irritated by my constant spamming and referencing of it on my Facebook page, but suddenly she came out about a week or two ago and told me she liked Friendship is Magic and wanted me to basically give her the rundown of it. Awesome? Yes. However...I just find it odd that I felt the need to do it...

    Yet another confession is that I have connections with one of the main pre-readers and staff members of Equestria Daily. I won't tell you who, and I won't go any further than saying he lives in the same town as me, and I go to the same high school as his sister (He's in college...and he lives a life that I couldn't even begin to describe the awesomeness of).

    And honestly...I found Applejack to be an extremely boring character when I first started watching FiM. I found her just bland, uncharacterized and severly underdeveloped. However, after Super Cider Squeezy 3000 and The Last Roundup, I found that her character had a lot more to it. After reading a certain story by the author Crowley, I decided perhaps giving her character a chance wouldn't be the worst thing. Since then, I've seemed to appreciate her character more. She's still my least favorite of the Mane cast, but I have much more of a liking to her now.

  11. I'll agree one using Smile or Find a Pet. The animation that occompanies those songs are just GORGEOUS, but it also fits what occurs incredibly well. Whether it be the jumpy, cheerful animation of Smile, to the constantly-moving animation of Find a Pet, they'd both work incredibly well.

    I say to use Smile, however. Its animation is just a lot more noticeable and its ability to move with the music and give it attitude is easier to understand.

    That's just me, though. :D

  12. My favorite Season 1 episode is hard for me to tell. I enjoy all the episodes for a ton of different reasons, whether by plot execution, the humor, or just how the episode commences so smoothly.

    If I HAD to choose a favorite, "Feeling Pinkie Keen" would likely top my list. Its humor is well-written, its animation is GREAT to look at, the story is quite fun in itself, and the moral (People don't always understand everything, as some things are best understood as the unknown) is a GREAT one. It perfectly symbolizes the show and the fandom's liking for it, in my opinion.

    As for Season 2, my favorite is "Hurricane Fluttershy", hooves down. The humor is uncannily well-timed, the character development shines through quite well, the story is interesting and viewable again and again, and to me I just think it's a timeless episode. It's honestly my definition of a perfect episode.

  13. Never have cried, but 3 things have had me close to tears:

    - The ending to "The Elements of Harmony", right in the ending celebration. The way it concludes so nicely and sets the stage for the show, and the way it ends with Celestia making the assignment of Friendship Reports as such just sets the show up for great things. I literally makes me emotional to think of how well-scripted that ending scene was done by Faust.

    - The ENTIRE SECOND HALF of "Return of Harmony Part 2". It seals the deal, basically. Wonderful and emotional images of S1 called-back, Twilight essentially being beaten to a close point of giving up, the Mane 6 stoning Discord once more, and the awesome Star Wars reference was too perfect. I was almost too busy holding back emotion to notice the Star Wars reference. Glad I caught it, xD

    - Sisterhooves Social.....I mean, ALL OF SISTERHOOVES SOCIAL...

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