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Posts posted by Thoth

  1. VERY Good Update:

    Derpy's name has been added back to WeLoveFine products!

    Not sure what this entirely means, but it's the best sign we've seen!

    Personally, with this happening, I have to believe that this MAY MAY MAY have regards to copyrighting the name. Don't quote me or anything, but I have a feeling that's what this "dilemma" actually is.

    So hopefully, this has all been a big misunderstanding. :smirk:

  2. Let me be quite frank.

    I have not one, but TWO family members that suffer from mental disabilities.

    I saw Derpy, and I DID NOT feel offended. In fact, I loved her character. I thought not of offense, but rather of beloved, slow characters from cartoons like Ed from Ed, Edd, n Eddy. Or Patrick from Spongebob Squarepants.

    I just CANNOT see how people find Derpy offensive. What I find offensive, however, is how people can INTERPRET that she's offensive. It's uncalled for. And frankly, at this point, I'm somewhat ashamed to call myself a Brony right now.

    After all, we brought this on ourselves. Not only the SMALL minority that complained...but rather the people who made it APPARENT that there was some problem with it...

    ...However, I stick to this fandom. After all, I love this fandom too much to leave it behind.

    I can only hope...somehow...deep inside Hasbro...they're re-considering their decision...

    Hasbro....PLEASE don't do this...Derpy is THE BRONY EMBODIMENT.,..

    • Like 1
  3. ^I fully agree! Everyone is fine with a character like Ed or Patrick and don't cry out when they sound "slow" or are goofy, but then people cry out about autism and "offensive names and terms" when a background character is named "Derpy" and is given a...rather "slow-sounding" voice.

    Frankly, I like that Zecora image. Derpy can truly provide us with her own lesson. We're all clumsy at one point or another. We break things apart, are a bit slow to a point, and even make the moves that a rather wall-eyed pony would be suited to do instead. However, the tenacity (Gesundheit :blah: ) is what makes us know we'll eventually get it. Perhaps that's what to learn from Derpy.

    In fact, without the Bronies' tenacity of support, this character wouldn't have even APPEARED again! In fact, this SHOW wouldn't have gotten so big without our tenacity! We wouldn't have won all those polls, or gotten an all-pony marathon onto The Hub. We wouldn't have gotten so much recognition! It's about TENACITY. Derpy is the symbol of tenacity. The "go get it" attitude. Not only that, Derpy is US! She shows our tenacity, to never stop trying to get it done!

    Derpy IS the Bronies, and the whole awesome crew at Studio B knows it!

    Let's not see the possible BAD of this, but see how this pays tribute to us! Think of it, the guys working on the show we CONSTANTLY SUPPORT are paying homage to us! They're paying us back!

    As they say, don't bite the hand that feeds us...

    • Like 1
  4. ^AH! YES!

    However, I can see how calling Derpy can be viewed in a...worse light.

    I almost lost it when I read Derpy Hooves' Wiki page, and it said she "spoke like someone with Autism". I quickly deleted that, because frankly, WHY DO WE RELATE THESE THINGS?

    Perhaps that image above me could explain better, about the fact of how Derpy rather teaches us something. In fact, I love how Derpy is characterized because of the fact that it reminds me of a character I've seen before. His name was Ed, from 'Ed, Edd, n Eddy'. Voiced by our favorite Wonderbolt, Soarin'.

    He was a big lug, who always meant well but spoke slow and acted slow. He had moments, and always meant his best to his friends, even when accidentally doing wrong or wrecking things. Derpy seems to be designed in the same way, which I like.

    Of course, I may be thinking too deep. Just remember, the name is NOT about autism. That's a TERRIBLE way to look at it. It's just the name of a character in a cartoon. We LOVE these characters. Lets not flame the character or the creators for the name "Derpy", and enjoy how far we've come. From a small, unintentional animation error to our very own character, I believe this needs to be CELEBRATED, not hated!

  5. Why do I love My Little Pony?


    When I was a little, I loved a little show called "Ed, Edd, n Eddy" on Cartoon Network. It featured a unique brand of humor, with developed characters and a general attitude that displayed care-free and childlike vibes.

    Now, when I first watched FiM, I noticed something. The classic brand of humor, the general effort that seemed to be thrust so nicely into the show, the general attitude.

    The show just blends nicely together. The voices fit all the characters perfectly, the settings are extremely imaginative and fun, and the general attitude is just amazing.

    And frankly, the show has changed my attitude. I'm dead serious. Ever since I've watched all the episodes, I've looked at the world so much differently. It's really brought out the good in me...

    Frankly, I don't ever want to stop watching FiM. It just lightens my day and makes me smile whenever I watch it, no matter what episode I watch.

  6. Oh boy...

    Look, my view on this is similar to everyone else's. A fandom is NEVER crystal-clean. You will always find a dark corner. Hell, I'm one of the biggest guys in the Rio fandom, and I've seen X-rated art and fics based off of it. Heck, someone made, essentially, a Cupcakes-themed Rio fanfic. They even STATED it was because they read 'Cupcakes'.

    See, from that, I can only presume that we as a community are viewed for what we are. Communities will get viewed for one aspect. It ALWAYS happens. Bronies are CONSTANTLY trolled on an Ed, Edd, n Eddy forum I visit. It's not because the Bronies there are bad people, but because "Guys liking ponies" comes off as odd. And of course, it's not understandable because the word "cartoon" and "ponies" are mixed with "watches". Put those together, and the respect is dashed in place with suspicion and looking it up. That leads only to part of the fandom.

    Thankfully, media outlets have BARELY scratched our huge community, and have NOT found the darker side. First impressions always lead to Equestria Daily, or perhaps other places. We are a huge community, and with more good impressions, it shines. There will ALWAYS be people with different interests. If a guy has a fetish with ponies...in those situations, by Celestia he's that man. We just have to tolerate it. Toleration is a huge part of this fandom, and something we look for. Frankly, people just need to learn to tolerate the odd, and accept the slightly-adnormal but admirable, that being our good side of the fandom.

    In general, there's never one side to a story. There's always two. Two sides to a road. Frankly, people can judge. Opinions exist. However, we can't force people to tolerate. If they can accept the communities "other side of the coin" attribute as other fandoms have had, then I'm sure people can see us as normal. After all, with fans now telling the world about why we love this show, and the reasons why it's NOT fetish-fueled, and how it's a love for these ponies and the show and crew itself, then I'm sure people out there will read and understand. This world is crazy, I mean we prove it, but it's not crazy enough to not understand an opinion or million.

    All I know is, I love FiM, I love being a Brony, and I love you guys. If people can't see past the bad and look at the good in life, then we're not the bad people. It's them.

  7. But something that i find quite disturbing, more than taking down the episodes, is that they also start deleting the content created by fans like music remixes or fandom videos. I think THAT is going too far.

    Gotta agree with Blitz here. I recall a time or two where Hasbro claimed they supported the fan works, as they supported the show and helped spread it.

    I understand episodes being taken down, as it's fairly understandable, but fan works? That's honestly going too far, and frankly that'd be Hasbro stabbing us in the back.

  8. Well, I have quite a few favorites:

    Friendship is Magic Part 1 & 2: Just has a really nice feel of introductory, and is one of the few episodes that has a tailor-made "quest" plot besides Dragonshy. And, c'mon, the ending is ABSOLUTELY HEARTWARMING...

    Bridle Gossip: An all-around hilarious episode. The dialogue is well-written, the development comes clean and quick for the characters, and obviously the episode is full of fun jokes, from the ever-popular Evil Enchantress song to the famed Flutterguy, xD

    Feeling Pinkie Keen: I'll never understand why this episode was so hated by half the fandom. This is actually a very entertaining episode! Pinkie being the same pony we all love, Twilight stooping close-to-insanity to figure her out, and a script that just flows easily from scene to scene. It honestly comes off to me as the smoothest-transitioning episode of the series.

    Suited for Success: The first episode I ever saw of FiM. It's written wonderfully, has and EXCELLENT song, and frankly impressed me with how everything was so well-done voice acting and animating-wise. You ask me, if a first impression lasts, it HAS to be good!

    If I had to pick a favorite, however.....I'd probably go with Feeling Pinkie Keen. I just find that episode to have a much better re-watch value.

  9. Frankly, I have to agree with everyone looking down upon their maturity.

    If this site was truly run by respectable people and they respected Hasbro and LOVED FiM, they wouldn't be throwing a plank-damned tantrum.

    There's a point where you need to realize you're caught, say "You got me," and fold your hand and move on. However, it seems PonyArchive decided to just throw a tantrum like a 2-year old with his toy taken away.

    If these were grown men, they'd take this in stride. However, it appears they can't act maturely when it matters most. Judging by this message, I could decipher that they believe Hasbro double-crossed them (HOW? That's ILLEGAL ACTION), and that they seem to think piracy is a-OK....

    Well Pony Archive, I suggest you get your brains checked, because you obviously didn't have any when you wrote this childish message...

  10. I'm sorry, but that is ABSOLUTELY uncalled for.

    Hasbro has SUPPORTED us, has given SHOUT-OUTS to us, and given us respect to a degree higher than any television network has given to any fanbase I've ever seen, and Pony Archive basically just gives the middle finger to Hasbro because they shut down the site that had ILLEGAL downloads.

    I don't know who the guys are that run Pony Archive, and I don't know if they're reading this, but I have to say this:



    • Like 3
  11. I'd urge you to avoid deus ex machina endings if you can. This really has the potential to be a story about character development and important lessons learned--with those lessons being shown in the development of the plot, not explained! That's a tough thing to do, and half the trick is in the premise.

    Oh, believe me, I absolutely HATE deus ex machina endings! It makes a huge fool out of the audience, and insults their intelligence in that it makes the author out to thinking their readers are too stupid for a complex ending. I FULLY intend to make the ending conclusive and full of sense! :smug:

    I AM also a fan of character development and learned lessons through the subtly of the text. Explaining it like a neanderthal is NOT fun, whether for the writer or the reader, so frankly I intend to make the lessons learned and development subtle, but identifiable and even relate able. I've been writing for too long to stoop to a lower level, ya know?

    Thanks for all the support! Please continue doing so if you have any more feedback or ideas!

  12. Any mention of abandonment or misplaced loyalty would snap Rainbow Dash out of it fast. She is the Element of Loyalty after all. You could use this as a tool. Pinkie Pie can say something to the effect of "This place is much more fun than Ponyville, no more letters or work to do!" That would remind Rainbow Dash that she has responsibilities at Ponyville and to her other friends which she can't abandon. This would allow you to only use Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash if you wanted.

    Or you could even have one of the Zebras say sometime in the story "Princess, we thought you had abandoned our town, but we continued to stay loyal to your crown."

    I....really like that!

    After all, Rainbow Dash's character obviously shines on the loyalty aspect, and it would definitely provide an interesting sort of conflict for her once that idea of displaced loyalty comes in to play!

    Thanks for the ideas so far! Keep them coming!

  13. You could actually play off the three as "ok, we're stuck here, we have to work together!" Dash takes care of flying, Twilight does magic, and Pinky does... pinky stuff, to keep the Zebra convinced that Dash is celestia.

    Also if you want to take the death joke a step further, have everything go southward and Somone deduce "we may have died, but we didnt go to heaven, we went to hell!"

    If you want to be cheasy about it, you could always have the real celestia save the day, or just to really screw everyone, have LUNA decide to come visit the zebra!

    "Oh Princess Luna, your sister is here as well!"

    all the meantime the trio then has to lay low and avoid luna untill they can work out a plan to escape...


    Those would be hilarious! Would definitely try to work those in!

    Personally, tongue-in-cheek humor is something I love, so those would mix fine into my style!

    Thanks for the new ideas! Definitely helps in the thought process.

    I have thought up different ways to end it, but all of them kinda cop out a bit...I'd share the ideas, but I'm tired as anything and I'll just wait for better ideas to help flesh one out a bit.

    Like I said, more feedback and ideas are absolutely accepted!

  14. Thanks for responding!


    While I do believe that'd be good to have a sort of "straight man" character to end up leading the story to them leaving, the idea WAS for them to get homesick, and quickly realize their act can't stick much longer. After all, it wouldn't be too long before the zebra realize Celestia is an allicorn...and Rainbow Dash is noticeably missing a horn...Frankly, having Twilight to make it even in the department of character conflict would work, but I'm not sure whether doing that would be for better or for worse...Still, I'll consider that! Heck, I just realized that with Twilight, it'd shape the main cast to be:

    Rainbow Dash - Pegasus

    Pinkie Pie - Earth pony

    Twilight Sparkle - Unicorn

    Which would indeed make a good bit of sense to represent each group of pony. Just for the fun, xD

    Also, that little bit of symbolism WAS intentional, actually. In fact, my idea was to have Rainbow Dash and Pinkie deduce this that they may have died, but this could be quickly dashed (No pun intended :lol: ) by some way or another. But yes, this bit of symbolism was intentional, as I've seen many types of films that use that technique of symbolism, and I find it a fun little bit...


    That point of Dash and Pinkie realizing the conning situation is actually a good callback to what "Road to El Dorado" slightly touched on. Besides, that IS a viable point about the plot. Essentially, Rainbow Dash is conning people, while Pinkie is basically just playing it like a game and having fun along the way, making Pinkie Pie the "innocent" pony, if you want to put it that way. This could actually use Twilight Sparkle in that case...I suppose I AM going to need a third pony in there... :-|

    I'm glad you like the sound of it! I always consult with my future readers on my ideas, so they know what to expect and even to help in shaping the story. After all, like I said when I started here, I write my fanfiction to please. No point in writing without pleasing your critics! :smirk:

    Keep the feedback coming! Positive or negative, doesn't matter. I take every opinion with the same, important worth...

  15. It's pretty cool, but I hope they don't take it too far. It's like making Big Machintosh say nothing except 'Eeyup'. Kind of takes the joke too far, no?

    I would agree there. However, schtick is hard to break once the fandom catches on...

    Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if this Derpy Hooves thing is taken too far...

  16. I currently have seen every Season 1 episode one or two times (Except "Over a Barrel", which I've heard isn't the best episode anyways).

    I will usually watch a new episode the morning it comes on The Hub, and then watch it on the repeat on Sunday morning.

    I've only re-watched a few Season 2 episodes, as I'm awaiting for the season to end. It seems that with a inactive show, the re-watching is much more fun, xD

    I re-watch Season 1 episodes practically every night on Youtube, as being a fan-fic writer for FiM requires to have all the personalities down, and...well, you can't write a My Little Pony story without being in the fun-loving, sugar-filled, heart-warming mood! :)

  17. As usual, a billion different story ideas have been crossing my mind. All of the sudden, I came up with this one after watching "The Road to El Dorado". It may seem like a take-off, but I pride myself on staying as original as possible in parody fics, or "characters in movie plot" fics.

    Basically, the idea of the fic revolves around Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. The fic takes place not a terrible amount of time after all the events of FiM, where Pinkie and Dash are now grown mares. The two constantly get into trouble with their pranking, but still maintain a fair reputation around Ponyville. However, on a particular day Pinkie Pie realizes how little adventure she's seen in the last years at Ponyville, to which Rainbow Dash agrees with as well. This being the case, Rainbow Dash suggests they go off to find an adventure of their own elsewhere.

    It's not long before the two run into a snag in their plan, as they are stopped by an odd group of Pegasi outside of Manehattan, who attempt to take advantage of Pinkie's good nature and, while looking to mug them of bits, realize they have barely any money on them. In frustration, the group of Pegasi that kidnapped the two drop them into a nearby ocean, which leads them to a new land that they believe could be the adventure they're looking for...at least Pinkie Pie, as Rainbow Dash continues to try and navigate themselves back to Ponyville...with obviously little success throughout the story.

    As the two journey through the strange place they've ended up in, they run into a group of zebra, who quickly ask them to follow them. Soon after, Pinkie and Dash arrives with the zebras in a land of pure wonder. A world constructed of everypony's wildest dreams and luxury. A dream world, if you would. Thanks to a mis-understanding, however, Rainbow Dash is mistaken for Princess Celestia, which causes the inhabitants to worship Dash. Of course, RD embraces this without hesitation, and forgets all about going back to Ponyville.

    However, because of this mistake, Rainbow Dash must keep up the act of being Celestia. Of course, she manages to do a horrible impression of the Princess, but the zebra fail to notice thanks to the fanfare of it all, and because of their isolation from the princess. Meanwhile, Pinkie lives it up in this place, doing what she calls "Princess' Assistant' work, which includes gorging and playing around and having fun in the ways only Pinkie Pie can do.

    Not the entire idea has generated for me, but that's about what I have. I know, the outline sounds quite a bit like the inspiration, but like I said, once you know the material you're inspired by, you know what to do differently.

    So...any consultation? Ideas? Help? I'll gladly accept any ideas!

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